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Rambam Mishneh Torah handbook

Rambam’s Mishneh Torah is filled with particular words and phrases used repeatedly. It’s also organized in a very particular fashion. Both the word choice and the structure are used deliberately. ...
A s's user avatar
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Hebrew Dictionary for Mishneh Torah

I’m looking for a dictionary which contains words that one would find in The Rambam’s Mishneh Torah, not Biblical Hebrew. Any suggestions would be helpful.
WelcomeMoshiach's user avatar
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Where can I get the Mishnah Torah in English in plain text, open source?

I want to upload and maintain various texts in English in plain text format for wikisource: In particular, I am looking for the Mishnah Torah in English. ...
Noah Q'yain's user avatar
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"Rambam In Context" Sefer

Is anyone aware of a Sefer which traces the psokim of the Rambam to their source in the Gemoro together with providing the necessary background and other varying halachic opinions? In other words a ...
Nochie Wolf's user avatar
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Rabbi Avraham Ben Harambam Commentary on the Torah

According to Wikipedia, Rabbi Avraham Ben Harambam wrote a commentary on the Torah. Is there anywhere I can find a copy of this online?
chessprogrammer's user avatar
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Guide to "Guide for the Perplexed"

The late, renown Shakespearean scholar Frank Kermode said that the work of a critic is to help us makes sense of how we try to make sense of things. (Sounds like a svek sveka.) Are there any books (I ...
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Where Can One Buy a Griz (Brisker Rav) on the Rambam?

Does anyone know if the Griz al Harambam is available anywhere nowadays? Thank you so much for any and all help. I have tried ordering from many online and in-person seforim stores but to no avail.
talmidforlife's user avatar
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Commentaries on Moreh Nevuchim

I have heard that there are many commentaries on Moreh Nevuchim. However, all editions that I have seen in person contain just the text, sometimes with editorial footnotes. Can anyone provide: 1) A ...
chessprogrammer's user avatar
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Resources for learning the shorshei mitzvos of the Rambam

The Rambam lays down 14 principles, which he terms shorshei mitzvos, to determine which mitzvos are part of the 613. Besides the commentaries in the standard Mishne Torah, are there any other books ...
Gavriel's user avatar
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Where can I find mishneh torah review questions?

Looking for review question and answers on the mishneh torah? Either sections or the entirety. Similar to this question Where can I find Chumash and Rashi review questions I am aware of Rabbi ...
javadev's user avatar
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Asher Meza's siddur, kosher or not?

it's me again, I am soon going to a travel after Tisha B'av and I am searching for a concise siddur so I can daven fastly. I found a really concise siddur called "ways of torah" made by a ...
Bonastruc's user avatar
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Looking for ALL of the Rambam's Books in English on Medicine [closed]

Looking for ALL of the Rambam's Books in English on Medicine Preferably in Eretz Yisrael, without breaking the bank. How many books are there? What are the most prominent in which he discusses ...
JSarai's user avatar
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Learning resources for 'Guide for the Perplexed' by Rabbi Moshe Maimonides [duplicate]

I'm looking for some English resources on learning the 'Guide for the Perplexed' by Rabbi Moshe Maimonides. Unfortunately most resources are very heavy and not for bedtime reading. Im looking for an ...
Richard Lewis's user avatar
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Where can I purchase tefillin according to the Temani/Rambami shitah?

Not just tefillin made of gewil (i.e. גויל - unsplit hide), but with the shin that goes all the way to the bottom of the bayith? Is there any source for purchasing such tefillin?
EliyahuBenYosef's user avatar
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Can I get the Rambam's correspondence with the French rabbis online?

I recently read an article by Rabbi Yaacov Schwartz in the Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society (Fall 1988) titled "Jewish Implications of Astrology." In the article, he quotes the Rambam in ...
MTL's user avatar
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Article of R. Dr. Twersky on Mishne Torah

Is R. Dr. Yitzchak Twersky's article: "Some Non-Halakhic Aspects of the Mishneh Torah," published in: Jewish Medieval and Renaissance Studies, ed. A. Altmann (Cambridge, 1967), pp. 95-118, available ...
mevaqesh's user avatar
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Where can I find an English version of Rambam's Introduction to Mishnah?

