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Eidim Zomemim in a case of seeing a new moon

According to Rabbi Akiva Eiger, (Shu"t RA"E Mahadura Kama 176, cited here) they are not punished by the hand of man: וגם משום מלקות, נראה דלא לקו, דלא שייך בזה 'לא תענה ברעך' דהא לא העידו ...
Loewian's user avatar
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Can you lie to a terminally ill child?

The Shulchan Arukh (YD 337) writes: חולה שמת לו מת -- אין מודיעין אותו, שמא תטרף דעתו עליו. ואין קורעין חלוקו, ואין בוכין, ואין מספידין בפניו שלא ישבר לבו. ומשתיקין את המנחמין מפניו.‏ A sick ...
Double AA's user avatar
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9 votes

What is the halacha about lying to a Non-Jew?

No. Deceiving anyone including a non-Jew is strictly forbidden. Even if the non-Jew suffers no loss.And even if the deception is not explicit lying. The Gemora (Chullin 94A)says: “Shmuel says, it is ...
Schmerel's user avatar
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6 votes

Is cheating in a test an Averah?

R. Moshe Feinstein has a responsum about cheating. He was asked by someone who had heard that in yeshivot they allow the students to steal the answers for the Regents. R. Moshe answered that it is ...
Alex's user avatar
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6 votes

YouTube Videos with False Titles

First, please read my answer on "are internet clickbait links permissible. Your case is much worse because of two factors: The author surely knows it is a lie and has an evil intention to fool ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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6 votes

Why wasn't Avraham lying when he said "Eloh-im yireh lo haseh li-ola, bni"?

Read it "Elokim yireh lo haseh l'olah = bni". He was hinting that the lamb was his son. And according to Rashi, Yitzchak got the hint, "vayelchu shneihem yachdav" - he accepted it willingly. I quote ...
LN6595's user avatar
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5 votes

Is there a source for the claim that a dishonest person cannot do teshuvah?

Anyone can do Teshuva but a dishonest person can’t always pay back and make amends. The Gemora (Bova Basra 88B) says קשה עונשן של מדות יותר מעונשן של עריות The punishment for using false measures is ...
Schmerel's user avatar
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4 votes

Scam baiting in Halacha

It's permitted for tzaddikim to out-swindle swindlers. שרי להו לצדיקייא לסגואי ברמאותא עם רמאי Sefer haMidot - Emet #4
Nissim Nanach's user avatar
4 votes

Is taarof allowed?

Welcome to complex Middle Eastern cultures! Shulchan Aruch says almost this verbatim if you're asked to be chazan -- you're supposed to decline the first two times, then only take them up on the third ...
Shalom's user avatar
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3 votes

May a Jew be an impostor on "To Tell the Truth"?

The Sources say that you may lie to -save a life [Yoma 84b], -keep the peace [Yevamot 65b; also Bava Metzia 87a], -make people feel good [Ketubot 16b-17a], -appear humble and modest [Bava ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
3 votes

Which religious texts cause some Jews to focus and worship the material gains in this life (creation) rather than to Hashem (the creator)?

Are there other religious texts in Judaism that conflict with the Torah and emphasize striving for worldly gains as priority? I've never seen any and highly doubt there are. Rather, the explanation ...
msh210's user avatar
  • 74k
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Is lying about the blessings of Hashem considered a sin?

A Jew should tell the truth, as the Torah writes (Shemot 23:7): "stay away from falsehood". There is a small list of situations where one might "dance around the truth" to e.g., promote peace, ...
mbloch's user avatar
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Is there anything wrong with correcting your Rabbi in front of other people?

One should correct him in an indirect way, reminding him of his earlier correct teaching or asking a question that leads in the right direction. This is based on the Shulchan Aruch in YD 242:22 (my ...
mbloch's user avatar
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Are "clickbait" links permissible?

[As usual] I'd like to point out, that the problem with גניבת דעת or הונאה is two-fold: [A sort of] "damaging" your fellow Jew, which stems from "לא תגנובו" and similar to it (ריטב"א חולין צד, א) ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Having fun with telemarketers

See Shulchan Aruch CM 227:26 which says that there is no prohibition of Onaas Mamon (money) when done to a goy. This is because of the passuk לא תונו איש את אחיו - A goy is not Achiv. Concerning ...
RibbisRabbiAndMore's user avatar
2 votes

Why don't we say the first verse of Psalm 6 in Tachanun?

