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Minimum number of Kohanim and Leviim

When the Beit hamikdash (temple in Jerusalem exists), and the sacrifices etc. all happen, is there a minimum number of kohanim and leviim obligated to serve in the temple? If so what, and what is the ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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In Meseches Tamid 31b why are the karbonos interupted for shema? There is a very detailed description of how the animal is cut up, exactly how the kohanim are to hold it, and then all of the ...
Dude's user avatar
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Why does the ash-clearing kohen get a reminder of where the shovel is?

In Tamid 1:4, in describing the daily service of clearing the previous day's ash from the Altar, the Mishna tells us of a reminder the assembled kohanim would give to the one kohen selected for the ...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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is there a list of the 93 vessels used in the temple daily?

The mishna in tamid 3:4 indicates there were 93 keilim used in the Beit HaMikdash daily. Is there a source which lists all 93?
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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What did the Kohanim do if there was nobody who hadn't already done the K'toret?

In the Mishna (Tamid 5, 2), it says that only a Kohen who had not done the K'toret yet could do it. מסכת תמיד פרק ה - משנה ב אָמַר לָהֶם, חֲדָשִׁים לַקְּטֹרֶת בֹּאוּ וְהָפִיסוּ. הֵפִיסוּ, ‏ But what ...
Mithical's user avatar
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Where did the incense-altar sweeper get his broom from?

Mishna, Tamid chapter 3:9, in a loose translation: Those who merited removing the ashes from the inner altar and the candelabrum would precede. They had four tools in their hands: the basket, the ...
msh210's user avatar
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Kohanim slept on guard?

The very start of mishnayos maseches Midos mentions that the kohanim guarded the bes hamikdash in three locations, including bes hamokad, a room on the north side of the mikdash courtyard. The mishna ...
msh210's user avatar
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Was the noise from the Temple really that loud?

Mishnah Tamid 3:8 lists a bunch of things in the Temple that could be heard all the way in Yericho. Some of the things: the gate opening, the Levi'im singing, the Kohein Gadol on Yom Kippur, smelling ...
Scimonster's user avatar
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When the Leviim guarded the temple, did they sit down?

In Tamid 25b, at the end of the explanation for the term "היו עליות", Rashi writes that no one, except from members of the House of David, could sit down in the Azarah. The Cohanim stood &...
Yarden's user avatar
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Why cover coals in the Temple, and what if the cover was needed?

The mishna, Tamid 5:5, indicates that there was a large container used for several things in the Temple. Two of those were that it covered hot coals that spilled on the floor every Sabbath morning, ...
msh210's user avatar
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Why didn't kohanim undress themselves?

The mishna, Tamid 5:3, indicates that those kohanim who had gotten dressed for the day's work but were not needed for it would be stripped of their kohen-clothes by the Temple workers. My kid asked: ...
msh210's user avatar
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Why was the side door to the hechal unlocked so oddly?

The hechal (central room) of the bes hamikdash had its main entrance on its eastern end. To either side of that entrance were cubicles, and the main-floor cubicles on each side had a door to the east ...
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