I am looking for an online copy of an English translation to Rambam's introduction to the whole Mishna. I have found a few copies in Hebrew, but I am looking for something legible and understandable ...
jped's user avatar
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Illustrated hilchot Kiddush Hachodesh

I remember seeing about 20 years ago a beautiful annotated commentary on Rambam's hilchos kiddush hachodesh, with extensive illustrations and calculations, explained according to both ancient and ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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Writings of R. Ovadiah Maimuni

Are any of the writings of R. Ovadiah Maimuni, Rambam's grandson such as The Treatise of the Pool available for free online?
mevaqesh's user avatar
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Yad P'shutta For Free Online

Is R. Rabinovich's Yad P'shutta on the Mishne Torah available for free online? I already noted the commentary to Hil. T'shuva on HebrewBooks.
mevaqesh's user avatar
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Moreh Nevuchim Online

Is the Hebrew text of Maimonides' Moreh HaNevuchim available for free online? (In text form rather than Pdf).
mevaqesh's user avatar
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R. Moses al-Ashkar's Response to Sefer ha-Emunot

Where can I find the Maharam al-Ashkar's response to Shem Tov ibn Shem Tov's Sefer ha-Emunot (Hassagot Al Mah She-Katab R. Shem-Tov Neged ha-RaMbaM)?
mevaqesh's user avatar
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Igros K'naos Regarding Rambam

Where could I find the Igros K'naos regarding Rambam's works for free online? In particular I am looking for a quote from Radak about the aggados there. A screenshot of that page would suffice.
mevaqesh's user avatar
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Perush Hamishna of Rambam Online

Where can I find Maimonides' commentary to the Mishna in a Hebrew translation online (for free) as text?
mevaqesh's user avatar
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Rambam's Talmud Commentary

Where can I find Rambam's commentary on Bavli (whatever remains of it) besides for his commentary on tractate Rosh HaShana?
mevaqesh's user avatar
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Rambam's Hilchos HaYerushalmi

I am looking for Rambam's Hilchos HaYerushalmi (ed. Lieberman) (or a some other edition if it exists). Is it available for free online?
mevaqesh's user avatar
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Looking For HaMaspik

I am looking for the halachic portion of Hamaspik L'ovdey Hashem by R. Avraham Ben HaRambam published by Bar Ilan Univ. I have found links to it on HebrewBooks, but it isnt there (I guess it was taken ...
mevaqesh's user avatar
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Is there a Moreh Nevuchim dictionary?

I'm wondering if there exists a dictionary for the more technical terms used in the Moreh Nevuchim? (Any of the translations). I know I could just use an English translation and match up the words, ...
Gavriel's user avatar
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Online classes on Moreh Nevuchim in English?

Does anyone know of English classes online for the Rambam's Moreh Nevuchim?
Gavriel's user avatar
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Mishneh Torah in english

To my knowledge, there are two English editions of the Mishneh Torah: the Yale Judaica edition and the Moznaim edition. Furthermore, there exist the Birnbaum (incomplete) and Frankel editions, perhaps ...
Noach MiFrankfurt's user avatar
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Rambam Interlinear Online?

Does anyone know a place online where I can find and English, interlinear translation of the Rambam? The only English I found is on the website. But that is far from interlinear. So ...
user6781's user avatar
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Which published Moreh Nevuchim would you recommend?

I plan on buying the sefer Moreh Nevuchim in Hebrew, written by the Rambam (only one at this time and it will be my first). I have seen at least 5 different versions on the bookshelves. Can you ...
Gavriel's user avatar
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Looking for a good version of Maimonides Introduction to his Commentary on the Mishna available online

I while ago, I read through most of an English translation Rambam's Introduction to his Commentary on the Mishnah. I think it was an earlier edition of this one, but I'm not sure. I'm looking for a ...
Menachem's user avatar
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Beginning a comprehensive study of Moreh N'vuchim

A friend of mine would like to begin learning Moreh N'vuchim seriously and is unsure of exactly where/with what to start. What is the best version out there of the book itself? Are there any ...
WAF's user avatar
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Rambam in the Original Judeo Arabic

Any one know where I can find any of Rambam's works in the original Judeo-Arabic (preferably online and not a manuscript but an easily readable text)?
Matthew Miller's user avatar
9 votes
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Uncensored Mishneh Torah

Where can I find the uncensored Mishneh Torah online, or cheap in print?
Matthew Miller's user avatar