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Unanswered Questions

145 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How are things such as evil eyes/dark attachments/evil handled in Jewish tradition?

While the topic isn't discussed heavily in modern Judaism (outside of the evil inclination) the idea that there are dark forces which can negatively impact and overwhelm individuals is a very real ...
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Seven Ushpizot on Sukkot?

In a number of places online, I've seen reference made to a teaching from Menachem Azariah of Fano, or Rama MiPano, about seven female "guests" which visit the Sukkah over Sukkot, in paralel to the ...
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0 answers

Abulafia's Tree of Life?

This website produces religious jewelery, one of whose pieces is described as the Etz Chayim as envisaged by Abraham Abulafia, founder of the prophetic-ecstatic school of Kabbalah. Is shows a very ...
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0 answers

Mekubal in New York

I am looking for an authenticated mekubal in New York who is also a Torah scholar and can assist me with a pressing personal issue.
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Counting of hours and days

The Torah states (Deuteronomy 18:10) “There shall not be found among you one who calculates times.” There are however, "permissable" counting, such as the counting of the omer, the counting of My ...
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0 answers

What is the kabbalistic understanding of the name אזבוג״ה?

In the sefer Brit Menucha it mentions the name of God אזבוג״ה which comes from Shemos 15:1. I would like to understand what the kabbalistic associations with this name are. Particularly what is the ...
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1 answer

Holy names and mystic things added to Jewish prayer from Shabatay Tzvi sect

I read that the name "di-carnosa" (Fleshy God) and other names and prayer texts derive from Shabbatay Tzvi Sect influence in Sephardic Liturgy. I couldn't find a compiled and organised ...
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1 answer

The Kabbalistic aspect of Gemara Rashi, Tosfos

Are there any sources that talk about the Kabbalistic aspect of Gemara Rashi Tosfos? The effect it has in ones life and the upper worlds?
-1 votes
2 answers

Were the spiritual worlds created (sources)?

I was told the spiritual worlds are above time, does that mean they always existed? What does it mean that on some level they do not experience any change? Sources please.
-3 votes
1 answer

Is the term "Memra" (Word) in the Targum Jerusalem Deuteronomy 24:7 connected with Avot De Rabbi Natan 34:9 and Sefer Yetzirah 1:9?

Targum Jerusalem Deuteronomy 26:17 goes like this: "You have chosen the Word of the Lord to be king over You this day, that he may be your God." Does this unique concept called "Word&...

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