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If I don't think that someone would leave Christianity, is it recommended to guide them to more monotheistic/non-Trinitarian Christianity? [closed]

Let's say as a hypothetical: I'm in an argument with a typical trinitarian Christian and they are absolutely stubborn. I can show them all the proofs of the incoherence of the topic of trinity and ...
setszu's user avatar
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Where is the source of Yeshu (ימח שמו) hearing the Shem Hashem from the Kohen Gadol?

There is a Sefer "תם ומועד" which reportedly says that Yeshu (ימח שמו) was able to perform miracles because he was in the Beis Hamikdash when the Kohen Gadol said the Shem HaMeforash, wrote ...
NJM's user avatar
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Source for Ramban regarding Devarim 30:7

According to Ramban (in the context of Vikuah), Devarim 30:7 applies both to notzrim and ishmaelim: וקראתי להם פרשת והיה כי יבואו עליך כל הדברים האלה הברכה והקללה אשר נתתי לפניך, וגמר הפרשה עד ...
Renato S. Grun's user avatar
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Is the "wicked son" of the Haggadah an apostate Jew?

I've seen a few sources that seem to understand that the wicked son of the Haggadah was an apostate Jew, who converted to Christianity. See for example, this answer and linked article, as well as ...
רבות מחשבות's user avatar
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"Children Of Miracles" quote

UPDATE: I reached out to one of the ministries listed below and was told that this was said by RABBI SCHNEERSON. So if anyone knows of a message, whether printed/published or audio/video, of Rabbi ...
Tom Steele's user avatar
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Hizzuk Emunah in Hebrew online

Hizzuk Emunah ("Faith Strengthened") is a Jewish response to Christian missionaries, composed by Lithuanian Karaite scholar, Isaac ben Abraham of Troki. I managed to find an English version of this ...
ezra's user avatar
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Entering a Catholic or Protestant church [duplicate]

According to Jewish Law, is one allowed to enter a Catholic or Protestant church?
Chiddushei Torah's user avatar
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Paul being sent as a double agent by the Sanhedrin

I think there's a pretty popular conspiracy theory supposedly based on a censored Midrash that Paul was sent by the Sanhedrin to revolutionize Christianity in order to fully differentiate it from ...
robev's user avatar
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Christians Allies of Gog and Magog

This Wikipedia article concerning Gog and Magog says Rashi wrote that the Christians would ally with Gog and Magog to destroy Israel, only to be thwarted in the end. Where does he write this?
ezra's user avatar
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Source for Expression: "There is No Prophet For His Own Town"

There is an expression: אין נביא לעירו which apparently refers to the lack of control or respect wielded by local authorities over their own populace. The earliest source I know for this is the ...
mevaqesh's user avatar
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Is the Gemara (Shabbos 116b) quoting the New Testament?

The Gemara in Shabbos (116b) seems to have two quotes from the New Testament, but I'm not sure. ברא וברתא כחדא ירתון - sons and daughters should inherit together and אנא לא למיפחת מן אורייתא ...
clum's user avatar
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Christianity as a test for jews

I was looking for sources demonstrating Christianity as a test for Jews. My search began when I was reading Rambam in Mishneh Torah (Laws of Kings 11:4; English): [...] Can there be a greater ...
Renato S. Grun's user avatar
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What is the source for Rav Soloveitchik's assertion that 1st Century Christians introduced mixed seating for prayers?

In the collection of Rav Soloveitchik’s responsa Community, Covenant and Commitment, there is a series of letters railing against mixed seating in the synagogue. Amongst the points raised there is a ...
user6591's user avatar
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Minhag not to learn Torah on the night of Nitel (Who and where)

This related question explains what this minhag is and a couple of reasons for it. I was wondering to what extent is this minhag practiced today apart from Chabad (see Hayom Yom - 17 Tevet)? Do all ...
Danield's user avatar
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