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Questions tagged [jewish-books]

71 questions from the last 365 days
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Is it Mishna Vrura?

According to the rules of dikduk, is the correct pronunciation of משנה ברורה "Mishna V'rura", without the dagesh in the beis? If so, I'm curious as to why most people pronounce it with a ...
EliezerA's user avatar
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Lesser known Sefardi commentaries on the Parasha (online)

Very simple question. I am always looking to add to my list of Sefardi (incl. Edot Mizrach, Italian etc.) commentaries that I can draw Divrei Torah from. I have been relying mainly on the Chida, ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Midbar Kodesh, reason for title

The sefer Midbar Kodesh contains the teachings of Rav Shalom Rokeach, the first rebbe of Belz. The title Midbar Kodesh appears to be an intentional mispronunciation of "Midbar Kadesh." Why ...
YSR's user avatar
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Rav Hirsch on the Torah in German [duplicate]

Where can I get Rav Hirsch's commentary on the Torah in German in the USA?
Yoreinu's user avatar
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What is Mekor Mayim Chayim on Baal Shem Tov?

i.e. מקור מים חיים על בעל שם טוב, such as here on Sefaria - no useful info in the description, or online as far as I can tell. Does anyone have access to a physical copy of a Baal Shem Tov with Mekor ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Author of 'alphabeta'

Anyone familiar with rabbi and or scholar that had a work called "alphabeta" or "alefbeta" (not rabbi Fohrman) who may have passed away within the last ten or twenty years, or less?...
user3147682's user avatar
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S'forim on Gemara written by a S'fardi in the past 100-200 yrs

Does anyone know of any peirushim on shas, and specifically I need a perush on masechet Gittin to be part of it, written by a S'fardi rav who had lived in the past 100-200 years? I heard that R' ben-...
Shlomo Gohari's user avatar
5 votes
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Biographies of the Matriarchs

I am looking for a biography of Sarah Immenu, Rivka Immenu, Rachel Immenu and Leah Immenu. I want to give a Drasha dedicated to Sarah next week, an obituary, if you will, and then I might do the same ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Alternative storage for sifrei kodesh

What do the sources say about storing sefarim, such as Chumash, Tanach, and a few Halacha books, in non-ideal locations such as in an open box beneath his or her bed or in a box in a room connected to ...
Sho's user avatar
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Rabbi Hirsch's original sefer

Can anyone direct me to or know where I can order or buy (in the US) the original German version of Rav Hirsch's commentary on the Torah?
Shababnik's user avatar
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Jewish Kids Books That Don't Treat Midrash as Mikra? [duplicate]

My wife and I are struggling to find Jewish books for our kids that don't distinguish between mikra and midrash. I open up a Jewish book for kids and every biblical story has more midrash than mikra ...
Aaron's user avatar
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Are there any good Jewish books which speak on trauma and emotional pain and then tie in lessons taken from Jewish sources?

Trauma and emotional pain are both common themes of both the Jewish and human experience. I was curious if there were any good books which dive in deep on this topic and cite references from the ...
Michael's user avatar
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Does Chabad have a specific response to Breslov about studying Philosophy books?

Chayei Moharan 407-408 brings that Rebbe Nacham forbade studying philosophy works, such as Moreh Nevuchim, Chovot Levavot Gate of Unity, Sefer HaIkkarim, and even sections of Mishneh Torah such as ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Rabbi Moshe Meiselman on "Me'or Einayim"

A user on this site wrote about Azariah de Rossi "Rav Meiselman writes that he wrote historical works that achronim found useful and quote but he was misguided in his approach to Chazal." ...
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Recommended books on Dybbuks and Shedim?

