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Questions about or that apply specifically to women.

3 votes

How is lack of tznius lifnei eiver?

Since a man is prohibited to stare at a woman, dressing immodestly in front of men provides them with the tool to sin, let alone what the stare can lead to (improper thoughts, etc.) That seems almost …
Yishai's user avatar
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4 votes

Marriage and Menstruation

Yes, Orthodox Jewish practice involves a married couple separating for approximately 12 days a month during months that the wife is having her normal menstrual cycle, ending in the wife visiting the M …
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4 votes

Why aren't some the daily brachot made only once in a lifetime?

In general the morning blessings are a form of Birchas Hanehnin, which we would say every time we benefit, not once in a lifetime. Shulchan Aruch HaRav writes: ברכות השחר תקנום חכמים על סדר העולם והנ …
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5 votes

What's her husband doing at the gates in the middle of her song?

In the Zohar it gives two related interpretations of this verse. First, the context it places this in is that this is a reference to The Jewish People as the Eishes Chayil. Within that, her husband is …
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1 vote

Why don't we thank God for making us men/women?

.* Regarding the Bracha that women make, this is indeed like accepting Hashem's judgement, but that was added later. Some communities don't say it at all. …
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5 votes

Why are women obligated in maggid?

So again, from here women are obligated in both aspects of the cups. … The Ramo (473:6) says that the Haggadah should be translated so that women and children understand it. The Mishna Brurah (:64) explains again that the women are obligated to say the Haggadah. …
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3 votes

Why are women exempt from (many) time-bound mitzvot?

The Lubavitcher Rebbe (Likutei Sichos 31 page 97-98) says, based on the Mechilta on Shemos 19:3, that women have a stronger relationship to serving Hashem through faith (whereas men are more philosophical … Thus women were given the general principles of Torah, and the men the specific details (according to the Mechilta - unlike the Medrash Rabbah). …
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9 votes

Are women allowed to drive?

Shevet HaLevi 4:1 s.q. 2 by Rav Shmuel Wosner writes that "experience has taught him" that it is proper to completely forbid women driving because the activity of learning to drive leads to immodest behavior … Rav Binyamin Zilber in Az Nidberu Volume 13 #20 takes issue with this and says that in Talmudic times women rode on donkeys, it just isn't a nice image due to the standard riding position requiring spiting …
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4 votes
1 answer

Beis Din observing a female convert's immersion in the Mikvah

The practice today is that the Beis Din overseeing the conversion of a woman will observe her head going below water for the required Tevilah. Given the potential modesty issue - I know that they put …
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11 votes

Is it forbidden for a woman to learn Gemara?

women who were apparently at a similar level that she studied with). … When she re-married (she was widowed at a young age) and moved to Vitebsk, she was dismayed at the relative ignorance of the women there and looked to educate them. …
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17 votes
4 answers

The practice of (not) printing pictures of women in magazines and newspapers under religious...

In it he described how the practice of other religious magazines at the time (1980's) was to not include pictures of women (or girls) of any kind on the cover. … I also notice that magazines like Mishpacha and Ami never include pictures of women, even in the section written by and targeted to women - never a picture of the author or any female subject of the story …
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1 vote

The practice of (not) printing pictures of women in magazines and newspapers under religious...

Rabbi Yosef Chaim Ben Eliyahu from Bagdad paskens here that it is improper and unworthy of her Jewish liniage for a woman to model for pictures for publication. (H/T footnote #7 in the blog post refer …
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1 vote

Are women allowed to drive?

Rabbi Amnon Yitzchak argues that men should only drive cars as it is analgous to a horse drawn carriage which where traditionally driven by men, making it a modesty issue.
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6 votes

halacha of honoring your Wife

Rambam Hilchos Ishus 15:19: וכן ציוו חכמים שיהיה אדם מכבד את אשתו יותר מגופו, ואוהבה כגופו; ואם יש לו ממון, מרבה בטובתה כפי הממון And similarly the Sages commanded that a person should honor his wife …
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2 votes

Marrying a wife that is older than you?

I have heard of an opinion (don't remember the source) that based on what the Talmud (in Sotah 2a says that at conception (or 40 days before conception, depending on how you read it), a Bas Kol announ …
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