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Questions tagged [shidduchim-dating]

matchmaking; finding a spouse

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How does Hashem decide when someone will meet their soulmate?

What is Hashems criteria for determining when someone will meet their soulmate? Is it due to their deeds or issues related to their past lives that need to be resolved in this life?
Miguel's user avatar
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Dating a divorcee [closed]

I'm considering dating a (Jewish) person who was previously legally married to a non-Jew. The person had a secular wedding and a secular divorce. Are there halakhic issues here (independent of any ...
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Are we missing the point in the idea of a bashert?

There are several sources which say that our spouse is predetermined from when/before we are born. I remember hearing a Rav say once that there are many people who we could be equally happy with as ...
Moses Supposes's user avatar
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Did early biblical figures like Isaac abstain from intimate relations until marriage?

In biblical accounts, several figures, such as Isaac, are noted to have married at a relatively older age compared to today's standards. Isaac, for instance, married at the age of 40. Given the ...
naarter's user avatar
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I've heard that there's a GR"A that says there is no need for hishtadlus for shidduchim. Has anyone come across this?

I heard that it was in his sefer Hadras Kodesh, on the pasuk in Tehillim אם ה׳ לא יבנה בית I can't find the sefer. Does anyone have a copy or an online source where I can see this?
DavidM's user avatar
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Is there a halachic obligation to meet a spouse through a shadchan? [duplicate]

Does it say anywhere in the Shulchan Aruch that Jewish men have to find their spouses through a shadchan, an intermediary?
Kenny Xiong's user avatar
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How to have Hashem listen to/respond to your tefillos

I've spent years davening incessantly for a shidduch, and recently I've tried to be more consistent about being kovea ittim, but unfortunately none of it seems to have any impact at all. Are there ...
Menachem's user avatar
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Source of saying that 3 Shidduchim guarantees a place in olam haba [duplicate]

My question is related to this question. It seems that there is no textual source for this idea. I was wondering anyone knows or can make a guess as to when and how this idea developed?
Natan Oliff's user avatar
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What are the halachic ramifications of dating sites?

Is the viewing of pictures on dating sites and applications such as JDate considered to be within the acceptable bounds of halacha or is it more akin to lewdness?
Kenny Xiong's user avatar
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Legal status of Abraham sending Eliezer to marry Rivka

I'm confused about the legal status of Abraham sending his slave to get Rivka from Bethuel. IIRC, Isaac was completely unaware of the mission, he didn't send Eliezer, Abraham was one to send Eliezer ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Destined how many shidduch proposals?

Rabbi Dr. Wikler (p. 142) quotes a story of a Chassidic Rebbe looking for a shidduch for his daughter who would pay shadchanim for proposing a potential match even though the Rebbe declined the offer. ...
NJM's user avatar
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Is one allowed to say that a girl is simpleminded when giving shidduch information? [closed]

If a person is trying to help another make a shidduch (assist in arranging a potential marriage), they may know that a particular boy would be looking for a smart girl. If the person has information ...
user20668's user avatar
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Question about shidduchim and finding your bashert?

I know this is kind of a weird and long-shot question, but are there any Torah sources which mention signs (simanim) that a person is about to find their bashert? And are there are any sources which ...
Menachem's user avatar
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To what extent can a Beit Din actually force someone to get married?

In an answer on this site regarding the obligation to procreate, R. Hershel Schachter is quoted as saying (emphasis mine), And although Beth Din could force someone to get married even if he did ...
Robert Columbia's user avatar
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Making a kiddush for a woman that has hard time finding shidduch

There is a belief that if one did not make a kiddush for the birth of his daughter and that woman is having a hard time finding a shidduch, then they should make a kiddush and it will help. I know ...
sam's user avatar
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Shiduch during divorce

Is there a halachic source that allows a man to start shiduch before giving the final Get? the couple doesn’t live together for months legal agreements all signed bet din file open and final get ...
user21490's user avatar
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Giving your z'chus to someone else

B"H, I did - or almost did - a good deed. (It will be finalized bez"H in a mazeldiker shoh.) However, when I found out a few months ago that a good result from my actions was on the horizon, I decided ...
SAH's user avatar
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Source for an ideal Shidduch based on proximity

A Rebbi of mine in yeshiva said in the name of Rav Ruderman z"tl who referred to a Chazal that a person should ideally try to marry someone from the "same מבוי (street), if not then the same שכונה (...
NJM's user avatar
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Not finding your bashert is a punishment for doing zera levatala?

