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Does a woman who gives her eggs become yoledet

In Leviticus 12:1-4 it states that a woman is impure for 7 days after birth, known as Yoledet. This is a status with similar rules to niddah. My question is, does this Halacha apply to a woman who ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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Is there any rule against finding out the gender of a fetus? [duplicate]

From my unscientific survey of what I've seen, it seems like most Orthodox Jews avoid finding out the gender of their child while it is still in utero (even if they otherwise take ultrasounds, blood ...
Salmononius2's user avatar
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Are Noahide women permitted to undergo a tubal ligation?

Shalom! I am a non Jewish G-d fearing woman with two children and even though I am still quite young (24) I don't want to have any more children. I have severe depression and anxiety so the two I ...
Miriam 's user avatar
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Under what conditions may a newly married couple go on birth control?

Which halachic conditions may allow a couple to go on birth control upon getting married? Is the desire to work on building a solid relationship between man and wife before starting a family a valid ...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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Rav Moshe's Psak on Fertility Treatments

I recently read an interview with Rav Dovid Feinstein and he referenced a two year period of Rav Moshe's life that were troubling due to backlash he received following a controversial psak regarding ...
Mordechai B.'s user avatar
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Are there any halachic issues involved with using jscreen? is an organization that provides genetic testing for Jews to help potential spouses better know if their children might have the potential to develop different diseases. The issue is that ...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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Peru Urevu Halacha question [duplicate]

If a jewish male donates sperm to a jewish couple who cannot have children for whatever purpose. By donating sperm does the donor fulfill the mitzvah of Peru Eruvu? If the answer is yes, then the ...
bethebest 's user avatar
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Is altering human genetics wrong in Judaism?

So, our colonists of the oceanic planet Mayim (yes, that's its name), of whom every single one is a Jew, have encountered a problem: there is no more room on the buoyant-colony-thing that they live in,...
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Performing a C-section in the Time of Chazal

The Mishna (Bekhorot 8:2) refers to two children born to the same mother, the first by C-section and the second by regular delivery. The Rambam famously comments that it seems exceedingly strange to ...
Shimon bM's user avatar
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Seven months pregnancy [duplicate]

There are places where it mentions a seven month full term pregnancy such as the Mishna Yevamos 100a. In modern day science is there such a concept as a seven month pregnancy that is considered full ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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Is human placenta kosher?

There is, apparently, something called placenta encapsulation which means making pills out of a placenta postpartum for the purpose of digesting placenta. People claim that these pills offer unique ...
Gavriel's user avatar
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Halachot of IVF

Does anyone know of any good teshuvas or sefers giving an overview of the halacha of in-vitro fertilization IVF? (Feel free to also give overviews in your answers, but I'd appreciate links to the ...
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What is the Orthodox Jewish position regarding a criminal ban on abortion?

I know that many Orthodox Jews oppose abortion - presumably because they see this as a religious requirement - but does Orthodox Judaism see it as required or preferable to support a secular law ...
Emma's user avatar
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Is a Jew permitted to have an abortion?

Under what, if any, circumstances may a Jewish woman undergo an abortion? Can a Jewish doctor perform an abortion? As each case and individual is unique, please consult your rabbi for practical ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Life support for a dead pregnant woman for the sake of a pre-viable baby

Suppose a pregnant woman dies*, and it's too early in the pregnancy for the baby inside her to have any chance of viability if delivered now, but if the woman's body is kept connected to life-support ...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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Woman with 2 wombs in regards to pidyon haben

There is a medical condition known as "Uterus didelphys". Wikipedia describes it as follows: Uterus didelphys (sometimes also uterus didelphis) represents a uterine malformation where the uterus ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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Will editing genome of embryo having Jewish parents diminish Jewish status of later child? [closed]

There's a dreadful genetic illness known as Tay-Sachs requiring two carriers to activate the fatal effects in a child. Probably, in reaction to the 20th century eugenics movement and its terrible ...
Aule's user avatar
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When is there a heter to use a condom?

When, if ever, is there a heter for a married couple to use a condom as a form of birth control? Question was inspired by this article
please remove my account's user avatar
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Can members of Hatzolah learn how to deliver a baby?

This seems like a very simple thing. Is there anything wrong with male members of Hatzolah (a frum Jewish emergency medical organization) learning how to deliver a baby? I recently heard that Rabbonim ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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Sources on the Halachic status of creating three parent child

See here for the background. The basic idea is that the DNA is taken from the mother and father, but rather than traditional IVF, the nucleus is implanted in a donor egg. So there is no male donor ...
Yishai's user avatar
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Must a woman cover her hair during childbirth?

Does a woman need to cover her hair during childbirth or other major medical procedures?
Identitytheft-Dave's user avatar
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Prenatal testing

I've been hearing that some people are discouraging prenatal testing for halachic reasons but it seems pretty important to me. Does anyone know if there's actually something halachicly wrong about ...
Milky Weinberg's user avatar
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Halachic permissibility of a vasectomy

What are the halachic concerns surrounding vasectomies? Are vasectomies permitted by halacha under any circumstances? The issues that I could see as possibly being connected would be chavala (...
SAH's user avatar
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Why does the Talmud assume a woman cannot get pregnant on the first act of intercourse?

There is a rule in the Gemara (Yevamot 34a) that אין אשה מתעברת בביאה ראשונה. The question is why the Talmud assumes that a virgin cannot conceive on her first act of sexual intercourse if the hymen ...
Reb Chaim HaQoton's user avatar
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Morning After Pill in Halacha

Is the morning-after pill considered an abortion in Halachic terms or does it have another status, and, if the latter, may it be used?
simchastorah's user avatar
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May a woman freeze her ova?

Is a woman allowed to freeze her own ova if she is coming to the later years of her life and is afraid she will miss her opportunity to have her own children naturally or otherwise, or is that frowned ...
simchastorah's user avatar
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May a lady take a pregnancy test on Shabbos?

Are there any issues with taking a pregnancy test (non-electronic) on Shabbos?
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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What is the "Kos Shel Ikrin," a potion that renders one infertile?

The Talmud discusses the "Kos Shel Ikrin" (Cup of the Barren, or Cup of Roots), a potion that rendered a woman or man infertile. The recipe for this potion is on record in tractate Shabbos and there ...
Barry's user avatar
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Halachic considerations of ultrasonography on infant for gender

There are some people who specifically don't want to know their baby's gender before birth. Is there any halachic basis to this, or is it just superstition?
yydl's user avatar
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