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inspection: inspecting things

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How to become a qualified Bodek Shaatnez

I would very much like to learn the laws and the practical checking of Shaatnez - how do I go about?
Avi M's user avatar
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How do you check dates with pits on shabbos?

Dates may contain insects and should be checked before consuming (source). The only way to do this (that I am aware of) for dates with pits is to open the date and remove the pit to examine the area ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Non Jews checking vegetables [duplicate]

Does a non-Jew need to check their lettuce for infestation. The thrips and other insects there may very well be alive. Would that violate "aver min hachai"?
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When does a kosher place need a mashgiach temidi?

I notice that some kosher places have a mashgiach (kashrut inspector) that vsists the place occasionally. Others have someone there permanently. What criteria is used to decide if a place needs a ...
DanF's user avatar
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Is checking for bugs halachically required?

Various methods of checking for bugs in produce, i.e., lettuce, are officially recommended by kashrus agencies and other halachic professionals. However, is use of one/any of these methods--or even a ...
SAH's user avatar
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How frequently should Shatnez laboratories be checked?

Many cities have a laboratory where individuals can take their clothes to check if there is shatnez and if necessary to remove it. Often these laboratories are under the supervision of the local Beis ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Do we need to check for nefuchos in our matzah today?

We are not supposed to eat matzoh that contains a nefucha (a "swollen" part/air bubble) bigger than a hazelnut. I'm not entirely sure of the reasons, but it is discussed in Mishna Berura 461:34. ...
SAH's user avatar
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Who accepts the "chazaka" method of checking vegetables?

Several sources endorse a method of checking produce in which the batch of produce is washed, three random samples from the batch are inspected for bugs, and, if these samples are entirely clear of ...
SAH's user avatar
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If eggs have a hechsher, must you still check them for blood spots?

In general, one checks the yolks of raw eggs for blood spots before using them. However, is it strictly necessary to do this with eggs that have a hechsher on the box? Please provide an authoritative ...
SAH's user avatar
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What is the underlying requirement of Techeilet?

I have been reading the various questions and answers about techeilet but I still don't understand the exact demand (and apologies if I missed this amongst the other questions). Is the goal to have a ...
rosends's user avatar
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How are Sifrei Torah typically checked today?

Our shul has about 10 Sifrei Torah (no exaggeration) that are all passul. I am curious how complicated it would be to discover where the problems are. Someone told me that today, many sofrim (scribes)...
DanF's user avatar
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5 answers

Mirror for Teffilin

Is it enough to use my fingers to figure out if the teffilin is between my eyes, or am I halachically required to use a mirror in order to ensure that it is? I faintly remember a sugya in Ketuvot ...
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What's the way to check a mushroom for worms

Is there a way, and if so, what's the best practice for checking a mushroom to verify it is clear of worms?
herbert's user avatar
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Does fish need to be inspected for non kosher fish, flies and worms?

I'm not sure if commercial fish is inspected in any way. I know that most commercial fish is caught in nets, so I don't think that bait is used. When individuals go fishing, they use worms, flies, or ...
DanF's user avatar
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Do popcorn kernels have to be checked for bugs?

There are many vegetables, legumes etc which according to poskim need to be checked for bugs due to insect infestation. Can anyone tell me if this is also true for popcorn kernels?
Shraga's user avatar
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Do kashrut agencies inspect pickling spices for insects before adding them to brined meat?

I noticed that pickled meats such as corned beef, pastrami and tongue are covered with seeds twigs and leaves. (Most of it seems to be allspice.) Considering that kashrut agencies have been so ...
DanF's user avatar
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Timeline of the frequency of Bedikos

The Talmud states (Mishna, top of Niddah 13a): כל היד המרבה לבדוק בנשים משובחת The more bedikos (checks for menstruation) that a woman does, the better This is brought in the Shulchan Aruch Yoreh ...
Y     e     z's user avatar
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How can a parah adumah be validated?

This question links to a post from the Temple Institute that mentions that a red heifer was born in Israel in 2002 and that a couple of rabbis had traveled to check the cow and verified that it was ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Does "Nivdak" flour, grains, beans or pasta exist?

I know Bodek, among other brands sells pre-checked (for bugs, worms, etc.) produce. However, I have not seen any commercially available pre-checked rice, barley (etc. - pretty much any grain that is ...
DanF's user avatar
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Do sefardim have to check rice for Hametz nowadays?

Rav Y. Abadi holds that nowadays, there is no need to check our rice for pieces of Hametz due to the way rice is manufactured. Are ...
Yishaq's user avatar
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How long can יוצא ונכנס be?

In regards to kosher supervision, what is the largest single gap that a mashgiach can leave the premise and still be considered practicing יוצא ונכנס?
Yishaq's user avatar
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Do I have to check my fruits and vegetables [for insects] before I put them in a smoothie?

