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Is there a blessing for boring the ear of a slave?

In Shemot 21:6 the Torah states the commandment of God וְהִגִּישׁוֹ אֲדֹנָיו אֶל־הָאֱלֹקים וְהִגִּישׁוֹ אֶל־הַדֶּלֶת אוֹ אֶל־הַמְּזוּזָה וְרָצַע אֲדֹנָיו אֶת־אׇזְנוֹ בַּמַּרְצֵעַ וַעֲבָדוֹ לְעֹלָם׃ {ס}...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Does it still count as a Bracha if one stuttered and repeated words?

What if someone has a stutter and they tend to repeat words when doing a Bracha. As long as they said all of the words, does it still count as a Bracha?
Raphael Chilungu's user avatar
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Does one still fulfill the Mitzvah of Tzitzit even if one didn’t make a Bracha on it? [duplicate]

Is it true that a person still fulfills the Mitzvah of Tzitzit even if they don’t say the Bracha for it? And that would apply to other Mitzvot, such as Tefillin, correct?
Raphael Chilungu's user avatar
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Bracha on Kiddush Hachodesh

Did the beit din make a bracha each month on the mitzvah of kiddush hachodesh in the times of the Sanhedrin? If yes, what was the language of the bracha?
Sammy Nassimi's user avatar
5 votes
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Bracha on Unloading and raising up animals

Does one make a bracha over the mitzvot of unloading an exhausted animal, or raising up a collapsed animal?
Sammy Nassimi's user avatar
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Bracha over searching kosher signs

Is there a bracha that is made over searching the kosher signs of animals, whether animals, birds or fish - given that the Rambam lists these as individual mitzvot.
Sammy Nassimi's user avatar
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Brachos on mitzvos no longer practiced [closed]

I am currently working on a project devising a list of all Brachot ever made in the history of yiddishkeit. So far I have 198, based on prevalent practice today as well as various poskim and, gemara, ...
Sammy Nassimi's user avatar
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Bracha of leshev basuccah sitting down

The Mishna Berura says in three places (that I know of) that every birchas hamizvah must be said standing up (סי' ח' ס"ק ב', סי' תפט שעה"צ ס"ק ז', וסי' תקפה ס"ק א-ב). If this is ...
Shmuel Koppel's user avatar
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Loss of not making a bracha on a mitzva

Berachot 35b: Rabbi Ḥanina bar Pappa said: Anyone who derives benefit from this world without a blessing, it is as if he stole from God and the community of Israel This is commonly applied to the ...
treenuts15's user avatar
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Is a bracha me’akev to the mitzvah?

Many mitzvahs require a bracha beforehand. If one were to not make the bracha, is the mitzvah valid bedi’eved or does the fact that the bracha wasn’t made means the mitzvah wasn’t done? For example: ...
michael's user avatar
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Why do we not say a bracha before sex? [duplicate]

There is a mitzvah to populate the world, pru urvu. For most mitzvot, there is a bracha we say before we do it. So why do we not say a bracha before sex? Also, whenever one benefits from anything, he ...
yogazefish's user avatar
16 votes
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Why don't we say a blessing before giving charity?

Before doing many mitzvos (commandments), we are required derabanan to say a blessing. Why is this not the same for giving tzedakah (charity)?
Shalom Meisels's user avatar
11 votes
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Are there any brachos for "touching" something?

4 of the 5 senses explicitly have berachos: Taste- Shehakol food, blessings on fruits & vegetables etc (see: OC 202-207) Smell- Pleasant fragrances (OC 216) Hearing- Thunder (MB 227:5) Seeing-...
alicht's user avatar
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Shehechyanu levatala on Purim

Before the morning reading of Megillat Esther, the reader says 3 brachot including Shehechyanu (according to Ashkenazic practice). This applies, to some degree, and in some way to that morning's ...
rosends's user avatar
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Does an Ashkenazi lady say a bracha on netilat lulav on the first day of Sukkot if the lulav is borrowed?

An Ashkenazi woman wants to shake the 4 species on the first day of Sukkot. Her husband doesn't have a lulav. She goes to a friend who has a lulav, and without his knowledge (and active transfer of ...
Mike Stashevski's user avatar
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Why do we recite "v'tzivanu" in mitzvos which come from the Rabbis? [duplicate]

'בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה ה' אֱלֹקֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הָעוֹלָם, אֲשֶׁר קִדְּשָׁנוּ בְּמִצְוֹתָיו וְצִוָּנוּ וגו Blessed are You, L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, who sanctified us with His commandments and ...
ezra's user avatar
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Where are we commanded to wrap ourselves in Tzitzit?

When we put on a tallit, we say a blessing (copied from here) Barukh atah Adonai, Eloheinu, melekh ha'olam Blessed are you, Lord, our God, sovereign of the universe asher kidishanu b'mitz'votav v'...
rosends's user avatar
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Why no bracha on marrying?

If we are commanded to marry, why no bracha "sanctified by your commandments". (Marriage is #70 on Rambam's list of mitzvot, see:
Yehuda W's user avatar
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Why don't Kohanim and Levi'im thank Hashem for not making them regular Israelites?

As answers to Why don't we thank God for making us men/women? say, men thank Hashem for not making them a woman because the obligations or mitzvot that a man has is greater in number than that of ...
TreeKing's user avatar
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Eved Knani versus a Woman

In terms of obligation in mitzvos, what is the difference between an Eved Knani and a woman? And if they are the same, why do we have two separate brachos for each in the morning prayers?
WhoKnows's user avatar
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Who Commanded Us, and For What?

Whenever a Jew performs an activity that is mandated by the Torah, s/he recites the blessing that acknowledges God, "אשר קדשנו במצוותיו" (who sanctified us with his commandments), and who commanded us ...
Shimon bM's user avatar
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Mitzvos on which the only b'racha is birkas "Shehechiyanu"

I saw in the name of the Or Zaru'a and others that one does not make a b'racha before writing a sefer Torah even though it is a positive mitzva with an action associated because (among other reasons) ...