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Unanswered Questions

146 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Was Moses really angry or pretending?

The Rambam said in his Mishneh Torah that it's sometimes useful to act angry: If one desires to instill reverence in his children and his household, or in public if he is the head of a community, and ...
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On the halachic level, does the sexual intercourse between a Jewish man and a Gentile woman married to a Gentile man constitute adultery or not?

I am an Italian noahide. As is known, the Torah prohibits marriage between Jews and Gentiles, and in general sexual intercourses between them. There is, except for my mistake, the exception ...
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How does Rambam decide what defines a Mitzvah?

Rambam in Sefer Hamitzvos lists 14 rules that guided him in writing his Sefer Hamitzvos. Practically all of them focus on what does not consitute a Mitzvah Deoraytah: השרש הראשון שאין ראוי למנות בכלל ...
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Why does the Rambam change the wording of the Mishna in Succah 20b?

The Mishna in the beginning of the second Perek of Succah writes הישן תחת המטה בסוכה - לא יצא ידי חובתו When the Rambam codifies this Halacha in the Mishna Torah, he changes the word הישן to היושב. ...
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Melody for Studying Mishneh Torah

When in Israel I went to a Temani synagogue named Beit Kenesseth haRambam and after services they study a bit of the Mishneh Torah but to my surprise the entire community chanted the Mishneh Torah in ...
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1 answer

Rambam and Torah Lishma

The Rambam (Teshuva 10:2) defines the ideal motivation of performing mitzvot as (lishma) one "who does the truth because it is the truth". On the other hand, the Mesilat Yesharim defines the ...
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Did the Rambam write in response to the Ibn Ezra?

According to some interpretations (including, it seems, the explanations of Spinoza) the Ibn Ezra's commentary makes allusion to the idea that some of the Torah (beyond the talmudic discussion of the ...
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Rambam's relationship with the Rif: a question on the Bartenura

In the Mishna to Chullin 4:6 (s.v. וכן שניטל צומת הגידין), the Bartenura refers to the Rif as having been the Rambam's teacher: "ושיטה זו תפסו רבותי... אבל רמבם ורב אלפס רבו תפסו עיקר הפירוש אחר". In ...
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0 answers

Why is Ona'as Devarim not in Hilchos De'os?

The Rambam places most of the laws regarding social, interpersonal relationships (such as the prohibition against slander) in Hilchos De'os, but he seems to be missing an important one: ona'as devarim,...
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Purpose of Beis Hamikdash

Rambam writes that the purpose of the beis hamikdash is specifically for offering sacrifices and for pilgrimages (Sefer Hamitzvos: Shoresh 12): שיהיה לנו בית מוכן יבאו אליו ויחוגי בו ובו תהיה ...
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Can the concept of Heter Mekhirah truly be supported from the Rambam?

Many of those who support the concept of the heter mekhirah today rely (at least in part) on their reading of the Rambam in various parts of the Mishneh Torah, most specifically in Hilkhoth Shemittah ...
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Rambam and the 10 types of Malachim

In Yesodei HaTorah 2:7, The Rambam lists the 10 types of malachim (angels) in order of power. Many people have told me that this halacha proves that the Rambam knew Kabalah, since this knowledge is ...
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Responses to Dor Daim / Talmidei HaRambam

Occasionally on this site and on other websites I stumble upon things written by Dor Daim or Talmidei HaRambam. I was wondering what the response is to these groups by other contemporary Orthodox ...
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0 answers

Bicurim from something planted in a pot

The Rambam writes the following הגדל בעציץ אע"פ שהוא נקוב והגדל בספינה אינו מביא ממנו כל עיקר שנאמר בארצם. אבל מביא מן הגדל בגג או בחורבה — essentially saying that bicurim is not brought from ...
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1 answer

Punishment vs suffering

The Rambam says in Hilchos Teshuva chapter 1 עָבַר עַל כְּרֵתוֹת וּמִיתוֹת בֵּית דִּין וְעָשָׂה תְּשׁוּבָה, תְּשׁוּבָה וְיוֹם הַכִּפּוּרִים תּוֹלִין וְיִסּוּרִין הַבָּאִין עָלָיו גּוֹמְרִין לוֹ ...

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