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Why can you buy dry fruit from an Am Ha'aretz?

The Tosfos Yom Tov actually answers your question! (Source from ואינו לוקח ממנו לח. כתב הר"ב אבל יבש וכו' ונאמן עם הארץ לומר הפירות הללו לא הוכשרו וכו'. הכי תני בירושלמי. וטעמא דהא ...
TrustMeI'mARabbi's user avatar
2 votes

Why are there three different lists of ownerless produce?

One possible answer: The Mishna Rishona to Shevi'it 7:1 says that the three cases are listed separately because they have different laws. The Mishna in Demay is dealing with fruits that grow by ...
b a's user avatar
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1 vote

Why do you need a chazakah and a sefeik sefeikah in Demai 1:1?

I. The concept of Demai. Mishna Maaser Sheni 5, 15: Yochanan the High Priest and in his day, no one had to ask about Demai The Bartenura in his comment wrote (this is a summary of the comment of ...
kouty's user avatar
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