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Unanswered Questions

145 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Why does my Tikkun not have Chapter 19 (yud tet)?

I noticed my Artscroll Tikkun does not display certain chapters numbers correctly. Yud heh -> vuv? Yud vuv -> tet zayn (this makes sense) Yud chet -> chet (18 is lucky, so why isn't this ...
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Does mentioning someone’s sins somehow bring them before the heavenly court?

If someone has wronged you but you wish to forgive them. Should one avoid talking about what they’ve done to you?
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Sefaradim poskim and edot

With which edah among sefaradim is associated these poskim and what is the place of Kabbalah in their psakim : Maran Rav Ovadia Yossef zl Maran Mordekhai Eliyahu zl HaRav Shalom Messas zl HaRav Ben ...
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Looking for sources on מגידות

I am looking for sources which describe the phenomena of מגידות. I mean it in the sense of the experiences recorded in Maggid Mesharim, attributed to R. Yosef Karo. So far I have: The book "The ...
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Rav Yosef Engel’s 20 books on Kabbalah?

Rav Yosef Engel (Polish rabbi and halakhist, 1859–1920) is reputed to have written over 20 works on Kabbalah. What were these 20 works, which are still available, and what is the uniqueness of each?
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When Hashem wishes to punish someone He takes away their bitachon

BH Hi, I read in Shaar Bitachon page 4 in the White version with Chassidic notes, in the commentary, that the Baal Shem Tov said that a person must pray that his trust be strengthened, because when ...
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Variations on interlaced fingers

Based on Kabbalah some have the custom to not join hands together with interlaced fingers. Classically, that looks something like this: But what about if the fingers are on the inside, like this: ...
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How is Tehilim Teach about The fear of G-d?

BH Hi I read in Meam Loez correct me if I am wrong, that Rebbe would say that Psalms teaches about fear of G-d. How does it teach this specifically? & Is he talking about the pshat of Tehilim or ...
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Why are we obligated to forgive others

Does this bring atonement for them and us? Or how does forgiveness affect the forgiven and the one that forgives.
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Is there source that a person must not have any entangled hairs in his beard when immersing in the mikvah

BH Is it true there is a law that says when a person enters a mikvah he must make sure that none of his hairs from his beard are tangled with one another or have any knots on the single strands? If ...
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What is the dividing line between a segulah and nichush

The Torah in Leviticus 19:26 prohibits the following of omens, also known as issur nichush. I am curious what the dividing line between a Segulah, which are kabbalistic charms or signs of certain ...
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Is there an English Translation available of the Maamer Nefesh HaShfeilah by the Alter Rebbe?

BH Is there an English Translation available of the Maamer Nefesh HaShfeilah by the Alter Rebbe available online?
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Mikva Erev Shabbat (for men) - looking for a detailed work on this practice

I would like to learn everything there is to learn about the practice of men going to mikva (immersing one's body in a ritual pool) on erev shabbat (Friday afternoon). I am not looking for a sif katan ...
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Does the Kabbalah explain why David’s sin affected his children

I believe Rashi said in 2 Samuel 12 that due to David’s sin the king lost many children. Why, according to Kabbalah, did David's sin have this affect on his children?
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Can a person's soul reincarnate into multiple bodies simultaneously?

Is it possible that a soul of some person, say John, reincarnates into multiple bodies but those bodies are all alive in the same period, so they are all alive in the same year, etc. or is this only ...

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