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schehecheyanu and netilat yadaim [closed]

My wife made a new Netilat Yadaim cup in her pottery workshop, which turned out really beautiful and very nicely decorated. I am eager to say the shehecheyanu blessing the first time I perform a ...
 V. Rogov's user avatar
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Reciting Birkat Shehechiyanu when purchasing a gun

Came across the article below, discussing if Shehecheyanu can be recited when a gun is purchased: האם לברך "שהחיינו" בקניית אקדח? מאת: נח זבולוני האם רכישת נשק אישי כמו אקדח, מחייבת את ברכת ...
Yoreinu's user avatar
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Shehecheyanu on Lulav during Kiddush on Sukkot night?

If the Lulav and Esrog were in sight while one recited Shehecheyanu during Kiddush at night, should he skip Shehecheyanu on the Lulav the next day?
User123's user avatar
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Shehecheyanu on eyeglasses

Does one recite the blessing/berakha of Shehecheyanu on getting new eyeglasses or no? As always, sources are always appreciated.
Man of faith's user avatar
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Why is Maatanos Levyonim not mentioned in regards to the bracha of שהחיינו?

The Mechaber (692:1) writes that one makes a שהחיינו on the megillah . The Mishna Brurah notes that one should have in mind the mitzvah of Mishloach Manos and Seudas purim when the bracha of שהחיינו ...
sam's user avatar
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A barmitzvah boy saying shehechiyanu on new tefillin when wearing them prior to barmitzvah

Following on from this question and assuming that you make the bracha of shehechiyanu on new tefillin... If a barmitzvah boy has the custom to start wearing his tefillin early. So for example, in ...
Dov's user avatar
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Blessing Shehechyanu long before eating in second evening of Rosh Hashana

Usually, we bless Shehechyanu very close to eating a new fruit. As far as I remember, there are 2 opinions: one to bless before the blessing on the fruit itself, while the other opinion claims that ...
Avi's user avatar
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Conditions for reciting על מקרא מגילה and שהחיינו on non-Esther megillot

Many today have the practice (usually following the Gra — see Maaseh Rav 175) of blessing על מקרא מגילה when reading Shir HaShirim, Ruth, Eicha, and Ḳohelet from a kosher scroll on Pesaḥ, Shavuot, ...
magicker72's user avatar
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When to say shehecheyanu on a new fruit?

Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 225:3 records that the custom is to recite the shehecheyanu blessing on a new fruit when one eats it. At what point precisely does one say shehecheyanu? Before reciting ...
Joel K's user avatar
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What blessings would one say upon receiving the COVID19 vaccine?

I have some gaps in my Jewish knowledge, but it seems prudent to recite Shehechiyanu upon receiving the first shot, as it is a momentous occasion. Not just momentous for your own health, but the ...
Jeff's user avatar
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A woman saying Shehechyanu on Channukah

I have been reviewing some discussions of a married woman's obligation to light Channukah candles. It appears that according to some, a married woman, whose husband is lighting at home does not light. ...
rosends's user avatar
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Does one make a shehecheyanu on "used" jewelry?

If someone is going to be wearing a "used" piece of expensive jewelry for the first time (as in, it was previously worn by a different person as opposed to being new from the store), do they make a ...
dmr's user avatar
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Why is the beracha of Shehechiyanu phrased in the plural?

The Bracha of Shehechiyanu reads as follows: ברוך...שהחיינו וקיימנו והגיענו לזמן הזה ...that He kept us alive and sustained us and brought us to this time. Why is Shehechiyanu phrased in the ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Shehechyanu levatala on Purim

Before the morning reading of Megillat Esther, the reader says 3 brachot including Shehechyanu (according to Ashkenazic practice). This applies, to some degree, and in some way to that morning's ...
rosends's user avatar
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Is the bracha of shecheyanu for buying new items said when buying medical equipment which he hopes he will never need to use?

Is the bracha of shecheyanu for buying new items (Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chayim 223:6; Mishnah Berurah 223:13) said when buying medical equipment which he hopes he will never need to use? If someone ...
RibbisRabbiAndMore's user avatar
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If one said shehecheyanu on a fruit, and later reminded himself that he had eaten it previously that seasons, Is his brachah a Brachah L'vatala?

If one said the bracha of shehecheyanu on a fruit, thinking that he had not eaten it that season yet, and afterward reminded himself that he had eaten it previously that seasons, is his brachah a ...
RibbisRabbiAndMore's user avatar
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Do you say Shechiyanu on a used tallis you tied new tzitzis onto?

If you tied new tzitzis on an old beged, do you recite Shehechiyanu on the tallis?
ezra's user avatar
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What is considered "new clothing" for purposes of saying "Shehechiyanu"?

This site says Authorities dispute whether the berachah of shehecheyahu is entirely subjective, depending on the subjective joy a person feels, or whether the berachah includes an objective ...
DanF's user avatar
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Should one say "Shehechiyanu" on eating raw corn for the first time in the season?