I use both frozen and fresh fruits and vegetables in my smoothies, and mostly organic. Does the type of fruit or vegetable matter? For example, produce that generally has more insects, such as ...
aharon katz's user avatar
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Going out of their way to look for דם בתולים the second time

I know the p'sak of the Aruch HaShulchan, that you must check the sheets after the 2nd/3rd time a newly-married couple are intimate. I heard that there is a more lenient opinion that you don't even ...
Yosef Platt's user avatar
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Required to check the Arba Minim before the mitzvah?

In Hilchos Tzitzis (Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim) Siman 8 Sif 9 the Machaber writes that one must check the tzitzis before making a bracha in order to be sure they are kosher so his bracha shouldn't be "...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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Do hechshered leafy vegetables mean that they have no bugs?

If I buy (for example) frozen broccoli in the store with a hechsher, is it required to check for bugs? Does the hechsher signify that the vegetables have already been checked for bugs and are free of ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Examining the Zav

Does anyone know of any rabbinic sources (Talmudic/midrashic) that indicate that a Zav would go to a halakhic authority to be examined regarding his Zivah?
AGV's user avatar
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Is a non-Jew reliable for Sha'atnez?

Suppose someone is fabulously wealthy, and they have their own personal tailor who is not Jewish. May this tailor be relied upon not to make anything which contains Sha'atnez? May this tailor be ...
Seth J's user avatar
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Who needs to check a m'zuza?

I have heard that a m'zuza must be checked twice every seven years by a qualified sofer. I have also heard that, assuming it's known to have been kosher at one point, it need only be checked for faded ...
msh210's user avatar
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Check cashmere for Shatnez?

Is one required to check cashmere clothing for shatnez? Cashmere is a kind of wool that does not come from sheep.
Daniel's user avatar
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Source for checking talis over shoulder

What is the source for checking one's tzitzis while the talis is over one's right shoulder: isn't the halacha just to check the knots and strings? Can't the checking be done on a table?
sam's user avatar
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What does "twice in seven years" mean regarding checking mezuzos?

We are told to check our mezuzos twice every seven years. What exactly does this mean? If the Chachamim/Poskim had meant once every 3.5 years, would they not have said this instead? With regard to ...
yitznewton's user avatar
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how often do you have to check your mezuzot?

I heard it was twice in two years. Is that right? Where does that come from? If I have no reason to assume they became pasul do I still have to check them?
guywithmezuzas's user avatar
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Best practices for checking a Mezuzah

What are some best practices for checking a Mezuzah (as the Mezuzah owner, not as a Sofer)? Some questions that come to mind are: Should all Mezuzoth in a home be checked at once? What should one ...
Seth J's user avatar
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How to check your own Shaatnez

Is there a guide or a maybe a video on how to check your own clothes for Shaatnez? Does anyone here know? If so, can you explain?
Hacham Gabriel's user avatar
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Prenatal testing

I've been hearing that some people are discouraging prenatal testing for halachic reasons but it seems pretty important to me. Does anyone know if there's actually something halachicly wrong about ...
Milky Weinberg's user avatar
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Chafez Chayim checked copies of (which) books?

I've heard that the Chafetz Chayim inspected each page of each printed copy of the Mishna B'rura to be sure that it was printed correctly (with no large ink splotches or the like). Is there a ...
msh210's user avatar
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Should the shaliach tzibbur check the tzitzis of a tallis given to him to daven?

Some shuls require the shaliach tzibbur to wear a tallis for mincha which is normally given to him from shul property. Is he required to check the tzitzis before wearing it? Do we say that it would be ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Checking lettuce on Shabbos

1) Is there any way to check lettuce on Shabbos? 2) If the lettuce had been put into a liquid that kills the bugs before Shabbos, is there then a way to check it?
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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How often should Tefillin be inspected?

Like the title says: how often should one have his tefillin inspected, and why was such a frequency chosen?
yydl's user avatar
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Technological innovations and halacha

A generally accepted halachic principle is that the Torah was not given to angels. As such, halacha is only applied within normal human capabilities. A classic example is that one is not required to ...
YDK's user avatar
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Trying on potential Shatnez clothing

How can one try on clothing before checking, if it might contain Shatnez?
SimchasTorah's user avatar
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What is better: checking vegetables yourself, or buying them pre-checked?

Nowadays you can purchase pre checked fresh lettuce, and frozen checked veggies. What is more preferable - to check yourself or to purchase pre checked?
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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Is checking the parshios a hefsek?

Are you required to make another bracha on your tefillin if you take them off to check the parshios?
cookie monster's user avatar
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What do you have to check for Shatnez?

What do you and what do you not have to check for Shatnez?
Y.Stahl's user avatar
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