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The different traditions passed down through the generations.
Do Jews accept The Book of the Wars of the Lord (סֵפֶר מִלְחֲמֹת יהוה) as an authentic part ...
According to the Midrash Aggadah it is indeed an authentic part of Tanach; it is in fact the second book of Tanach, the Book of Exodus:
זה ספר ואלה שמות שבו כתוב המלחמה שעשה הקב״ה עם מצרים והמלחמה שע …
What was actually handed down in the Oral Law?
The Talmud (Berachot 5a) states:
וא"ר לוי בר חמא אמר ר' שמעון בן לקיש מאי דכתיב ואתנה לך את לוחות האבן והתורה והמצוה אשר כתבתי להורותם לוחות אלו עשרת הדברות תורה זה מקרא והמצוה זו משנה אשר כתבתי אלו …
Penalty for not washing hands?
The Talmud in Berachot 19a mentions that someone was excommunicated for making light of the handwashing ritual:
R. Joshua b. Levi further said: In twenty-four places we find that the Beth din infl …
Gemara seems to ignore the Masoret
R. Yom Tov Asevili in his commentary there explains that it means that there is no indication from the words themselves. But once we have the Masoretic notes the doubts are indeed resolved.
נראה פ …
Vegan tekheileth
R. Yisrael Lipschitz writes the following in his introduction to Seder Moed:
הכלל העולה דבין ציצית ובין בגדי כהונה א״צ חלזון דוקא אבל צריך בשניהן שיהיה מראה (היממעלבלויא) שאינו משתנה מיפיו ע״י בדיקה …
The tradition of a Gezeira Shava
Rashi (Ketubot 57a:) already acknowledges that in certain types of disputes one party is of necessity lying (or,to soften the implication, saying something untrue (possibly unwittingly)):
דכי פליגי ת …
Meaning of "נראים דבריהם מדברינו" - accepting scientific theories over Jewish tradition?
Rambam addresses this in Guide for the Perplexed 2:8.
You must not find it strange that Aristotle differs here from the
opinion of our Sages. The theory of the music of the spheres is
connecte …
How to reconcile the possibility that Rashi had a slightly different text of the Torah
This question was posed to R. Hershel Schachter in this Q&A forum beginning at about 13:18. He said that there are many such textual discrepancies, and that it is "a big problem" and "a serious proble …
Who compared "the ox that gores the cow" to "I am Hashem Your G-d"?
Perhaps you are thinking of the following comment of Rambam (based on the Talmud in Sanhedrin 99a):
Commentary to the Mishnah, Introduction to Perek Chelek
ואין הבדל בין וּבְנֵי חָם כּוּשׁ וּמִצְ …
Community without tzitzith
R. Eliezer ben Nathan has a responsum (Sefer Ra'avan siman 40) in which the question posed was, "why do the majority of Jews not wear tzitzit on a daily basis?"
שאלני חתני רבי אורי מצוה חמודה כמו …
How can there be machlokes in gezairah shavos?
I think this question is sort of addressed by the Gemara in Megillah 2b with Rashi's explanation.
מתני' דלא כי האי תנא דתניא רבי יהושע בן קרחה אומר כרכין המוקפין חומה
מימות אחשורוש קורין בחמשה ע …