What books are suggested for studying the Jewish perspective on dybbuks and shedim? I am looking for books by Jewish Kabbalists/sages outside the Talmud/Zohar. Maybe their individual works.
Danny's user avatar
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Rabbeinu Yonah's Shaarei HaAvodah online

The Rabbeinu Yonah, famously known for his work on Teshuvah, Shaarei Teshuvah, also wrote a sefer called שַׁעֲרֵי הָעֲבוֹדָה (Shaarei HaAvodah). Does anyone know where to find this sefer online (free ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Where to give away Judaic books, etc

Are there websites or organizations that find new homes for Judaic books, both Hebrew and English, and other Judaica such as tefillin?
Yehuda W's user avatar
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Book Request: Machshava by Topics

I am looking for a book that provides an anthology of sources on topics of machshava. Organised and that can be used as a reference book for learning a topic.
Nochie Wolf's user avatar
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Chofetz Chayyim’s son-in-law

The book Ha-Tzaddik Rabbi Shimon (p 27) contains the following story, attributed to ‘the notes of the Chofetz Chayyim’s son-in-law’. Are these notes published or available, or is the excerpt in this ...
Zarka's user avatar
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Sources for Raba bar bar Hana legends explanations

Are there any sources and books that explains Raba bar bar Hana legends in Kabbalistic and Pshat perspective?
Avi's user avatar
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Name of Sefer On Torah Temima

I was told about a sefer that was written about the Torah Temima I believe it was written by a Rabbi in Los Angeles during the lifetime of the author of the Torah Temima. The, I believe, shows how ...
Yoreinu's user avatar
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Rav Yosef Engel’s 20 books on Kabbalah?

Rav Yosef Engel (Polish rabbi and halakhist, 1859–1920) is reputed to have written over 20 works on Kabbalah. What were these 20 works, which are still available, and what is the uniqueness of each?
user32424's user avatar
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Which books can one read as a Noahide?

What Sefarim is a Noahide allowed to read/learn? Does that change depending on whether or not he plans to do a formal conversion?
Nesiat Waqt's user avatar
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Torah fiction - dos and don'ts?

Is there a list of guidelines or rules about what is ok and what is not ok for an author to write fiction on, regarding Torah? E.g. assuming the author will be as faithful to the sources as possible: ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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What books could be found in Rabbi Judah's library?

How did Rabbi Judah the Prince's bookcase look like? As the most distinguished and rich Pharisee of his time, what books besides the Tanach, did he have in his library around 200 CE? EDIT: As Rambam ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Chassidic Keter Shem Tov - clarification of origins

The Chassidic sefer Keter Shem Tov is a sefer of the teachings of the Baal Shem Tov. Does anyone have solid sources to answer any of these general questions about the background of the sefer? Who ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Sponsoring a Sefer - R' Yitzchak Meir Morgenstern Shlit"a

BS"D Does anyone know someone who either has connections with publishers or wants to support publishing a sefer? I also want to help print a sefer, preferably in the realm of chassidus or ...
anonymous's user avatar
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Sefer Yosef Hatzaddik

Was reading a book called Yosef Hatzaddik that spoke about kedusha issues like shomer Brit and whatnot. I believe the author was a Rabbi Yaakov Mizrachi. Is anyone able to find this book online?
Curious Yid's user avatar
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How does one unify Him as a constant mitzvah?

This is taken from another question: In the introduction to Sefer HaChinuch, the author delineates what he feels are six constant mitzvos from the 613. מששה מצות מהן שחיובן תמידי לא יפסק מעל האדם ...
Max's user avatar
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Introduction to the Shelah

Can someone recommend a sefer or article that discuss the creation of the work "Shenei Luchos HaBris" by Rabbi Yeshayahu Horowitz? The only thing I found, was written by the Chida, in his ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Is Taking Books from a Synagogue Theft? [closed]

If someone works in a Talmud Torah in a shul, would a person be able to take and make use of any of the sefarim (books) or would that be considered stealing? Imagine if the scenario is without prior ...
ESC's user avatar
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Nechama Leibowitz Books online

I have two related questions: Can I find Nechama Leibowitz books online anywhere for free? I often see her books titled either with or without the word new. For example "Studies in Vayikra" ...
chessprogrammer's user avatar
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Is there anywhere I can pay for Matok Midvash online?

