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2 votes
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Change of Eida’s accent of Hebrew

Let’s say a certain Eida has a mesorah on Hebrew pronunciation, and their children learned Israeli Hebrew and within one generation have completely forgotten their parents’ traditional pronunciation. ...
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0 answers

Halachic inheritance

Is it possible that one holds differently then his community (i.e. Ashkenazim, Sfardim)? For example, Chuppah (Canopy).the shulchun Aruch says Chuppah is Yichud fit for cohabiting (rauy Libiah).and ...
4 votes
1 answer

How do contradictions within Halacha impact the credibility of Judaism?

Given the vast array of interpretations and customs in following Halacha, how does Judaism maintain its credibility and authority when one practice can be considered correct by one group but incorrect ...
3 votes
0 answers

Can one change his minhag to another (equally stringent) minhag?

This has probably been asked before, but I couldn't find the question: Can one change his minhag to another, equally stringent, minhag (without doing hataras nedarim)? So for example: if one ties his ...
2 votes
1 answer

Na Nach Nachma Nachman Meuman

What is the background of the "Na Nach" movement within the greater Breslav chasidus? Are they accepted within mainstream Breslav? Is their belief system (something to do with finding a note ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Would a conversion witnessed by three Jewish sheidim be approved? [closed]

Would the conversion of a person, (knowledgeable in Halacha, meeting all the criteria for conversion), be halachically approved and functional, if the Beit Din is formed of three observant Jewish ...
4 votes
1 answer

What is the significance of a yahrtzeit meal?

Some people are particular in having a yahrtzeit meal on the anniversary of someone's passing. Does this custom have any documented source, significance, or reason?
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2 answers

Why is gefiltefish eaten at passover?

This is something I've been wondering for a while, so hopefully I can get a good answer. Why do we eat gefiltefish during passover, and where did this tradition come from? Is there a story, similar ...
4 votes
0 answers

Does Jewish law have a separate status for someone whose father is a Jew rather than simply grouping them with non-Jews? [duplicate]

Traditional standards on Judaism are clear about the topic. One is only legally Jewish if they have a matrilineal connection to the community. That being said, I've heard a few people throw around ...
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2 answers

Community without tzitzith

Are/were there any halachic Jewish communities that do/did not have a daily custom of wearing a garment obligated in tzitzith (e.g. tallith katan/tallith gadol)?
3 votes
0 answers

Must one follow Minhagim he reads in books?

If an Ashkenazi reads of a minhag, for example in Mishna Brura which it says Ashkenazim follow (the Rema), must he follow it? Or is it only what a father teaches his children?
3 votes
0 answers

At what point does a Jew going against tradition establish a legitimate extension to that tradition?

This question is in reference to tzitzit knots but it can really apply to any Jewish tradition which comes in "flavors" so to speak. Tzitzit are an interesting article because they tend to come in a ...
6 votes
1 answer

Is there anything wrong with messing with the rules of Dreidel?

In this article on Slate, Ben Blatt calls the classic rules of Dreidel "slow and unfair," citing simulation-based statistical analysis, and proposes his own modified rules to speed up the game. Given ...
2 votes
0 answers

Why were different pronunciations allowed in the first place? [duplicate]

The following question might be a duplicate of How could different pronunciations arise when we are obligated to pronounce the Shema precisely? Why did our Rabbonim however many hundreds of years ...
1 vote
0 answers

Is there a historical, cultural, traditional, or scriptural explanation for the prevalence of Jews in the comedy business? [duplicate]

If you took the general demographic data for the U.S. and compared it to the demographics of professional comics and comedians in the U.S., I think you'd find that Jews are disproportionately ...
4 votes
2 answers

Which Knot to Use on Tefillin Shel Rosh

When I was a child, I saw that all people had the same knot on their Tefillin Shel Rosh - a Double Daled (Ashkenazi community). Recently I saw a comment that even those who grew up with a Double ...
9 votes
1 answer

Is one allowed to become a Talmid HaRambam?

There is a movement of people (including several MiYodeya users I've seen) who believe in following the teachings of the Rambam exclusively, basing their practical halachot off the Mishneh Torah, ...
7 votes
2 answers

Adopting minhagim not from your mesorah

Is it appropriate to adopt minhagim that have historically not been observed by your community? Examples Ashkenazim pointing to the sefer Torah, usually with the pinky, during hagbah (after Krias ...
5 votes
0 answers

Siddur for Skolyer Chasidim

Is there a specific siddur for the minhag of the Skolyer Chasidim (Chasidim of Ukrainian town of Skole)?
6 votes
1 answer

Customs of the parents when the parents don't have past customs

I am of mixed Sephardic and Ashkenazic parentage. I view this as allowing me to behave Sephardically when it suits me (for instance, eating kitniyot for Pessach) or Ashkenacikally when it suits me (...
3 votes
2 answers

Yom Tov Sheni - Seeking All Relevant Sources

There is an article on Wikipedia about Passover that gives a very non-traditional (if not anti-traditional) explanation - rather, a series of explanations - for the origin of Y"T Sheni Shel ...