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“Redundant” morning blessing?

Some poskim say that if you mistakenly say Zokef Kfufim before Matir Asurim, one should not go back and say Matir Asurim.[3 ...
Shtika K'hodaah's user avatar
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Meaning of "gives sight to the blind"?

In the morning blessings, we say a bracha that uses the phrase "gives sight to the blind". What does this phrase mean? Who are the blind who have been given sight? Does the phrase refer ...
Yehuda W's user avatar
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Where does it say that one who already said the morning blessings can go and repeat them as prayer leader?

I was told that someone who had already said the morning blessings can go and repeat them as prayer leader. This was said even though it seems to me that no-one relies on the prayer leader to acquit ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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What to do if you said the morning Brachot out of order?

Halachipedia here states that the Shulchan Orach and Mishneh Berurah write that if one accidentally says Zokef Kefufim before Matir Assurim, it might not be best to go back and say Matir Assurim. ...
Dov's user avatar
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Birchos Hashachar (Morning Brachos) - 'Who spreads the earth above the waters' - why the strange expression?

The Gemoro in Brachos 60b writes that it used to be the practise that as a person woke up, at each stage of him getting ready for the day, he said the relevant bracho. Upon hearing the sound of the ...
Dov's user avatar
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Why do we say הנותן ליעף כח with Hashem's Name?

The Rema rules in OC 225:2: יש אומרים מי שנעשה בנו בר מצוה יברך בא"י אמ"ה שפטרני מעונשו של זה וטוב לברך בלא שם ומלכות Some say that one whose son becomes a Bar Mitzvah should make a blessing ...
DonielF's user avatar
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How Shelo Asani Goy - We Are! [duplicate]

How do we say Shelo Asani Goy when we are referred to as a nation - albeit a holy one - in Shemos 19:6 וְאַתֶּם תִּהְיוּ־לִי מַמְלֶכֶת כֹּהֲנִים וְגוֹי קָדוֹשׁ אֵלֶּה הַדְּבָרִים אֲשֶׁר ...
NJM's user avatar
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Why not fulfill the birchat hashachar with the leader?

In many Shuls, the Shaliach Tzibbur starts the morning service by saying the list of brachot of Birchot hashachar. After that the individuals repeat these brachot to themselves. Why do the ...
Yehuda W's user avatar
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What are the angels doing in the blessing on light?

In the Yotzer Ohr prayer, we praise God for creating the light. It then moves on to an interlude about the ministering angels. What does that have to do with the light?
michael's user avatar
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Morning blessing before Shema - why "Borei et Hakol" and not "Borei Ra"?

The first blessing before the reading of the Shema in the morning prayer starts with בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה ה', אֱלהֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הָעולָם, יוצֵר אור וּבורֵא חשֶׁךְ. עשה שָׁלום וּבורֵא אֶת הַכּל. ...
mbloch's user avatar
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Is there a source for standing during ברכות השחר (from אשר נתן לשכוי through הגומל חסדים...) as many have the custom of doing?

What is the source, (if any), for standing during ברכות השחר (from אשר נתן לשכוי through הגומל חסדים...)? If citing a source from a Sefer please try to quote the words of the Sefer, rather than just ...
RibbisRabbiAndMore's user avatar
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Do you have to hear the morning blessings of the next minyan before leaving synagogue?

A minyan has just finished davenning and its participants are leaving. The next minyan is starting saying the morning blessings. Is there any obligation of the departing people to hear all the ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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What should I think about when reciting this blessing?

In the birchot hashachar we say every day, we recite a number of blessings to thank G-d for different things. I like to think about how grateful I am to G-d for every specific thing each blessing ...
Gabriel12's user avatar
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Am I a body with a soul or a soul with a body?

I've always thought that our true essence, who we actually are, our personalities are our souls. To me, bodies are just temporary "homes" for the soul. My body can perish, but my soul will continue ...
Gabriel12's user avatar
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What would a slave say in the birchot hashachar?

Given that women replace shelo asani isha with she'asani kirtzono, is there any halacha on what a Jewish slave would say for shelo asani eved? Also, would a slave need to be need to be acquired & ...
ZBL's user avatar
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What should I think of when reciting Birkot HaShachar?

Many of the prayers of the Birkot HaShachar are in third person. Such as: "...who opens the eyes of the blind." Or "...who frees the captive." I've always thought about personally thanking G-d (for ...
Gabriel12's user avatar
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Why does ArtScroll place Birkot Hatorah towards the end of Birkot Hashachar?