I haven't found Zohar Matok Midvash anywhere online for free. Is there somewhere I can pay for digital access?
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What was the purpose of the gathering mentioned in "Mekitz Nirdamim"

I came across a Sefer Called Meikitz Nirdamim- מקיץ נרדמים. I believe it was written to put forth information about a failed gathering of Rabbis in Krakow. what was the goal of this gathering from a ...
Yoreinu's user avatar
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Are Dr. Barilan's bioethical writings consistent with Orthodox Jewish law? [closed]

Background In general, it's better not to read Torah books by non-frum authors. (Source.) Occasionally, you might stumble across an author you've never heard of. Maybe they're frum; but you don't ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
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Is it okay to read Torah books by non-frum authors?

Background You're browsing your local library's Judaism section. There are various books on matters related to Judaism, Jewish law, and the Torah. Some of these books are written by Jewish authors ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
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Introductory sefer on Gematria?

I am interested in learning more about gematrias. Namely, I am looking for an English-language sefer that discusses some of the more famous gematrias and the lessons that we can learn from them. ...
Jesse Sachs's user avatar
5 votes
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What are some good modern-era books on Hilchos Shabbos in Hebrew?

Looking for something late 20th Century or later: Shmiras Shabbos Kehilchasa Kitzur Hilchos Shabbos Others? (What did R' Shimon Eider write?) How do the above compare? Others you'd suggest? This is ...
Shalom's user avatar
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What is the sefer hasichos ? How is it different from likkutei sichos? [duplicate]

What is sefer hasichos? I know what toras menachem is, what likkutei sichos is, but what's sefer hasichos? How is it different from likkutei sichos?
anonymous's user avatar
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Seeking recommendations for a set of טור ושולחן ערוך

I am seeking recommendations for a set of טור ושולחן ערוך. (A set “in progress” is worthwhile for consideration too — I mostly learn אורח חיים and יורה דעה so I’m not really needing a full set anyway ...
JE1975's user avatar
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Feet on table connected to another table with Torah books

I understand that it is forbidden to put one's feet on a table that has Torah books. What if the Torah books are on one table, which is connected to the table one wishes to put one's feet up on? ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Feet/sitting on table with Torah books - size and shape of table

I understand that it is forbidden to put one's feet on a table that has Torah books. Does the size and shape of the table make any difference? For example, regarding shape: a curved desk, that is ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Searching for the commentary of Rabbi Menahem ben Simeon of Posqui​è​res to Jeremiah and Ezekiel

Over Pesach I was taking a deeper dive into the Haggadah and saw an unusual reference in the Koren Tanach from Rabbi Adin Even Yisroel Steinsaltz to the commentary from Rabbi Menachem ben Shimon (...
Yaacov Deane's user avatar
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What are volumes 3 and 4 of _Shemirath Shabbath_ about?

Shemirath Shabbath is the English translation of a work by Rabbi Yehoshua Neuwirth. The books explain how to keep Shabbat. They also explain the halacha regarding modern conveniences such as fridges ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
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Story about the Ben Ish Chai selling his precious sefer Torah in order to publish his seforim

Rav Daniel Glatstein in his Maggid HaRakiah (Inyanei Purim) quotes a story about the Ben Ish Chai desperately wanting to sell his seforim but had no money to publish them. The story goes that he had ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Reference book needed

Any suggestions for a reference book that is a "Who's Who" of persons named in the Tanach? Persons do appear in multiple places (such as in Shmuel and Divrei Hayamim, or in the lives of ...
steve nachman's user avatar
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Deep dive into learning about Matriarchs?

I would like to learn more about the Imahot. I am happy to hear about books written focussing on this topic, gathering sources and summarising them into some easy reading, as well as hear any list of ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Book/Sefarim recommendations that explore the deeper meaning of Eretz Yisrael?

Does anyone have any Book/Sefarim recommendations that explore the deeper meaning of Eretz Yisrael as a whole and/or specific places in Israel? The books can be in Hebrew or English.
garyseven's user avatar
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Anyone heard of the sefer Peri Netzach?

I saw this floating around recently regarding the earthquake, solar eclipse and the tensions between Israel and Iran, however, I've never heard of the sefer Peri Netzach, and nothing comes up about it ...
menachem's user avatar
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What has the Haredi reception of Gershom Sholem been like?

I once heard that Gershom Scholem's purported rescuing of the Zohar & other works of kabbalah from near extinction was seen as an institutionalized act of thievery by some frum who believed ...
shafranksy's user avatar