This question mentions that a fruit or vegetable which is normally not eaten raw in one's area gets a bracha of Shehakol rather than ha'etz / ha'adama. There is a rule that when one eats a new ...
DanF's user avatar
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Shehechiyanu when lighting in shul

The bracha Shehechiyanu is supposed to be said only once during Chanukah, namely upon the first lighting (which is usually the 1st night unless someone was unable to light on the 1st night.) The ...
DanF's user avatar
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Washing before bracha on new clothes

According to my siddur (p. 231 of The Complete Artscroll Siddur), one makes a shehechyanu upon buying new clothes, and a malbish arumim upon putting them on once acquired. (I have heard from other ...
SAH's user avatar
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Kiddush on Sukkos before tzeit?

The first night of Sukkos we make kiddush after tzeit (Rama 639:3). My understanding is that this is purely because of the bracha of לישב בסוכה which you can't say until it's definitely night (Magen ...
Heshy's user avatar
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Shehechianu at a wedding?

The Rosh and the Rambam argue about whether Kiddushin is a mitzvah in its own right or if it's a preparation for the various mitzvos that can only be done when married, such as having children. The ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Bracha Shehechiyanu on a diamond ring?

I was always under the impression that a Kallah that receives a diamond ring makes the Bracha Shehechiyanu on it. Igros Moshe, Evan HaEzer 4:84 seems to say that the Kallah should make the Bracha "...
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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New fruit for second-night Shehecheyanu on holidays other than Rosh Hashanah

I know that we are supposed to eat a new fruit after saying the Shehechyanu on the second evening of Rosh Hashanah, because there is some doubt about whether that blessing needs to be made for the ...
SAH's user avatar
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Should one say "Shehechiyanu" after renovating part of his home?

My rav told me it is appropriate to say "Shehechiyanu" after one purchases a home because this gives him joy. Would the bracha be appropriate if you are joyed because you are getting a new bathroom or ...
DanF's user avatar
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Do you say shehechiyanu on a new flavor of tea?

There are a ton of different flavors of teas out there. Usually these teas are made from leaves - and they actually contain the leaves. Does one say shehechiyanu on a new type of tea if he hasn't ...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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Shehechiyanu for baby girl during the 3 weeks / 9 days

Someone recently mentioned to me that a bracha is made when a baby is born. For a boy, the bracha hatov vehameitiv is said, and for a girl the bracha is shehechianu. Is the shehechianu bracha for a ...
Daniel's user avatar
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The blessing שהחינו‎ for a new wrist watch?

If you acquire a new wrist watch, do you make the blessing Sheheheyyanu?
paquda's user avatar
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Shehecheyanu on hand-me-downs?

If someone gets hand-me-down clothing in good condition, of the type that shehecheyanu is generally said when new, should they say it on this new-to-them garment?
Scimonster's user avatar
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Shehecheyanu at a Graduation

I recently attended a college graduation, and one of the parents decided to recite shehecheyanu to celebrate the occasion. I have never heard of someone doing this -- is there any basis for saying it?
yakzo's user avatar
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Is the Shehechiyanu bracha recited when eating an esrog fruit?

Is the Shehechiyanu bracha recited when eating an esrog fruit? Is seasonal needed?
AmHaoreyz's user avatar
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Does the she’hechiyonu brocho apply in any way to getting married?

A man getting married has a new suit to put on, on the day of his wedding. He will make the she’hechiyonu brocho. Should he have the “acquisition” of his wife in mind in addition when he pronounces ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Shehecheyanu on sefiras haomer

Why don't we make a shehecheyanu blessing on counting the Omer? It is a mitzvah which we get to do after a very long break (more than 300 days)? Some arguments I have heard: In a similar situation ...
gt6989b's user avatar
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Leishev Basukkah before Shehechiyanu or after?

According to my minhag: on the first night of Sukkos by Kiddush, Leishev Basukkah [לישב בסכה] is said before the bracha of Shehechiyanu [שהחינו]. On the second night, however, Shehechiyanu is said ...
yydl's user avatar
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Sh'hecheyanu vs. M'chayeh haMeisim

This is a follow up to the question here The Shulchan Aruch 225:1 brings the halachah what when one sees a "friend" whom one hasn't seen in the last 30 days then the blessing "shehecheyanu" is made, ...
Yirmeyahu's user avatar
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Beracha upon seeing a friend on a webcam

The Shulchan Aruch (OC 225:1) rules: שולחן ערוך אורח חיים הלכות ברכת הפירות סימן רכה הרואה את חבירו לאחר שלשים יום, אומר: שהחיינו, ואחר י"ב חדש מברך: מחיה מתים, והוא שחביב עליו הרבה ושמח ...
Baal Shemot Tovot's user avatar
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The blessing of Shehechiyanu

Is Bircat Shehechiyanu a bircat shevach (a blessing of praise)? If it is, why sometimes do we make the beracha before the event (or in some cases an action representing an event, such as putting up a ...
Baal Shemot Tovot's user avatar
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Shehechiyanu at Bris

Why is it that some make a Shehechiyanu at a Bris and some don't? And an identification of those who do and do not would be appreciated.
simchastorah's user avatar
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Shehecheyanu on new website

If one launches a new website, can he recite Shehecheyanu? Or perhaps Hatov Ve-Hametiv, if others derive benefit from it?
Dave's user avatar
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Mitzvos on which the only b'racha is birkas "Shehechiyanu"

I saw in the name of the Or Zaru'a and others that one does not make a b'racha before writing a sefer Torah even though it is a positive mitzva with an action associated because (among other reasons) ...