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Does Judaism acknowledge and accept the principle of absolute, personal bodily autonomy as a foundation behind a right to abortion?

Currently, in the United States, there is a very heated and emotional debate going on over the subject of the right of a woman to an abortion and the principle of abortion on demand. This is a very ...
Yaacov Deane's user avatar
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Simanim at the end of the Parshah

Does anyone have any coherent history of and/or source for the siman for the amount of pesukim in each parshah? (I’m sure it’s been asked here before, but I was unable to find anything while searching ...
Yø-c Ro's user avatar
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Transmission of Kabbalah - what happened after Shlomo Hamelech?

According to Brit Menucha, the chain of transmission of Kabbalah from Adam to Shlomo ends with his sons putting the knowledge in the geniza of the Beit Hamikdash. After that, there seem to be 2 ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Where are resources about counting Omer Year round?

My rabbi mentioned there's a custom to count the omer year round. The idea is to travel through all the sefirot for 7 sets of 50 days. I'm looking for shiurim, texts, etc. that teach on this practice. ...
Re'eh's user avatar
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What is the significance of a yahrtzeit meal?

Some people are particular in having a yahrtzeit meal on the anniversary of someone's passing. Does this custom have any documented source, significance, or reason?
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It is same species if offspring can have offspring (source)

I heard that if we do not have a messora on a certain bird but we do have one on a similar species then we can check by checking if their offspring can have offspring What is this idea based on? I ...
hazoriz's user avatar
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Succession of Leadership in the Rambam's Introduction to the Mishnah

In the Introduction to the Mishnah, the Rambam lists the leadership through the years from Moshe to Rav Ashi. Is there a source for each link in this chain, showing that successive leaders were ...
Chaim's user avatar
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Parents teaching children or children teaching parents?

Regarding והגדת לבנך, and you shall tell to your children (Shemos 13:8), on Pesach night: 1) What is the mitzvah of והגדת לבנך and how does one fulfill it according to halacha? 2a) Why do yeshivos ...
Chiddushei Torah's user avatar
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Nusach Ashkenaz in Israel and Abroad

Over the years, I've noticed a number of differences between Ashkenaz siddurim published in Israel and those published outside of Israel. These differences include (but are not limited to): Order of ...
Noach MiFrankfurt's user avatar
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what is the source for the artscroll sidur?

what is the mesorah for the artscoll ashkenaz siddur? Is this the same nusach ashkenaz that was used in previous generations?
Dude's user avatar
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What is the source for Pardes?

What is the source for expounding the torah according to remez, derush and sod (along with 'pshat' the group can be referred to by the acronym PaRDeS)? These forms of hermeneutics are not found in ...
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