Are there Kabbalistic or Talmudic sources saying that not finding your bashert is a punishment for doing zera levatala (wasteful seminal emission)? I heard a popular rabbi make this claim in a class ...
Menachem's user avatar
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Dating and Havdala candle

I've heard people talking about the merit of a good relationship with his shidduch in dating from the act of holding the Havdala candle. How does the two relate?
Rh Haokip's user avatar
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Does every woman have a destined match?

There is a Talmudic statement in Sotah 2a which is commonly used as the source that every person has their destined match (the parameters of "destined" is a separate discussion): והא אמר רב יהודה ...
Alex's user avatar
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Dating when parent died

What are the laws/customs of dating/shiddichim during the first 30 days or the first year after a parent died? What if it happened to the one you are(or want to) date/ing?
hazoriz's user avatar
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Why would the identity of the father's mohel be relevant to a potential shidduch? [closed]

A few in my neighborhood mentioned that they saw, on a shidduch resume asked "Who was the father's mohel?" My wife was asked this question from a shadchan. (No ... my wife is not dating anyone else :-)...
DanF's user avatar
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Letting people know you're dating

There seems to be an untold rule in the chareidi community that you don't tell people you are dating unless there is an explicit reason to tell them. I get why people might not want everyone knowing ...
mroll's user avatar
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Does a man need to reveal his blemishes before marriage

A woman that does not reveal her blemishes before marriage sometimes loses her kesuba (Rambam halacha 2 here, Shulchan Aruch here) Does a man need to reveal his blemishes before marriage? Sources ...
hazoriz's user avatar
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Does anyone offer shidduch resume writing classes?

Follow up to this related question. In my neighborhood, the handful of shadchanim / ot are busy organizing and managing the shidduchim, themselves. My kids and I could use some hands-on assistance in ...
DanF's user avatar
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Everybody marries Rochel and wakes up to Leah

I think I heard this from Rabbi Jacobson, a lecturer in but I don't recall where. In this lecture (minutes 39 to 47), he mentions it again: That everybody has expectations in his wife ...
hazoriz's user avatar
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To invite a girl for a drink for example is Sofek kidushin?

Is it allowed to buy and give some drink or food for the girl during the dating process?
Elishe's user avatar
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If a bride did not reveal a medical condition before the marriage is it a mekach taus (annuled)

@DonielF in a comment here seem to clame that (by the end of Ketubot) it is written that a marriage can be annuled (as a mekach tous) if the bride (I guess or her father) withheld information about ...
hazoriz's user avatar
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"man seduces a woman for the sake of marriage"

Rambam isurai bia 21:13 (Chabad , sefaria , Hebrewbooks , mechon-mamre) Whenever...a man seduces a woman for the sake of marriage...all of the children born in these situations will be rebellious ...
hazoriz's user avatar
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Standard engagement timeframe in modern Orthodox and Yishivish circles

I am recently new to this shidduchim scene and I am wondering what standard engagement timeframes are for the out-of-town modern orthodox and Yishivish circles. Once a couple becomes engaged how long ...
Wondering Jew's user avatar
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What's the best way to find a spouse? [closed]

My question If you base your life on Jewish law and tradition, what's the best way to find a husband or wife? You can recommend a process (e.g. "visit a matchmaker" or "ask a friend to recommend ...
tealhill supports Monica's user avatar
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(How) can a man seek favor from (or woo) a potential bride and/or her family?

Regarding Jews 1. Is a man permitted to woo the maiden (/her parents)? (Maybe it is not tznius (since maybe this is what a man does only to his wife)) 2. Is it preferable that he (or family) do it ? 3....
hazoriz's user avatar
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Going to a mekubal to check out a shidduch

Some people go to Hassidic Rebbes or Mekubalim to give them the names of both sides of a potential shidduch to see if the names match. Are these Rabbis actually able look at the names and "see" if it ...
Mark A.'s user avatar
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Books on Dating and Marriage [closed]

Which books on the halakha and minhagim of dating and marriage are generally considered the most reliable?
Real Torah's user avatar
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Is it permitted for a parent to turn down a potential match for their child without the child knowing?

