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29 or 30 days of Elul

Does the month of Elul ALWAYS have 29 days, or can it also have 30 days? Also, if there are only 29 days of Elul and Mosheh went up to Mount Sinai on the first of Elul, and then came down on the 10th ...
2 votes
1 answer

Where in the rabbinic writings are there examples of the word "Elul" that mean or imply "harvest" and/or "search"?

Where in the rabbinic writings are there examples of the word "Elul" that mean or imply "harvest" and/or "search"? Which word in Aramaic means "search" that ...
1 vote
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Covering a Shofar to prevent the spread of Coronavirus

Two nights ago, as part of his weekly livestream COVID update, Rabbi Dr. Glatt quoted Rav Mordechai Willig (he quoted "Poskim" but the implication was that it was Rav Mordechai Willig. Even ...
5 votes
1 answer

Can you have almond milk on Rosh Hashana?

The custom in my community is not to eat or cook with whole nuts during Elul. But I don't know whether pulverized or otherwise disembodied nuts --for example, nuts as an ingredient in a processed food ...
6 votes
1 answer

Where do we first see Elul as a time for repentance?

Today, the month of Elul is seen as being an introduction to the period of the High Holy Days (Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur). For instance, Tur Orach Chaim 581: התקינו חז"ל שיהו תוקעין בר"ח אלול ...
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Preparing for Rosh Hashana during Elul

I hear often about the need for preparing for Rosh Hashana during Elul. Can anyone offer some practical suggestions as to what primarily this preparation entails. Sourced answers, only, please.
10 votes
1 answer

What is the reason behind blowing the shofar from the side of one's mouth?

I've been told that the custom is to blow the shofar from the sides of one mouth, rather than like blowing a trumpet. What is the source for this custom and the reasoning behind it?