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Unanswered Questions

146 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Where does Rambam say: "The risk of a wrong decision is preferable to the terror of indecision"?

BH Hi according to Rambam said the quote “The risk of a wrong decision is preferable to the terror of indecision.” Where does he say this though?
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Per the Rambam, why does the borrower who repaid interest not receive lashes?

The Rambam (מלוה ולוה 4:1) explains why, despite when borrowing and lending with interest one transgresses a לאו, one does not receive lashes - אַף עַל פִּי שֶׁהַמַּלְוֶה וְהַלּוֶֹה עוֹבְרִין עַל ...
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How many times was the mitzvah of " עָשׂוּ לִי מִקְדָּשׁ - Make for me a Sanctuary" fulfilled?

In a sefer Haycha Timtzah, which received Haskamos from the likes of HaRav Moshe Feinstein, he asks the following riddle. Riddle: Where do we find one of the 613 Mitzvos that was fulfilled only 6 ...
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Standing positions during Birkhat Kohanim

The Rambam writes (משנה תורה, הלכות תפילה וברכת כהנים ט״ו) that people standing behind the Kohanim during birkhat Kohanim do not receive the beracha (and see Sotah 38b (here)): עַם שֶׁהֵם אֲחוֹרֵי ...
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Rambam midrash book

I always hear Rav Breitowitz say in his shiurim that the Rambam told us he was gonna write a book about midrashim and their rational explanations, but that he never got around to doing so. Anyone know ...
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Why do Rambam references use a weird convention?

For example, in the Ein Mishpat when quoting the Tur/Shulchan Aruch, he says ”<sefer>-<siman>-<se'if>". With the Rambam, though, it's "<perek> from <sefer>, <...
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0 answers

What do the Kanfei HaOkets look like?

So from what I understand in the Rambam Sefer Kedusha Hilchot MaAchalot Asurot Halacha 3 it says if you find an animal which you can't check if its kosher by checking it's mouth to see if it chews it'...
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Where is the Hasagat Haraavad on Internet?

Rambam Shabbat 4.1-2 about the Din of Hatmana. The Rishonim cite an Hasaga of the Raavad, but it's not in the Sifre Rambam. I found it here ראב"ד א"א מעולם לא נראו ולא נשמעו תהפוכות כאלה ...
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Non-Jewish G-dly Souls

Can the contrasting views of non-Jewish soul from Maimonides and from Kabbalah be reconciled? Maimonides is quite explicit that all human beings have the potential for a G-dly soul, which is manifest ...
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0 answers

Is adultery a sin between man and G-d or between man and man?

As we know, there are two types of sins: sins between man and man, and sins between man and G-d. I used to think that adultery is a sin between man and man. However, reading Mishneh Torah, I ...
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Counting parts of a Mitzvah as a Mitzvah (Rambam's 12th principle)

Rambam in Sefer Hamitzvos lays [his own] principles of what counts as a Mitzvah and what's not. The 12th principle says that: שאין ראוי למנות חלקי המלאכה מהמלאכות שבא הצווי בעשייתם כל חלק וחלק בפני ...
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Why for Rambam learning and teaching Torah are not two different Mitzvos?

Rambam in Sefer Hamitzvos #11 and in Mishne Torah Hil. Talmud Torah rules that studying and teaching Torah are one Mitzvah: היא שצונו ללמוד תורה וללמדה וזהו הנקרא תלמוד תורה, והוא אמרו ושננתם ...
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How Avelut is healing, according to Rambam?

The Rambam in Moreh Nevuchim (Chelek 3 Chapter 41) explains that mourning a deceased relative actually heals the great pain an Avel may have: " For mourners find comfort in crying and in excitement ...
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Discolored Tzitzis

The Rambam says that the tzitzis strings must be the same color as the garment they're attached to (with exception to the techeiles string which is always blue). (Source?) All of the tallisos these ...
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Where does Maimonides write that Muslims may pray in a synagogue?

Regarding the Muslims who were praying in a Synagogue, I read that Rambam ruled that it was permissible for Muslims to pray in a Synagogue - I haven't been able to find a source for this, does someone ...

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