Chef, bibliophile, pedant, buffoon, simp, and Renaissance Man. Hear me roar. Or don't.
I am an atheist who is studying Early Christology, Patristic theology, historical and textual criticism of the bible, Biblical hermeneutics, the history of the early church, and the history of the bible, auditing courses at Princeton Theological Seminary. I previously audited courses at Union Theological Seminary.
It is impossible to understand Jesus and the apostles who followed him during his lifetime without reference to their intense Jewishness.
I have no agenda here aside from the quest for knowledge.
My father's family on his mother's side were Jews from Russian Poland and the Netherlands. I was raised Christian (nobody's perfect:) ) but I became an atheist at the age of 14 or so.
Famous QuestionDec 30, 2020
ConventionAug 24, 2015
Notable Question
× 4Oct 1 -
× 4Mar 5, 2019
TumbleweedAug 26, 2015
InvestorAug 19, 2015
BenefactorAug 27, 2015