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Why don't we say Likboa Mezuzos?

When putting up a mezuzah, we say the blessing Baruch....Asher Kideshanu...Likboa Mezuzah. This blessing is said whether putting up one mezuzah or putting up multiple. Why don't we say likboa Mezuzos ...
Moishe's user avatar
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Why don’t we say ״המלביש ערומים״ in the morning blessings?

It says (Yerushalmi Berachos 6:1) that the reason we don’t say ״motzi lechem min ha’aretz”(which would have been more preferable) but “hamotzi”, is in order to separate between the מ״ם of “ha’olam” ...
שלום's user avatar
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Addressing other people inside a bracha

A bracha always starts and/or ends with ברוך אתה ה'. However, in a few selected brachos, we also talk to other people in the second person in the middle of the bracha. Examples: The bracha in a ...
Heshy's user avatar
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Gendered text for Gomel

related to Bentching Ha-Gommel after a Birth Do women bentch gomel less often? According to some opinions, a woman can say the thanksgiving blessing ("bentch gomel") The text that one says ...
rosends's user avatar
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"Good trees" grammar in the blessing on trees

I see* various versions of the blessing on seeing trees: most seem to refer to good trees as "אילנות טובות", while some refer to them as "אילנות טובים". (Grammatically, as far as I know, "טובים" is ...
msh210's user avatar
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What or is there a difference in Adonai and Adonoy?

I have just started learning Hebrew and I found a transliteration for the after meal blessing which includes Adonai and Adonoy; what is the difference between the two? “Baruch ha-gever asher yivtach ...
Mercer's user avatar
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Why is א-להי נשמה not א-להי הנשמה?

In the morning blessing of א-להי נשמה the first few words read א-להי ,נשמה שנתת בי. To me this literally translates as 'My G-d, soul that you put in me...' It sounds strange. Why not say, א-להי ,...
Ben's user avatar
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ברכות switch between 2nd and 3rd person

Why in a ברכה for a commandment (for example, hand washing, Tefillin etc.) do we switch between 'You' ברוך אתה and 'His' במצותיו ? Why don't we say במצותיך ?
Ben's user avatar
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Dagesh at end of בראת

I noticed that in borei nefashot in the Artscroll Siddur and in the Koren Siddur the tav in word בראת has no dagesh. I was under the impression that the tav suffix for second person masculine past ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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Torah Blessing - הַמְבֹרָךְ or הַמְּבֹרָךְ

In the blessing before the torah reading, some siddurim have הַמְּבֹרָךְ (with a dagesh in the mem) and others have הַמְבֹרָךְ. Wouldn't the hay hayedia require a dagesh in the mem thus making the ...
Ben's user avatar
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Why is the second kaf hard in שעשה לי כל צרכי?

In the daily berakhah for having shoes, שעשה לי כל צרכי, why is the letter kaf pointed with a dagesh kal? I.e., why is the word pronounced tzorki rather than tzorkhi? My sense is that similar forms of ...
paquda's user avatar
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Correct voweling of Birkat Hamazon

Most of my Hebrew knowledge comes from Biblical Hebrew, and when i read most Ashkenazi siddurim i'm usually on board with how they decide to vowelize things. However, being Sephardic, and wanting an ...
Aaron's user avatar
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Why don't we use plural "TOVOT" in New Years greeting for ketivah ve-hatimah TOVOT?

Why don't we use plural "TOVOT" in New Years greeting for ketivah ve-hatimah (writing and sealing) tovot?
Chainsaw Al's user avatar
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Borei P'ri or Borei F'ri hagefen?

Have heard a few older mizrahi recordings for qiddush and am noticing that some of them use borei f'ri hagefen. When i looked up Qiddush in my Egyptian siddur (Farhi Siddur) i noticed the Pei had no ...
Aaron's user avatar
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Grammar of Birchot HaShachar

I have at times noticed that there are disagreements in the grammar of certain brachot in Birchot haShachar. For example, the first brachah is "אשר נתן", one of the later ones is either (depending on ...
Noach MiFrankfurt's user avatar
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Why Mishna Berurah chooses chesronaM with a M in borei nefashos?

Mishna Berurah 202:3 quotes the nusach of borei nefashos as "Boreh Nefashos Rabos VeChesronaM" with a M in opposition to the common version vechesronaN with a N. As "vechesronan" is referring to "...
Frank's user avatar
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What is the difference between (for example) "notein" and "hanotein"?

I was looking through the brachot this morning. Many are structured as identifying hashem as "one who __" such as "matir assurim" or "oteir yisro'el btif'arah." But the final three add in the letter ...
rosends's user avatar
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Is the bracha pronounced "ha-MO-tzee" or "ha-mo-TZEE"?

The blessing we say on bread, "hamotzee lechem min ha'aretz" -- on what syllable is the stress in the word "hamotzee"? Is the bracha pronounced "ha-MO-tzee" or "ha-mo-TZEE"? In Psalms 104:14 we find ...
Shalom's user avatar
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גמר חתימה טובה gender

During the nine and a half days ending with Yom Kipur, we wish each other "גמר חתימה טובה" (an end to the good signing). This seems very strange. Shouldn't it be "גמר חתימה טוב" (a good end to the ...
msh210's user avatar
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Proper recitation of Hamakom Yenachem

Is the proper phrase to console a mourner always the plural המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים or should it be changed depending on whom it is said to (singluar, feminine, etc.)?
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Final Nun vs. Final Mem in "Madlikin"

In the Hanerot Halalu that we recite when lighting the Hanukkah candles, it says "anachnu madlikin." Why madlikin and not madlikim? Why is a final nun used and not a final mem? I have searched ...
Cantor Kim's user avatar
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Is our practice often at variance with the psak of the Mishnah Berura as in the brocho on the Talis Godol? [closed]

Mishnah Berura, OC 8 (4) [10] says that the brocho on the Talis Godol is “lehisataif b*e*tzitis” and not as I see in the all my siddurim “lehisataif b*a*tzitis”. Are there many cases where what we do ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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How come Sepharadim say "Boreh peri haGEFen" but "Shelo Asani AVed"

I think Hacham Ovadia has a footnote in Hazon Ovadia on Pesach (and probably elsewhere) in which he discusses why we don't use the pausal form of gafen instead of gefen. He writes (if i remember ...
Baal Shemot Tovot's user avatar
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What's the difference between LaZman and LeZman?

In the Mishnah Brurah (676:1) it says: והגיענו לזמן הזה הלמ"ד בחיר"ק ולא בפת"ח That in the Bracha of Shehechiyanu, the Lamed in the word Lazman should be said with a Hiriq and not with a Patach. ...
yydl's user avatar
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She'asah nissim -- why only past tense?

When we light the chanukiyah we say "she'asah nissim...b'yamim hahem bizman hazeh", with a past-tense "asah". While the miracles worked in the past (b'yamim hahem) are in the past (tautology alert!), ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
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Why are there two different forms of the mitzvah brachot ("l-" and "al")?

Some mitzvah brachot are of the form ...vitzivanu "l'X" ("to X", infinitive verb), and others are of the form "al X" ("upon X", gerundive verb). I particularly noticed this during Sukkot with two ...
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