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Unanswered Questions

7,396 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
3 votes
1 answer

Child wants bathroom during parent's Amidah

Are there any halachic guidelines when a child tells the parent that he wants to go to bathroom during the Amidah? This occurred to me multiple times, with my 4-year-old who can use the bathroom alone ...
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2 answers

Indirect curses: whence the Rambam's formulation?

The Rambam writes (MT Sanhedrin 26:4) that someone is not liable to lashes for cursing someone indirectly, like saying "May God not bless you". היתה הקללה באה מכלל הדברים, כגון שאמר אל יהי ...
3 votes
1 answer

Tefilla b’Tzibur during Bayis HaRishon?

During the תקופתו של בית הראשון and even before, did forms of Tefilla and Limud b’Tzibur/ Basei Knessios exist among people? During my years in Yeshiva, this topic was gently discussed. I remember ...
3 votes
1 answer

Does Numbers 5:27 involve an induced miscarriage/abortion?

I have heard someone identifying as a Christian argue that the process in Numbers 5 supports abortion since a woman suspected of being unfaithful to her husband involves an induced miscarriage/...
3 votes
1 answer

What books/texts for Modern Hebrew

Which of these books/texts would be possible to read when you know only Modern Hebrew? Kizur Shulchan Aruch Shulchan Aruch Mishnah Berurah Mishnah Babylonian Talmud Jerusalem Talmud Comments by: ...
3 votes
1 answer

Can "round" refer to an ellipse, in the case that ratio of circumference to length is 3:1?

As quoted in Eruvin 14a, from Kings I 7:23, we know that Shlomo's pool was round, measuring 10 across and 30 around. There have been discussions about how the ratio of these (3:1) is only an ...
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1 answer

Tanach without trup and nikudos

Where can I get a tanach without nikudos and trop in book form? It should be the whole tanach and not just the haftoras. It can be side by side with nikudos and trop like a tikun or just straight text....
3 votes
2 answers

Is the partially generated animal dead?

Chulin, chapter 9, mishna 6, is discussing the ritual impurity imparted by a dead sheretz (animal of any of certain types). Note that the impurity is imparted only by a dead animal. The mishna says (...
3 votes
1 answer

Doing something good 3 times is like a neder. Can the 3 times be even in the same day?

An acquaintance told me that the 3 times must occur on 3 separate days but I cannot find a source for this, please let me know if you know of a source either way.
3 votes
1 answer

Giving Tzedakah Less than a Perutah

The consensus among poskim is that a prutah is 1/40 of a gram of silver, which is usually more than 1 cent but less than 5 cents. So if a person only gives a penny to tzedakah (let's say that is all ...
3 votes
1 answer

Why can one not daven to change the gender of a fetus?

According to Bava Metzia 42a, one may daven for things in the past if it's something that nobody knows yet. Yet, when Berachos 60a asks how one may daven to change the gender of her fetus on the ...
3 votes
1 answer

What does "Posuk" mean in Torah division?

I understand very well what "a sentence" is. Most time it works for the scriptures too, but sometimes it makes no sense to be a standalone Posuk, like: וּמִשְׁמָע וְדוּמָה וּמַשָּׂא׃ Mishma, ...
3 votes
1 answer

What are the "maasim tovim"?

Talmud, mishna, and other sources reference "maasim tovim" (good deeds) in many places (Avos 4:17 is one example). Do any sources define what this term actually includes? Some of the possible options ...
3 votes
1 answer

Why don't we stay up studying on the 2nd night of Shavu'ot?

From what I have seen, most people communities learn all night on just the 1st night of Shavu'ot and not the 2nd night. (Perhaps, there are some that do both nights.) If in Diaspora, we tend to treat ...
3 votes
1 answer

How does Rav Moshe calculate the "50 minutes" between שקיעה and צה"כ?

For New York, Rabbi Moshe Feinstein maintained that the time between שקיעה and צה"כ is 50 mins (corresponding to walking 4 mil), unlike in Europe where it is 72 mins (see here): ... the calculation ...

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