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Why does Sfas Emes start his commentary on Parshat Noach by saying he doesn't know it? Is the translation faulty?

Sfas Emes begins his commentary on Parshat Noach, according to Sefaria, by saying "I do not properly remember." All the other Parshas begin with some variation of "B'H". Why does ...
ThinkingJew's user avatar
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Chassidish (accent) recordings of prayer

Where can one find recordings of prayers (e.g Sheme and Ashrei) said in chassidish style lashon hakodesh. YouTube isn’t great for it.
KiTovHashem's user avatar
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How to pronounce Hebrew with the Chassidic pronunciation?

First of all, I'm not Jewish but I love Judaism and feel a strong connection to the Jewish people and faith. My question is regarding the Chassidic way of Hebrew pronunciation when praying and reading ...
DejanR's user avatar
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What do you call a female Chosid?

I have encountered a lot of different words purporting to be the feminine version of Chosid (Hasid/Hassid/חסיד). I have seen or heard: Chosides (~Chosidit?) Chasideh/Chasida Most recently, "...
SAH's user avatar
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What is the origin of Hasidic pronunciation? [closed]

Does anyone know when and by whom the Hasidic pronunciation started? I mean "burich" as opposed to "boruch". The same goes for Yiddish.. "vus" as opposed to "vos&...
benny's user avatar
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What is the origin of the Chassidish pronunciation of Hebrew? [duplicate]

If I am not mistaken initially there were Ashkenazic Jews which later on branched off into Chassidim via the leadership of the Baal Shem Tov. Does this mean that prior to the Baal Shem Tov all ...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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origin of chassidish havarah(pronunciation) [duplicate]

When did people start using the chassidish havarah? If making that change was deliberate, who instituted it? I remember seeing some where that it was started to oppose the maskilim who where medakdek ...
sam's user avatar
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Why is "Merkos L'inyonei Chinuch" spelled that way? [closed]

In the title Merkos L'inyonei Chinuch, why is the word מרכז transliterated with an 's' in place of a 'ז' rather than a 'z'?
WAF's user avatar
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A Lubavitch custom of reciting zecher and zeicher in "Ashrei"?

My cousin, a Lubavitcher, says both zecher and zeicher (that is, both זֶכֶר with a segol and זֵכֶר with a tzeire) in "Ashrei". I noticed this when I visited him a good few years ago, and assumed it ...
msh210's user avatar
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