Yes this is true. Part of the discussion can be found in kesuvos 73b. However, it is not necessarily a simple case. In fact, many cases will have a get issued in order to avoid the complexities, though this causes problems if the woman wants to marry a kohen.
As an example, Rabbi Hershel Shachter writes Making a Farce of the Halacha discusses the situation in which someone attempts to use the concept of mekach taus to free an agunah.
It is important to keep in mind that Rav Moshe Feinstein clearly
states that the negative condition must be preexisting and so severe
that no reasonable person would tolerate it - and the spouse must
leave immediately upon discovering it. In addition a psak of mekach
taus based entirely upon negative reports from the wife - without the
husband being directly evaulated by a neutral expert therapist - is
clearly invalid and indicative of biased poskim.
He states
Furthermore, kiddushin (entering into a marriage) apparently requires
a level of da'as even higher than mekach u'memkar (see the famous
comment of the Ran to Nedarim 87a. See also Beis Yitzchak 5748, pg.
241). In order to nullify a marriage by reason of kiddushei ta'us
(because of lack of da'as), one would presumably require an even more
obvious ta'us than what might be sufficient to invalidate a purchase
of stocks or a sale of real estate. Indeed, the Talmud (Kesubos 73b)
describes certain cases that based on the general principles of ta'us
would qualify as kiddushei ta'us and as such would be invalid and
should not need a get. Nevertheless, the gemara declares that a get is
required- either as a chumra d'rabanan (rabbinical stringency), or
perhaps even because of a safek d'oraysa (legal doubt on the biblical
level). It is plain from this source that we are more reluctant to
invalidate a wedding on ta'us grounds than to declare a mekach taus on
a business transaction.
To declare a marriage a kiddushei ta'us because the wife didn't
realize that the husband would be unsuccessful in holding down a job
and earning a living is simply unacceptable. To invalidate a kiddushin
due to ta'us the halacha requires an extraordinary mum gadol (very
significant defect), with a very obvious umdana d'muchach (compelling
assumption) that no reasonable woman would agree to marry such a man
(see Teshuvos Beis Halevi, vol. 3, pg. 23).
There is an analysis of some classic cases at Classic Cases: Mekach Ta'ut, Get and Annulment