לַמְנַצֵּ֣חַ בִּ֭נְגִינוֹת עַֽל־הַשְּׁמִינִ֗ית מִזְמ֥וֹר לְדָוִֽד׃ To the chief Musician on strings upon the Sheminit, A Psalm of David. We don’t translate “sheminit.” It may be connected to shmini, ...
Shimshon's user avatar
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Are there discussions of the difference in what Lavan says and what Hashem actually did?

Regarding your first point: In addition to the general understanding that Hashem appearing to someone is generally in a dream (as sourced by @Mevaqesh above), a number of Mefarshim to 31:29 (including ...
רבות מחשבות's user avatar
2 votes

Eidim Zomemim in a case of seeing a new moon

Let me explain the logic of the accepted answer (unfortunately, it's just "it would appear that"): As you mentioned, unlike other cases where the witnesses actually determine the situation (like ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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2 votes

Lying on Websites

I think this article will give insight into possible answers to you questions. Generally, one should avoid lying as the Torah instructs (Shemos 23:7), מִדְּבַר שֶׁקֶר תִּרְחָק. Yet, there are ...
Benyomin Walters's user avatar
2 votes

Why do we kill a navi sheker?

See Sefer Hachinuch 517: כי האיש הזה באמרו שהוא נביא ונצטוה בזה, ונראה דבריו מתקימין כדברי נביאי האמת, נחזיק אותו כאיש אלקים, קדוש, שליח האל, ונאמין אליו ונקח ראיה בכל הנהגותינו ממעשיו, ואולי אחר ...
kouty's user avatar
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May we always deceive deceivers?

As a start of an answer, it is worth noting what Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky writes in Emes L'Yaakov Bereishis 27:12 in his analysis on Yaakov tricking Esav to receive the brachos, and he brings this pasuk ...
Dov's user avatar
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1 vote

Are you allowed to lie in order to prevent embarrassing yourself

See the gemara in Bava Metzia 23b which talks about certain things that Talmidei Chachamim are משנו במלייהו. One of the things in the gemara is פוריא, which Rashi there explains, that if they were ...
Shmuel Koppel's user avatar
1 vote

Are you allowed to lie in order to prevent embarrassing yourself

Bereshit Rabba 100:9 in parsha Vayechi says: "The brothers said to Bilha, whom Yosaif considered like his mother since she had raised him, "Go to Yosaif and tell him, "Your father ...
MosheSF's user avatar
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Why deception seems intrinsic to Terah's descendants?

Netziv has an essay, Shear Israel (Remnant of Israel) translated by Howard Joseph as a separate book "Why Antisemitism?". It was written as an introduction to Netziv's commentary on Shir ...
Y DJ's user avatar
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Why deception seems intrinsic to Terah's descendants?

None of the other people you mentioned here are ever discussed in depth or at length, only in their relation to the Forefathers. We really find no detail about them at all, never mind deception. And ...
N.T.'s user avatar
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Is lying about the blessings of Hashem considered a sin?

There is no doubt that being observant benefits one's life tremendously. For example, if one properly observes Shabbos (Shabbat), one is free of stress. All enterprising activity is considered ...
user17093's user avatar
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Is it permitted to use a pseudonym

We need to distinguish between lying and changing things (seems like a tautology, but it isn't). Lying, which is denying or negating the truth is bad, agreed (see Gemmorah Shvuos 31, Chinuch 74, Sma"...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Is it permitted to use a pseudonym

While this may be considered anecdotal evidence, there were quite a few famous works that were originally published anonymously (although it often eventually became known, and sometimes became the new ...
Salmononius2's user avatar
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שקר and שוא The difference between

According to the Etymological Dictionary of Biblical Hebrew based on the commentaries of Samson Raphael Hirsch by Mattityahu Clark, the root שוא means to lack value and content (e.g. vanity; taking G-...
Joshua Pearl's user avatar
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שקר and שוא The difference between

Short answer שֶׁקֶר and שָׁוְא are partially synonymous. שֶׁקֶר is a lie. שָׁוְא carries multiple related meanings - lie, false, null, nothing, for nothing, vain etc. עֵד שָׁקֶר - Loosely "Liar ...
Adam Matan's user avatar

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