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Which parent names the first child?

Which parent names the first child according to current custom?
LN6595's user avatar
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Can a pregnant woman go to aquariums?

Some have the custom that pregnant women do not go to zoos. (See here) Does this custom extend to aquariums too?
chortkov2's user avatar
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Finding out the gender of the baby your expecting [duplicate]

I know that in some Jewish circles there is a big taboo regarding finding out the gender of the baby your expecting? What is the reason for this taboo, and does it have any Halachic basis?
Bach's user avatar
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does a husband pray for his seed (child until birth)?

in Berakoth 60a it says Within the first three days a man should pray that the seed should not putrefy; from the third to the fortieth day he should pray that the child should be a male; from the ...
hazoriz's user avatar
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Source for not saying Mazel Tov when pregnant

There seems to be a custom of not saying Mazel Tov on hearing news or observing that someone is pregnant (there are even those that correct others that say Mazel Tov). Instead they say Beshaah Tovah, ...
robev's user avatar
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Blessings on Birthdays

There is apparently a practice among contemporary Jews of giving out blessings on one's birthday. Is there any source for this in the Jewish tradition?
wfb's user avatar
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Hiding pregnancy during the first 3 months

There is a tradition - or whatever you may call it - not to tell people about your pregnancy early on. First off, is there a Torah basis to it? Or just common sense? (if things go wrong people will ...
Nathan H's user avatar
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Kaparos for a pregnant woman -- why the extra chicken?

From Sidur Tehilas Hashem, Sidur Rav Amram, and Nitei Gavriel Hilchos Yom Hakipurim 10:20 you take additional chickens for Kaparos for a pregnant lady in order to cover the fetus. What sin (or sins) ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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Time-frame for naming a newborn girl

I have heard many differing Minhagim as to the time-frame for naming a newborn girl. There are those that name at the first possible opportunity and some that wait till the second Shabbos. Many others ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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Is there a source for not buying things for a baby before it is born?

Is there any source for the custom to not buy things for a baby before it is born? I have heard that the reason is due to averting ayin hara, but I would like to know if there is any recorded source ...
Michoel's user avatar
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Source for a Vacht Nacht

There is an event the night before a Bris. It's called Vacht Nacht in Yiddish and called Zohar amongst certain Sefardim; I am aware that people of German decent have a third name for it, which I can't ...
simchastorah's user avatar
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What does biting off the Pitum have to do with Pregnancy?

I recently read that it's a Segulah (others put it as a minhag) for a pregnant woman to bite off the Pitum of the esrog on Hoshana Rabbah for an easy labor. (please correct me if I misunderstood it) ...
yydl's user avatar
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What is the origin of giving “Pesicho” to the expectant husband?

What is the origin of the practice of giving “pesicho” (the honor of opening the Ark) to the husband whose wife is expecting a baby?
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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How should one dispose of cut finger nails? Is it dangerous for a pregnant woman to walk on them?

Is there an Inyan of pregnant women walking over cut nails ex: a nail salon? Also, can I just vacuum up the cut nails from the floor?
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Woman attending shul after childbirth

There is a common custom that a woman who has given birth does not travel anywhere until she has gone to shul. What is the source of this custom, and what are its details? (I.e., it is necessary to ...
Dave's user avatar
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Is there an issue with ladies looking at animals when they are pregnant?

Is there an issue with ladies going to the zoo or looking at animals in general when they are pregnant? I've heard it may be specific to ugly animals (e.g. monkeys) so as not to scare the mother. Or ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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Segulah of Kvatar: Source

Is there a source for the claim that being a Kvater (person who carries a baby to/from his Bris) helps cure infertility?
SimchasTorah's user avatar
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