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Unanswered Questions

145 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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a non halachic pirush on maseches kelim

I recall once having seen a pirush on maseches kelim from a kabalah - chasidus viewpoint, and i since cant recall the name of the sefer or who wrote it, any ideas?
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Earliest textual source for the concept of Holy Sparks?

What is the earliest known/cited textual source for the concept of holy sparks?
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Askinu seudasa on Yom Tov

The Chabad nusach has a form of אתקינו סעודתא in kiddush (both day and night) for the shalosh regalim. However, it is not found in the machzor for Rosh Hashanah. I'm trying to find out if there are ...
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Is it possible that a non-Jew could have a Jewish soul?

Some people feel a deep and inexplicable connection to Judaism, something that seems to go above nature, perhaps related to a past life or other metaphysical cause. Is there any basis in Jewish ...
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Colour spectrum before Newton's discoveries hinted at in the Kabbalah?

Sha'arei Tzedek 10 (c.1300): ודע כי תחלת כל המראות לבן והוא מקבל כל הגוונים וסוף כל המראות שחור ואין אחריו גוון Know that the beginning of all visions is white, which absorbs all colours, and the end ...
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0 answers

Is there a concept of sexual transmutation in Torah?

Hi in some of the certain secular books I have seen before taking Torah more seriously for example in Think and Grow Rich it says that a person can transmute (transform) the energy of his Zera to ...
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Would Torah consider kundalini awakening as Avoda Zara or is there a kosher equivilant that can be found in Jewish mysticism also?

BH Is kundalini awakening considered Avoda Zara or is there a kosher equivalent that can be found in Jewish mysticism also?
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0 answers

Parshas Vayechi: The impurity of Philistim

The Shivlei Pinches (Parshas Vayechi, 5774) shares an incredible idea about the spiritual impurity/kelipah of the Philistim (Hebrew here). The Shivlei Pinches explains, regarding Shimshon HaGibor, ...
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2 answers

Transferring Holy Sparks

In Kaballah, there is the idea that we lift holy Sparks back to their source by utilizing the material world in the way, G-d wants it to be utilized. I have heard that holy sparks can also be ...
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0 answers

Where does the Ben Ish Hai speak about the spread of Kabbalah in Od Yosef Hai

I recall once hearing that the Ben Ish Hai in Od Yosef Hai proves that Kabbalah is true by showing that there are mysterious things in the world that can only be explained by Kabbalah. He also ...
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0 answers

Non-Jewish G-dly Souls

Can the contrasting views of non-Jewish soul from Maimonides and from Kabbalah be reconciled? Maimonides is quite explicit that all human beings have the potential for a G-dly soul, which is manifest ...
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0 answers

Was there an opposition to Arizal?

There was a big conflict about the Hashkafa of Rambam. But it seems that there was nothing to contradict the Arizal, as if everybody agreed with the fact that he learned with Elyahu, and so him being ...
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0 answers

What is the occupation of the soul, Jewish and non-Jewish, in the months prior to birth?

After reading an interesting scientific article concerning how mammals apparently dream prior to birth, it reminded me of Rabbi Simlai in Niddah 30b discussing how each Jewish soul learns the entire ...
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0 answers

What is the name of the sefer that lists the simanim in shulhan aruch where maran is posek according to kabbalah

What is the name of the sefer that lists the simanim in shulhan aruch where maran is posek according to kabbalah i.e. like sitting down while putting on tefillin shel yad
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0 answers

Zohar's interpretation of Bereshit 1

The Zohar's interpretation of the words 'Bereshit bara Elohim', usually translated as 'In the beginning G-d created', seems not to understand the word Elohim to be the subject of the verb bara, but ...

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