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The seventh day of the week and a day of rest. Also use this tag for questions that apply equally to Yom Tov and Shabbat.

4 votes

Accepting Shabbas before plag hamincha

This is exactly the question the T'rumas Hadeshen was addressing. ברוב הקהילות נוהגין בימים ארוכים בימי הקיץ לקרות קריאת שמע של ערבית, ולהתפלל תפילת ערבית, ג' או ד' שעות לפני צאת הכוכבים. אם יש שו …
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7 votes

Number of Candles at Lighting

The purpose of lighting is to prepare for shabas in a respectable way and provide visibility during the night. The former is a fulfillment of the rabbinic requirement to "honor" shabas, and the latter …
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7 votes
1 answer

How does "shabbat speech-reinforcement" work?

How does the technology for shabas-compliant voice amplification referred to on this architecture firm's website work? Is it different technically from a regular microphone setup or is the distinction …
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13 votes

Where is the Sambatyon?

Well, an encyclopedia entry on it says the earliest source is Pliny's Historia Naturalis, in which a river with similar miraculous properties is in fact reported in XXXI:18 (last line). The footnote t …
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2 votes
2 answers

Muktzeh as a means to encourage cessation of labor

In his work on the laws of shabas called Kalkalas Shabas (at the beginning of the 3rd chapter), the author of Tif'eres Yisra'el introduces the topic of muktzeh by saying that the reason the sages proh …
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3 votes

Is it permissible to open soda cans on shabbos?

(I will try to edit in more details later, but here is a preliminary.) The difference between a soda can and a soda bottle is that to open the can, you are transforming a continuous and closed piece …
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4 votes

Eating fish on Shabbos

I have seen it brought down in the name of the Belzer Rebbe (looking for the citation) that the three things that immediately follow the word ויברך in ma'ase b'reshis are humans, shabas, and fish. The …
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6 votes

Why is the Boro Park eiruv controversial?

A couple good places to start would be here and here, both from the Eruv Blog. The second link, which itself contains many relevant and detailed links, addresses the technical issues of the geography …
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2 votes

Why do we call it "candle-lighting" time?

The "candle-lighting" in the term (English translation of הדלקת נרות or ליכט בענטשען) probably refers to the ritual act of lighting candles which is an obligatory act (first recorded by our sages) per …
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3 votes

Is using a book with letters stamped on the sides melacha (erasing) if the book wasn't close...

Yes! It has been recommended to me (by a rav who is not a posek, when I posed a similar question) that I place a bookmark in the book before shabas and leave it in while reading, thus avoiding the pro …
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24 votes
3 answers

Where did "shabat shalom" come from?

What is the source for the greeting "שבת שלום"? Where is it earliest attested in print? What does it mean?
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17 votes

Where did "shabat shalom" come from?

It is prescribed in שער הכוונות (Sha'ar Hakavanos, published in the sixteenth century) in the 7th paragraph here) to announce it loudly upon arriving home on Friday night for the reasons mentioned by …
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6 votes

Alarm clock handling on Shabbos

You are allowed to touch an alarm clock on shabas. One may touch anything on shabas that one may touch during chol. (Rema O.C. 308:3) As explained there, the prohibitions of Muktzah only apply to mo …
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0 answers

Are we praying or vowing to bring karbanos in musaf of shabas?

In t'filas musaf of shabas are we praying for Hashem to want us to bring the karbanos, or making an offer to bring them? Two possible readings of this section are of the form "may it be your will, Has …
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9 votes

Wearing Watches on Shabbat

CYLOR The issue would seem to be one of muktza - objects that may not be moved during shabas because they are not for shabas use. Let us assume that a standard watch is not muktza because it is a k'l …
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