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Do you need to eat a kezayis of the ikar to make a bracha acharona necessitated by the ikar?

Say you're eating a mixture of something requiring a mezonot blessing mixed with something requiring a shechakol blessing. By the rules of ikar and tafel you would just say a mezonot on the entire ...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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Excluding water from blessing after food

One common scenario is for someone to make a berakha on water at some point in the morning and to drink the water throughout the day. Suppose during the day, the person decides to have a snack whose ...
Daniel's user avatar
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What is the proper beracha on boba

According to Halacha, what is the proper beracha when drinking boba with boba balls? Is it shehakol or something else?
Man of faith's user avatar
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