The ArtScroll siddur introduces Birkot Hatorah with the following sentence: It is forbidden to study or recite Torah passages before reciting the following blessings. However, if one follows the ...
Scimonster's user avatar
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Are the passages following the blessings over the Torah always mandatory before prayer?

The Ashkenazi Artscroll Siddur, from which I learned most of my liturgical Judaism, has a page in the very early sections of שַחֲרִית for blessings over the Torah. These are blessings which it claims ...
Tim Biegeleisen's user avatar
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Why don't Kohanim and Levi'im thank Hashem for not making them regular Israelites?

As answers to Why don't we thank God for making us men/women? say, men thank Hashem for not making them a woman because the obligations or mitzvot that a man has is greater in number than that of ...
TreeKing's user avatar
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Grammar of Birchot HaShachar

I have at times noticed that there are disagreements in the grammar of certain brachot in Birchot haShachar. For example, the first brachah is "אשר נתן", one of the later ones is either (depending on ...
Noach MiFrankfurt's user avatar
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"Al n'tilat yadayim" on fast days

On Tisha b'Av and Yom Kippur, we are not supposed to lave our hands. Resultantly, on Tisha b'Av and Yom Kippur, do we say "baruch… n'tilat yadayim" in birchot hashachar?
Noach MiFrankfurt's user avatar
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Eved Knani versus a Woman

In terms of obligation in mitzvos, what is the difference between an Eved Knani and a woman? And if they are the same, why do we have two separate brachos for each in the morning prayers?
WhoKnows's user avatar
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Why don't we thank God for making us men/women?

In the brachos we say every morning, men thank God for "not making them a woman" (and women thank God for "creating them according to their needs"). Why don't both men and women just thank God for ...
WhoKnows's user avatar
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Why do we say "shelo asani isha" everyday? [duplicate]

Why is it that we say shelo asani isha/sheasani kirtzono every day? Presumably we would only need to thank Hashem once for making us the gender he made us.
andrewmh20's user avatar
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Why does Mishneh Torah have Shem uMalchut for Yishtabach?

I was looking into the Seder haTefillot as well as other siddurim based on it, and something always bothered me about Birkat Yishtabach, which as most of you know "closes" the Pesuqei deZimra section ...
B.BarNavi's user avatar
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Should I wait for the prayer leader to say “Yishtabach” after “Pesukei dezimrah”?

“Yishtabach” is the closing blessing of the “Pesukei dezimrah”. If a worshipper has concluded the pesukei dezimrah, should he wait to say Yishtabach with the prayer leader or should he say it ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Re-reciting morning Berachoth

If someone recites the morning Berachoth, are they also situational Berachoth that might require one to re-recite them in a certain situation? Some are definitely regarded as situational, and some ...
Seth J's user avatar
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Brachot with no shirt on [duplicate]

Can a man say a bracha when not wearing a shirt? In the morning, for example, before getting fully dressed, one might wash his hands, put on pants and a kippa, say 'al netilat yadayim,' 'asher yatzar,'...
Sean's user avatar
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When to say the Bracha on Tallit Katan

I was recently wondering if I am saying the bracha on my tallit katan at the right time (I'm not married and don't wear a tallit gadol). When should the bracha on the tallit katan be said? Before it ...
Sean's user avatar
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Answering "amen" to "Ahavas olam" in the evening but not in the morning

Mishna B'rura (61:16) cites a difference of opinion regarding whether one should respond "amen" to the shatz's (leader's) blessing immediately before "Sh'ma" or should, on the contrary, finish saying ...
msh210's user avatar
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What is the difference between the blessing of Ga'al Yisrael preceding Shemoneh Esrei and the blessing of Go'el Yisrael?

Before we begin the Shemoneh Esreh each morning, we say the blessing, "Blessed are You, Hashem, Who redeemed Israel (Ga'al Yisrael)." Then within the Shemoneh Esrei itself, in the "Re'eh va'ahneynu" ...
Bruce James's user avatar
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Where did Baruch She'amar come from?

The Mishnah Berura (51:1) says that the blessing "Baruch She'amar" was instituted by the Anshei K'nesset HagGedola, based on a page that "fell from the sky" (whatever that means). What is the ...
Baal Shemot Tovot's user avatar
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Why do we kiss the tzitzit after baruch sheamar? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Boruch Sheomar - kissing the Tzitzis Why do we kiss the tzitzit after baruch sheamar? The only connection I can think of is that Hashem created the world for us to perform ...
2345678876543's user avatar
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Tefillas Haderech in Shacharis

I once heard of a concept of saying tefillas Haderech in שמע קולינו during shemonah esrei by Shacharis of that day. Has anyone here heard of it, and if so, what's it about?
yydl's user avatar
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