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Why don't kohanim eat terumah nowadays?

Terumah is a tithe that is given to kohanim. I have been told that kohanim are not allowed to eat terumah nowadays. Is this true? If so, why not?
Gavriel's user avatar
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consequences of minor tumah nowadays

In a comment on this question that is now deleted, DoubleAA said something to the effect of Yes you become impure by sitting on the seat, but anyone who needs to care about the consequences of ...
Heshy's user avatar
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What's the difference between יאכלו נקודים and יתחלקו לעסות (in תרומות פ״ה)?

A few משניות in chapter 5 of מסכת תרומות discuss טמא wheat kernels that got mixed with טהור ones that never became מוכשרים לקבל טומאה. They say that, to avoid making the טהור ones טמא, we do one of ...
msh210's user avatar
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Explanation of obscure Rashi (שבת דף יד)

The Bavli, Shabas 13 amud 2, quotes a mishna in Zavin that lists some people and things that, by touching t'ruma, invalidate it so that it cannot be eaten. The Bavli says that these restrictions were ...
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The purity of non-priests, non-Jews and non-humans who eat terumah

Not only can kohanim consume terumah, but they may feed it to their wives, their daughters, their Canaanite slaves and their livestock (cf: Rambam, Hilkhot Terumot 6:1 and 3). So far as their own ...
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