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What do we learn from the phrases "and it was so" and "and there was light" in the story of creation?

The chachamim learn halachos even from individual letters so there is nothing extra in the Torah. That being so what do we learn from וַֽיְהִי־כֵֽן being recited throughout creation? Also rather than ...
Dude's user avatar
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Satmar Commentary on the Chumash

Is there any particular Sefer/source that is good for learning Satmar outlooks on the Torah? Preferably in English. Or even so, does anyone know of a Satmar interpretation/commentary for Bereshis 19:1-...
KiTovHashem's user avatar
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Where does Baal HaTurim's commentary come from?

A lot of the Baal HaTurim's commentary on the Torah relates to how certain words or phrases have the same gematriya as other words or phrases in the Torah, or phrases that relate, in some way, to the ...
Michael's user avatar
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Writing a commentary on Chumash using Microsoft Word

I am trying to write a commentary (in Hebrew) on Chumash. I would like to have a layout where the verses are at the top of the page, and the commentary underneath (adjusted for size based on how much ...
Maslin's user avatar
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English Tanakh with as much commentary as possible

I am looking for a Tanakh Sefer (or set) which has as much commentary as possible. I’m basically looking for one place where I can study without opening a thousand other seforim.
MeirBenPinchus's user avatar
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וּמָת֖וֹק הָא֑וֹר (u'Matok HaOhr): Why is the Torah compared to honey and a sweet light?

(I am aware of this question, however, my question focus specifically about why Torah is called sweet). In Koheles 11:7, Torah is described as וּמָת֖וֹק הָא֑וֹר (u'Matok HaOhr), a sweet light. ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Pardes Torah Commentary

Are there any Torah commentaries that incorporate a systematic theory of PaRDeS analysis? Given the number of commentaries out there, even just the ones from eminent Torah authorities (the numerous ...
John's user avatar
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"Reverend" as title for a Rabbi?

I came across a Chumash Rashi with the supercommentary of Dr. Silbermann and "Rev." Rosenbaum. Does this abbreviation mean "Reverend"? Am I correct to assume that Dr. Rosenbaum was ...
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Do the words "Omer" (as in counting the Omer) and "Amar" (to speak or to say) have a connection to each other?

Do the words "Omer" (as in counting the Omer, starts with Ayin) and "Amar" (to speak or to say, starts with Alef) have a connection to each other? If so, what were the ...
ninamag's user avatar
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Is there a list of all of Abarbanel’s questions on the Torah?

I was wondering if anyone has this by itself compiled as a tool for learning the Parsha. I want to go over each question and look at the mefarshim.
Richard Franklin's user avatar
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Who wrote Ikar Siftei Chachamim?

Siftei Chachamim (שפתי חכמים) is a super-commentary on Rashi's commentary on the Torah, written by the 17th-Century CE Polish scholar Shabbethai Bass. It tends to be included in Mikraot Gedolot ...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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What is special in "2000 ama" that it have the unique note [duplicate]

What is special in the words "2000 ama" in the verce numbers 35.5 that is has a conitasinal note that is unique in thw chumash (only found once) Onther places in the bible that it is found (במדבר לה ...
hazoriz's user avatar
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Are there any Yiddish Peruishim on the Parsha?

Are there any Yiddish Perushim on the Parsha? I am aware of the Tzena U'Reana,the Chumash Beis Yehuda which is a Yiddish Translation of Rashi and of the Lubavitcher Rebbe's Sichos written in Yiddish ...
TrustMeI'mARabbi's user avatar
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Authenticity of Rosh's commentary to Torah

What do different sources state regarding the authenticity of the commentary to the Torah attributed to Rosh? I remember seeing people claiming that it is missatributed. If I recall, the suggested ...
mevaqesh's user avatar
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Is the Hebrew Biur of Moses Mendelssohn Available Online

Inspired by this question, I was wondering whether the Hebrew Biur of Moses Mendelssohn is available online. Update: I found D'varim here, so I am looking for the first 4 books.
mevaqesh's user avatar
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Rav Hirsch and zachor

Rav Shimshon Raphael Hirsch says that the word zachor (in Exodus 20:7), meaning remember, is the statement telling us "to keep the Shabbos in our minds and hearts, and give verbal expression to its ...
Chiddushei Torah's user avatar
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How come Metzudat Tzion never did a perush of difficult words in the chumash?

Why did the author of Metzudat Tzion never write an explanation of difficult words in the chumash, as he did for most of the Nach? There are hard words in the chumash that require explanation even for ...
Matthew's user avatar
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Good place to start kli yakar

I've heard many great divrei torah from kli yakar, so I want to start learning kli yakar. I'm improving on my Hebrew skills, so I'd like to use a dictionary. What's a good parsha/perek of Chumash to ...
robev's user avatar
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Chumash with Rashi and Siftei Chachamim

Does anyone know of a Chumash (not Mikraot Gedolot) with Rashi and Siftei Chachamim Most Chumashim come with Ikar Siftei Chachamim, but that's not the same thing.
Danield's user avatar
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Metzudat Tzion on the Torah

Was there a Metzudat Tzion written on the Torah? If so, does anyone know if it is available online or for sale? I always loved this commentary as it explained the hard words on the Nach.
Hacham Gabriel's user avatar
9 votes
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Who invented the Mikraot Gedolot?

Whose idea was the Mikraot Gedolot and when was it first published? Mikraot Gedolot is a Humash with a collection of commentaries very popular in Jewish circles today.
Hacham Gabriel's user avatar
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After chumashim with notes and Rashi, what's the next torah commentary I should acquire and study?

When I read the torah text (parsha or otherwise) I currently use a couple of chumashim with notes, and Rashi. I know some Hebrew but am not fluent. I'm ready to stretch beyond what I'm reading now ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
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What were the Nephilim?

Inspired by this question on Biblical Hermeneutics. What were the Nephilim mentioned in Bereishis and in Bamidbar? Bereishis 6:1-4 The Nephilim were in the earth in those days, and also after ...
HodofHod's user avatar
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