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3 answers

(Why) are bereitot, especially those not found in the tosefta and midrash halacha considered canonical?

A bereita is a teaching from the time of the Tannaim or before which was not recorded as part of the Mishnah. There are breitot found in the Tosefta and midrash halacha as well as other collections of ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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2 answers

when were the mishnah, talmud, and tosefta written?

a simple question: when were the mishnah, tosefta, and talmud written and how do we know? regarding mishnah and tosefta: most sources say that the mishnah was compiled by the end of 2nd century CE (by ...
user99658's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Were B"H and B"S opinions Halachically exhaustive?

The schism between B"H and B"S is very famous in early Jewish Halachic polemics. In their times, were their opinions Halachically exhaustive, or did other (unaffiliated) rabbis practice ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Were any Mishnaic passages found in the Dead-sea scrolls?

As I can see, there were some Halachic/Legal passages found in the Dead-see scrolls. From the archeological and historical findings, I've understood that these sects kept Teffilin, Shabbes, Kashrus, ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Were the Mishnah and/or the Talmud translated into Greek or Latin? [duplicate]

Were the Mishnah and/or the Talmud ever translated into Greek or Latin in ancient times as the Bible was?
Al Berko's user avatar
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Any pre 7th century Jewish source, teaches that non-Jewish prophets will never be sent again?

1- were the non-Jewish prophets sent to non-Jewish nations only, and not Jews ? if the answer is Yes Does it mean there is no way a non-Jewish prophet can ever be sent to the Jews? any textual basis ...
capri reds's user avatar
3 votes
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The chronology of the Mishnah

Was the Mishnah compiled in the order we find it today? If so, this would mean "Zeraim" was written first, and finally "Tohorot"? If the Mishnah wasn't compiled in the order we ...
Yosef's user avatar
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The Torah Transmission Date Discrepancies?

I'm curious to know the dates of birth and death of the following Torah transmitters, who appear in Pirkei Avot, since I've seen conflicting dates when doing some independent research: Shimon HaTzadik ...
Yosef's user avatar
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7 votes
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Which ancient cults would cut out the hearts of live animals and offer them as sacrifices?

Which ancient cults would cut out the hearts of live animals and offer them as sacrifices? The Mishnah (Avodah Zarah 2:3) mentions a concept called עורות לבובין which Maimonides and other commentators ...
Reb Chaim HaQoton's user avatar
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What kind of flute was used in the temple, according to the mishna?

In Mishna there are several mentions of the use of flute, there were used at the time of the Bet Mikdash, see below a few examples. I am interested to know if we have some knowledge about the type of ...
kouty's user avatar
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4 answers

Why there's no Mishnah Bavli?

In the beginning pages of the Bavli Sanhedrin (5a), it states that the power of the ראש גלותא in Babylon was bigger than that of נשיא in the land of Israel in the time of R' Yehuda Hanassi (see the ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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What is the logic underlying the Mishna's chapter breaks

The Mishna was separated into chapters by R Yehuda HaNasi. I see that at times there is a chapter break in the middle of a topic (today's example: Menachot chapter 1 & 2 - more examples here). It ...
mbloch's user avatar
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8 votes
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When the Mishnayos were compiled, were they compiled into the perakim we have today, or were they just compiled into masechtos?

Many times throughout Shas, it seems as if the Perakim are sliced in completely arbitrary places. To name a few examples: In Maseches Shabbos, the halachos of Tzad, trapping, are discussed in 13:5-14:...
DonielF's user avatar
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Why is מועד the only סדר משניות that is singular? [duplicate]

In שבת לא. it brings the names of the 6 sederim of משניות. All of them are plural (זרעים נשים נזיקין קודשים טהרות) apart from מועד that is singular. Does anyone know is this issue is dealt with ...
Josh Silverblatt's user avatar
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Were there any Tanaim in Bavel?

In the time of the Gemara (since at least the time of Rav), there were famous Rabbis in Bavel (and, at least in the early years, there were also famous Rabbis in Israel). But before that time, you ...
ertert3terte's user avatar
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Which Raban Gamliel was in the first mishnah of masechet berakhot?

Who was this Raban Gamliel in the first mishnah of masechet berakhot? Raban Gamliel I? Raban Gamliel II? Raban Gamliel III? Are there some books who could help me to find the historic part of the ...
Ysrrael Maimon Ben Yosef's user avatar
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Mishna was a book in time of Gemara?

Rabbi Jacob Bar Abba asked Abaye: Is it permitted to a disciple in a district under his Master's jurisdiction to give a ruling that was as authoritative as those contained in the Scroll of Fast-Days, ...
kouty's user avatar
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What happened to the Mugmar?

In Brochos Perek 6, Mishna 6 the Mugmar is mentioned in the context of who makes the Brocha for it. Commentaries explain that it is some sort of incense that was smelled after a meal. It would ...
Tzuriel's user avatar
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German and Ethiopian Jews in the time of the Mishna?

According to Negaim 3:1, the laws of negaim only apply to Jews (הכל מטּמאין בנגעים חוץ מגוים), but according to Negaim 2:1 they apply to people from Germany (גרמני) and Ethiopia (or Numibia, etc; ״כוש״...
Shimon bM's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

What was Rabbi Yehuda Hanassi's role in compiling the Mishnah?

I have always heard that Rabbi Yehuda Hanassi "compiled" the mishna. What were his roles in compiling it in the form that we currently have it? Specifically, did he perform any of these roles: ...
DanF's user avatar
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Why were the baraitot excluded from the mishnayot?

The Gemara (or Talmud) is full of Tannaitic teachings known as baraitot (or baraita in the singular). Nevertheless, these teachings were not codified in the Shishah Sidre'i Mishnah (Six Orders of The ...
Lee's user avatar
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Did Rebbi arrange the Mishna at the end of his life?

There's a famous line in the Gemara "וכי רבי לא שנאה ר' חייא מנין לו". It means that if Rebbi didn't teach a concept in a Mishna, Rabbi Chiya can't know it. Let's assume here it means that if it's ...
ertert3terte's user avatar
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What's the Source for Jerusalem and Sepphoris Having Larger Measuring Units?

In Rabbi Pinchas Kehati's introduction to Masekhet Challah, and again in his commentary on Eduyyot 1:2, reference is made to the adjusting of measurements when the Jews "arrived at" Jerusalem, and ...
Shimon bM's user avatar
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Why aren't Zeraim or Toharos included in the Bavli as Mishnayos?

Whatever the reason, there is no Gemara on most of Zeraim and Toharos. Why, though, were the mishnayos themselves not included in their entireties in the redacted Talmud Bavli? It seems strange that ...
yoel's user avatar
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Sh'kalim, Kinim, Midos in daf yomi

Why are Sh'kalim (Y'rushalmi) and Kinim and Midos (mishnayos) learned as part of the standard daf yomi cycle for Talmud Bavli? And if the answer relies on some fact of publication, then (a) why ...
msh210's user avatar
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Why was the Mishna written in Hebrew while the Gemara wasn't?

By the time of the Mishna, people speaking in Aramaic on a day-to-day basis. Nonetheless, R' Yehuda Hanasi wrote the Mishna in Hebrew. So were the Toseftas and the Braisos. Why? On the other hand, ...
ertert3terte's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Which came first the Mishnah Torah or the Pirush HaMishnayos

Which sefer did the Ramabm author first, was it his Mishnah Torah (Yad HaChazaka) or his commentary to Mishnayos?
Reb Chaim HaQoton's user avatar