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A patrilineal descendant of the biblical Aaron, a male kohen (plural kohanim) could serve in the Temple in Jerusalem when it was standing; various other laws apply to kohanim also, male and female.

7 votes
1 answer

Riddle: when do 10 Kohanim equal 1 Yisrael? [closed]

Pretty much what the title says. Where in the Torah do we find something for which we need 10 Kohanim or 1 Yisrael?
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8 votes

What is the difference between a Kohen Gadol and a Kohen Rosh?

It's possible - although I don't have a source for this - that these two titles reflect the two different roles held by their bearer. He is the kohen gadol, "great kohen." Like any other kohen, he p …
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2 votes

Yochanan Kohain Gadol

The Gemara there uses, as a prooftext for this, the verse (I Sam. 2:9), רגלי חסיד(י)ו ישמר - Hashem guards the steps of His pious ones. But after all, when you put up a fence (or a human watchman, or …
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7 votes

Which surnames are Kohanim's and why?

A couple of others: Kaplan - Ohr Somayach's Ask the Rabbi says that it is an acronym for kohen ploni, "so-and-so the kohen"; Wikipedia relates it to terms in various European languages for "priest." …
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17 votes
3 answers

Can a kohen be a mamzer?

A friend and I were discussing this. Generally speaking, it seems that it should be impossible for a person to be a kohen (rather than a chalal) and also a mamzer, because the set of women whom a kohe …
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6 votes

Can/Should a Kohen Disqualify Himself from Birchas Kohanim because of Tumah?

If you mean technical ritual impurity (tum'ah) - then that's not an issue; all Jews nowadays are presumed tamei (and if they live in the Diaspora, then they are impure anyway, since all places outside …
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6 votes

Giving ma'aser to a kohen

This is the subject of a dispute between R' Akiva and R' Elazar ben Azaryah in Yevamos 86a-b: R' Akiva says that it must be given to a Levi, R' Elazar says it can be given to a Kohen as well. (The Lev …
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12 votes

If Eliyahu is Pinchas and Pinchas is a Cohen how was he in the Room when he did Revival of t...

The Gemara (Niddah 70b) records "three nonsensical questions" (שלשה דברי בורות) that the Alexandrians asked R' Yehoshua. One of them was, "Would the son of the woman from Shunem [who was revived by El …
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9 votes

Which Yochanan Kohen Godol is in Al Hanissim?

It's not so straightforward to assume that the Yochanan Kohen Gadol of (Ve')Al Hanissim is the same one who became a Tzeduki. The Vilna Gaon (Imrei Noam to Berachos 29a) distinguishes them (and Joseph …
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18 votes

Can a Kohen Marry a Woman with a Non-Jewish Father?

According to Shulchan Aruch, Even Ha'Ezer 7:17 and commentaries there, they should not marry. However, if they did so, they may remain together and need not divorce.
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7 votes

Can a Kohain do Birchas Kohanim if he did not wash his hands?

If he washed his hands that morning and knows definitely that he hasn't touched any unclean parts of his body, then he can get away without another washing, if there is indeed no water available (Mish …
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10 votes

Baldness as a disqualification for Kohanim

They are indeed disqualifications for serving in the Beis Hamikdash (Rambam, Hil. Bias Mikdash 8:1,11). This doesn't apply to birkas kohanim, though; there, a kohen is disqualified only by blemishes …
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8 votes

Can one bring a Korban nowadays?

A lot of ink has been spilled on this topic. Kaftor Vaferach (ch. 6) reports that Rabbeinu Yechiel of Paris (who immigrated to the Land of Israel, with his students, sometime in the 1250s) proposed in …
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12 votes

Why did Aharon request that Hashem declare Miriam pure?

Tosafos (Zevachim 102a, ד"ה אני מסגירה) asks this and leaves it unresolved. Netziv (to Sifri on this verse) suggests two possibilities: True that she'd be tahor, but she'd be in a state of suspense …
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17 votes

Kohen Gadol Yibum

Indeed he can't perform yibbum - he would have to perform chalitzah instead. The reason is that while yibbum is a positive mitzvah, it's opposed by the positive mitzvah to marry a virgin (Lev. 21:13) …
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