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Unanswered Questions

523 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Source for the Chazon Ish saying that long jackets are preferable?

I have heard it first hand from no less than two different rabbis, and seen it in various places (unsourced*) that the Chazon Ish held that short jackets were not tznius, and this is why certain ...
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0 answers

Does one need to fulfill the 248 words when reciting Shema outside the timeframe of Kri'at Shema?

O.C. 61:3 states that one should recite a total of 248 words when saying Kri'at Shema. As there are only 245 words, the last 3 words are fulfilled by listening to the Shat'z repeat the ה אלקיכם אמת. ...
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0 answers

Source for Arizal’s teaching

I’m reading a book by Rabbi Shlomo Arush and he says the following: "According to our master, the Arizal, whoever wants to receive the light of Ein Sof in its entirety has to change its own nature ...
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0 answers

Are any other Jewish prophecies extant beyond those in Tanach?

When Klal Yisrael had access to prophecy, there were many thousands of people who achieved prophecy, but we are taught that only those whose prophecies were applicable throughout all generations had ...
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0 answers

History of separating milk and meat dishes

What are the origins of having separate milk and meat dishes? It seems to be a generally accepted practice, and there are many Acharonim that talk about it. Where was the idea first introduced and how ...
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Zilberman seforim

Does anybody know of seforim written by members of the Zilberman community in Yerushalayim? I'm looking primarily for halachic works about implementing the Vilna Gaon's shitahs today, but I'd be ...
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0 answers

Rule 195 of Ayelet Hashachar by the Malbim

If one looks at the Malbim's Ayelet Hashachar, he gives 613 rules for interpreting the Torah. But if you look at it carefully, you'll notice that rule 195 is missing. What happened to this rule?
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0 answers

Sefer of Jewish Philosophy

Is there any sefer which goes through the various philosophical issues according, and explains the opinion of the Jewish philosophers? (Example what is space; according to the Rambam, Rasag... What is ...
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0 answers

Is there an online list of English sefarim?

Funky question. Hopefully this will help clarify. Example: I am (was) currently looking for a set of the Mishnah Berurah that has been translated into English. I just found this today: http://...
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0 answers

Is it disrespectful to listen to secular music in the same room where there is a Tanakh book?

My question might sound stupid or weird, but my house is small and I keep my Tanakh book in my bedroom, and one day there was people in the other room so I stayed in my bedroom and turned on the ...
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0 answers

Laws of Shemirat Einayim

I'm looking for a comprehensive summary of the halachas of shemiras einayim (guarding the eyes). I am not looking for those things which are midat chasidut (extra piety) but rather only those things ...
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0 answers

Does a detached binding of a sefer get stacked in the same position?

See Stacking Seforim -- the linked answer. It says that a chumash goes on top of a Nach. (See the other answer for a dissenting view.) According to that view... what about a loose binding? Say, the ...
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0 answers

Choreography of Kaddish

I have seen a number of different customs of when people bow or sway or bob or whatnot during Kaddish. Some of the people I have witnessed have been very knowledgeable, and I assume they weren't just ...
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0 answers

Can a Shul collect payment from one who does not follow specific rules?

In Sources to encourage returning s'farim to their places it has a picture of a sign saying that usage of seforim is on condition that one obligates himself to pay $18 to the synagogue fund if ...
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0 answers

Are there any name combinations that may not be used?

Are there any combinations of names that may not be given? There are many names which aren't commonly paired together but is there any reason not to or just common practice and preference?

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