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Unanswered Questions

7,392 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Which Noahide law covers assault?

I always get a little confused by the Noahide laws, because I've been told that they are more like seven categories than seven laws. I'm a bit bothered that things like rape and assault are not ...
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Watching people kiss in movies

I understand that, according to Jewish law, it is prohibited to watch scenes in movies that depict immoral relations. I want to clarify whether this restriction extends to scenes showing two ...
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0 answers

Where is the netsiv regarding the size of a kezayis?

I heard recently that the netsiv of Volozhin holds that a kezayis is the size of modern day olive, or about 4 cc. Does anybody know where this netsiv can be found, and if this opinion is accepted ...
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0 answers

Why Isn't a Bris done to the exact hour?

The Torah says a bris is performed on the 8th day of the child's life. Why doesn't this mean to the exact hour? Meaning, if the child was born at 1pm, only on the 8th day at 1pm should the bris be ...
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0 answers

Is there a halakhic basis for the position of Chief Rabbi of a country whose authority must be acknowledged by all Jewish citizens?

Wikipedia lists 39 countries which have one or more Chief Rabbis, counting the United Kingdom and Commonwealth as one rabbinate. Israel is the only country in which the Ashkenazi and Sephardic Chief ...
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1 answer

Who is the "other one" in Daniel 7?

Is there any Interpretation that makes sense of the passage in Daniel 7 (quoted below): According to Rashi the "other one" that will arise is Titus, but that would mean that Mashiach had to ...
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0 answers

The soft hey of Bemidbar 15:31

Seems it wants to assume the possessive dagesh in the hey. What do we do with this form grammatically? Ty All!
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Can a Heter Meah Rabannim be revoked?

A fellow is willing or wants to give a divorce to his wife, however his wife is unwilling or unable to accept. The fellow may obtain a Heter Meah Rabannim, which includes 100 Rabbis from 3 different ...
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0 answers

Why do we hear about women having Binah in gemara, but nothing the other way around for men? Maybe it should say something about Chochma alá Zohar?

As this Chabad page neatly gathers sources for, men are associated with Chochma, women are associated with Binah. The gemara says that Hashem endowed women with Binah. Why is there no source that says ...
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0 answers

What kingdom was Melchizedek the king of?

Practically all commentators learn that Salem was Jerusalem, as it says (Gen 14.18): "And King Melchizedek of Salem brought out bread and wine; he was a priest of God Most High." What do we ...
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0 answers

Can an ashkenazi Jew eat on dishes at a sephardi house on Pesach?

If someone follows ashkenazi customs and is invited by a sephardi family to eat at their house, is he allowed to eat off their dishes? In my understanding, sephardim are allowed to kasher the plates ...
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0 answers

Is it possible to [sometimes] undo Lashon Hara?

If one spoke Lashon Hara to someone, and then realised and regretted it, can they go to that person and say "I know I said that, but I was wrong, it's not true, I was just in a bad mood and I ...
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0 answers

Translation help with HaEmek Davar

On Genesis 21:26, in reference to Avimelech claiming he didn't know who stole Avraham's wells. לא ידעתי מי עשה. לא התנצל לומר לא ידעתי מזה אלא לא ידעתי מי עשה וגו׳ שהרי עיקר ההוכחה הוא על אשר נעשה ...
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0 answers

Midbar Kodesh, reason for title

The sefer Midbar Kodesh contains the teachings of Rav Shalom Rokeach, the first rebbe of Belz. The title Midbar Kodesh appears to be an intentional mispronunciation of "Midbar Kadesh." Why ...
4 votes
0 answers

Does hemolymph qualify as blood?

Eating blood is prohibited. However, some creatures, such as locusts, have hemolymph instead of what we normally consider blood. Does hemolymph qualify as blood and, as a result, must be removed ...

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