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Questions with this tag relate to laws of food or anything pertaining to food.
Croutons Bracha
Real croutons such that you would make yourself or have in a restaurant would be hamotzi. It's just regular bread that was cut into pieces (Shulchan Aruch O.C 165:10.
Osem makes a number of crouto …
Kosher symbols on non-food items
Only about 15 percent of people who
buy kosher do it for religious
reasons, according to Mintel, a
research group that last year produced
a report on the kosher food explosion. …
Timtum Halev not b'derech achila
Even if in reality the food is unkosher, since there is eid echad saying it is kosher, the halacha is that the product is permitted and thereby there is no timtum halev. …
Washing hands for eating pizza
Please refer to the final halacha in b'tzias hapas. The Shulchan Aruch rules that pashtida (dough filled with various fillings including meat, fish or cheese) is hamotzi even as a snack. The Mishna …
What blessing is recited before eating hearts of palm?
While it is true that the Shulchan Aruch cited by Alex says to make a shehakol, the reasoning given in the mishna berurah is using outdated metzius, since hearts of palm is an industry where trees are …
Food on crock-pot done by when, when making shabbos early?
To answer your question as asked, based on the mechaber in 261:4 you may not keep food with a shehiya issue on the "fire" from the time you accept Shabbos. … This would allow you to do shehiya no matter how cooked the food is. …
Is the lemon slice added to a soda in many bars a problem kosher-wise?
Lemons are, according to some, a davar charif. The assumption is that a knife cut can transfer into the thickness of a lemon slice not only what's on the outside of the knife, but even what is absorb …
If you're really thirsty (e.g. breaking a fast), do you make a bracha first on the water or ...
The BH recommends eating the haetz first, nevertheless, since eating after may render the food tafel to the schnapps] …
Shabbos and Yom Tov menus
This is an edit of my original answer. There are two reasons for not reading "menus". First, so you don't find a mistake and correct it. Secondly, so you won't come to read Shtaros. So, although n …
Shabbos and Yom Tov menus
It seems that the issur is to read it out loud. Only by actual shtaros is it assur to look at (that seems to be the reading of the mechaber).
Shabbos and Yom Tov menus
Another way of getting out of the problem of atu shtarei chovos is to write it in Hebrew. (Aruch Hashulchan 307:10)
What are the parameters for washing after excusing one's self in the middle of the meal?
As you probably know, whether you make a bracha after going to the bathroom could be a mi.yodeya question in its own right.
The basis for not talking after netilas yadayim is "teikef l'netilah seudah …
Place Mats - Why and When?
On a strict halachic basis, it would allow a person to
Eat with someone who is eating a food of an opposite milk/meat type (not necessary for kosher/treif as we aren't concerned for sharing)
Eat with …
Is there any reason (based on the laws of kashrut) that one cannot brine kashered meat?
As long as the original salt/blood mixture is washed off (which is required of the Koshering agency), you can re-salt without the kashering requirements. (Shulchan Aruch Y.D. 69:20)
Can I trust a non-kosher home's coffee pot?
Soap makes the tranferring food taste bad (taam lifgam). Can glass even become not kosher?
Dishwashers are more complex, though I think there is enough to mitigate the concern there as well. …