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Finishing a Berachah when in doubt

If one said “Baruch Atah Ado-nai Elo-heinu Melech Ha’olam”, and then he realized that he shouldn’t have, because of a doubt as to whether he needed to make a Berachah, should he finish the Berachah, ...
Sholom's user avatar
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Does an unnecessary blessing still count as a valid blessing?

If someone accidentally recited a blessing unnecessarily, e.g. he made a Berachah on a secondary ingredient for which he shouldn’t have, being that he already recited the Berachah for the main ...
שלום's user avatar
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Saying the Wrong Bracha at First

Let’s say, one just did Netilat yadaim and then makes the bracha and says “Al Mitzvat Tzizit” accidentally, but then corrects himself and says “Al Netilat Yadaim”, does this count as a bracha made in ...
Anonymous111122's user avatar
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Forgetting to wash before eating bread

What should one do if they've just started making the berakha on bread and suddenly realised that they'd forgotten to wash? Should they continue making the berakha, and eat the bread without washing; ...
Shimon bM's user avatar
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What to do if I start saying the wrong berakha?

Sometimes, if I'm not paying too much attention to what I'm doing, I accidentally say asher yatzar when I'm commencing a berakha over food. Obviously, I should pay more attention to what I'm doing but,...
Shimon bM's user avatar
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Bracha levatalah vs waiting between meat and milk

If I make a ברכה on a Hershey bar, and before I eat the food, I realize I am Fleishig, what do I do? (assuming I have no other food around?)
Rebwass's user avatar
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Hoeitz-Hoadama...I made a mistake [duplicate]

While studying gemorrah Brachos - the following was unclear to me: When a person makes a hoadama brocha, when he was supposed to make an hoeitz (ex. he wants to eat an apple), he either simply ...
user9701's user avatar
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Incorrect bracha covering another food

Suppose someone is eating a fruit which requires a bracha rishona of ha'etz, but the person accidentally makes a ha'adama. Since ha'adama is the more general bracha, it covers his fruit and he does ...
Daniel's user avatar
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How far can I back up in a bracha?

If I start making a bracha over my pasta accidentally intending to say Shehakol (let's say I made the mistake because I normally just have a milkshake for lunch, not pasta, and I didn't put any ...
Charles Koppelman's user avatar
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Forgot leisheiv basucah. Now what?

If someone is eating a mezonot food in the Succah, and forgets to say leisheiv basucah, (when) should they make it up? Say it right now? Just skip it? Make a bracha achronah and restart the meal?
Scimonster's user avatar
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Havdalah: mistake in the bracha

If a person saying havdalah began the last bracha (benediction) without mentioning sheim umalchus (God's name and dominion) i.e. he said ברוך אתה השם המבדיל בין קודש לחול וכו׳, skipping אלוקינו מלך ...
user6591's user avatar
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Should a chazan who missed a day count the omer with a b'racha?

In general, someone who misses a complete day's counting the omer continues to count without preceding his count with the b'racha (benediction) normally recited for the mitzva of counting. (In fact ...
msh210's user avatar
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Is the Beracha Aharona independent of the Beracha Rishona?

If someone has a Kezayit of cake, for example, and he finishes it without having blessed before eating it, does he make an after-blessing?
Hacham Gabriel's user avatar
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Does an unnecessary brocho pesucha on Hallel necessitate a brocho siyuma?

We had an interesting question arise in our Shul this past Yom Yerushalayim. Our shul has a minhag of saying Hallel without a brocho in Shacharis. At one of the minyanim, the chazzan said a brocho at ...
eykanal's user avatar
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How to fix incorrect omer count

Suppose someone accidentally counts the wrong day of the omer after making a bracha, and then realizes later that night what he had done. How should he rectify this? Should he count the correct day ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Challah dough that loses its amount

A theoretical question: Someone was making a dough and in the process a large piece fell out from the mixture onto the floor. They had made exactly the right amount in order to take challah with a ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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What does one do if he makes a mistake in Brachos before Birkas HaTorah?

If one makes a mistake in saying a Bracha (like he started saying a bracha and remembered that he shouldn't say it) after saying "Baruch Atah Hashem", he should finish it off with "lamdeini chukecha" ...
ertert3terte's user avatar
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Bracha on Dam Basulim

There is a bracha (blessing) made after the first time a Chosson and Kallah have relations in the case that she was a basuleh (when there was a complete bia.) The makor for this Bracha is the Rosh (...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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13 votes
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Should I say "amen" to a malformed bracha?

If I hear somebody substantially mispronounce a bracha, should I say amen anyway (recognizing the intent) or remain silent? I'm not talking about nuances like pronouncing 'ayin or distinguishing ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
6 votes
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An absent Panim Chadashos at Sheva Brachos

If you make a Sheva Brachos meal for a new Chosson and Kallah and your Panim Chadashos (new person) does not show up, can you still say the Sheva Brachos?
Gershon Gold's user avatar