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Unanswered Questions

654 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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What kind of character traits is Mashiach supposed to possess?

There a some stories Chazal bring about men who were potentially going to be mashiach. A couple that come to mind are Bar Kochba (who Rabbi Akiva said would be Mashiach) and the man Eliyahu Hanavi ...
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0 answers

Why do we hear about women having Binah in gemara, but nothing the other way around for men? Maybe it should say something about Chochma alá Zohar?

As this Chabad page neatly gathers sources for, men are associated with Chochma, women are associated with Binah. The gemara says that Hashem endowed women with Binah. Why is there no source that says ...
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Is there a gemara that explains why our forefathers' prayers were answered right away?

I think I remember a gemara that says the reason why our fathers were answered right away as opposed to us is because they knew G-d's name. I am searching for it but I have not found it yet.
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Mispronouncing G-d's name "Adee-noy"

If a shaliach tzibur pronounces the name of G-d as "Adeenoy", can one say "amen"? Can one say "Boruch hu uvaruch shemo"? Does one fulfil the requirement of tefila B'...
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Order of Selichos

In most siddurim used by ashkenazim, nussach Ashkenaz or Sefard, we have a daily addition for selichos sandwitched between tefilas Amidah and Tachnun. Some people suggested to me that it was taken ...
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Touching dogs obstructs prayers - source?

One of the first things I learned in yeshiva was that there is some source that says that: if one touches a dog, then their prayers are "held up in heaven" for 40 days. I don't remember ...
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Is it permissible to say personal prayers either sitting or laying down?

By "personal prayer" I mean expressing personal thoughts, hopes, and concerns, unlike the structured prayers found in the Siddur.
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Can Nusach be changed throughout the day?

Is there an issue with davening, for example, Nusach HaArizal for Shacharit, and then Mincha according to Nusach Ashkenaz?
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What does Judaism say about opposites / polarities?

I asked this question on the Philosophy StackExchange, What philosophies don't say things boil down to polarities (opposites)?, as some belief systems have deep belief that everything is on a spectrum ...
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Why do some people from Nusach Sefard say Shalom Rav only by Mincha - not by Maariv

Every day, towards the end of שמונה עשרה for שחרית, after ברכת כהנים we say the ברכה of שלום. To be specific, we say שים שלום, regardless of what נוסח you Daven. At מנחה and מעריב - people who Daven ...
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Does anyone know how to contact Rav J. Glass who has posted a translation of Netivot Shalom online?

His now non-working email address is still visible where he posted his translation. It used to be [email protected]. I would like to find out if he has finished or is still working on finishing his ...
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Customs for a ceremony for changing back the Torah covers

We would like to make a special ceremony for changing back our Torah covers (me'ilim) after the High Holidays. Are there any special readings and/or prayers said when changing the Torah covers from ...
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Is creation a "transmutation of the divine reality"?

Adin Steinsaltz in his book The Thirteen Petalled Rose says, His creation being not the act of forming something out of nothing but the act of revelation. Creation is an emanation from the divine ...
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1 answer

Standards of a Place for Davening

Is a Jew allowed to daven in bed? Can one daven in their pajamas in a place? Can a Jew daven in the same room as an unmade bed? PS: This question is alluding to ALL contexts (i.e. whether is person is ...
4 votes
0 answers

Why specify individuals in a mi sheberach?

The standard template for a "mi sheberach" always ends with something along the lines of, "V'et kol khal hakadosh hazeh". That being the case, why do Olim laTorah (and gabbaim) ...

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