In Yoreh Deah 240:25 says the following, אִם הָאָב רוֹצֶה לְשָׁרֵת אֶת הַבֵּן, מֻתָּר לְקַבֵּל מִמֶּנּוּ אֶלָּא אִם כֵּן הָאָב בֶּן תּוֹרָה. תַּלְמִיד שֶׁרוֹצֶה לָלֶכֶת לְמָקוֹם אַחֵר, שֶׁהוּא ...
TrustMeI'mARabbi's user avatar
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Going on a date

The custom nowadays is that a boy and girl go on shidduch dates to see if they are for eachother. Halachically speaking would a boy be allowed to go on a date if he is worried that he will excessively ...
sye81397's user avatar
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How was it permissible to send the daughters out to dance?

As discussed in Taanis 31a, it was on Tu B'Av that the men of Yisrael sent their daughters to dance in the vineyard as a loophole to their vow not to marry their daughters off to Shevet Binyamin, in ...
DonielF's user avatar
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The chassan giving berachos on the day of his wedding [duplicate]

I heard from someone that the chasan - on the day of his chuppah - can give unmarried bochurim a berachah to find a shidduch. Is there a source for this?
Real Torah's user avatar
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The proper age for a boy to start dating

From a halachic viewpoint, what is the proper age for a boy to meet one's potential wife nowadays? (i.e. dating)
Real Torah's user avatar
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Payment for Shadchanim

Where did the idea of paying a shadchan come from? Is it an obligation? Is it just like paying anyone for a service? If so, why do we only pay if the shidduch leads to a marriage? Additionally, who ...
Mordechai B.'s user avatar
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Validity to the saying that 3 shidduchim guarantee a place in olam haba?

This question discusses the idea that certain practices (e.g., saying ashrei yoshvei [Tehilim 145] three times a day) guarantees a place in olam haba. One common saying is that facilitating 3 ...
mbloch's user avatar
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Is it improper to invite a few single girls and a few single boys for a Shabbos meal to help fight the "shidduch crisis"

The shidduch system, according to many sources, isn't working and we're in a "shidduch crisis." See, e.g. this article. People complain, but nothing gets done. I don't see that the shadchan ...
Bruce James's user avatar
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Should you pay a shadchan if the shidduch was successful after a break up?

(Aside from a segulah for shalom bais, it's general practice to pay a shadchan their fee upon a successful shidduch - it might even be halacha.) A shadchan sets up Moshe and Sarah. They go out 4-5 ...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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Is there an "official" or reliable shidduch guide or "manual"?

My boys are approaching the "shidduch" stage. I am very new to this area and other than the bits that I have red from various M.Y. questions and some items that I read in local Jewish papers, I ...
DanF's user avatar
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Parents mix in to marriage until 24 years old

I was once told that parents have a bigger say regarding who you (maybe only male) marry before you are 24 years old Is this true? if yes sources please (The only thing I saw that changes after the ...
hazoriz's user avatar
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Are there any recent statistics showing the "marriage longevity" rate for shidduch arranged marriages?

There has been a "local" campaign in my neighborhood, recently, suggesting that young singles should only use shidduchim (matchmakers) when seeking to become married. Part of the "ad" campaign ...
DanF's user avatar
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Do the Orthodox still Use Matchmakers?

I recently read an article about Jewish matchmaking. I was not aware that such a thing still existed. Is this a universal Orthodox method? Is it enforced? Does a person have to accept the match made ...
Lawrence Voltz's user avatar
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Is Sikhism Compatible with the 7 Laws of Noah [closed]

I am an observant Noahide looking to get married. Could you please let me know if Sikhism is compatible with the 7 Laws of Noah? Is there a rabbi you could refer me to for discussing this further? ...
DMR's user avatar
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When is it ok to compliment on a date

I don't know all the rules. Both of us are from Orthodox backgrounds, "black hat" litvish. We went on 3 dates already and I was wondering if on the fourth I could give compliments. I know on earlier ...
Yonah Karp's user avatar