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Golden Altar Name

Seemingly, the root (שרש) of מזבח is "זבח". The word זבח means sacrifices composed of animals. Therefore, how some the מזבח הזהב was called מזבח if there were no animal sacrifices offered ...
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Connection between the fall of Jericho and Sukkoth

Regarding the haqafoth (circumabulations) performed on Sukkoth around the mizbeah (altar), the Yerushalmi (Sukkah 4:3) records the following: אותו היום מקיפין את המזבח שבע פעמים. א"ר אחא זכר ...
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Circumambulations around the Temple altar

The Mishnah records the following ritual having been performed in the Temple on Sukkoth (Sukkah 4:5): בכל יום מקיפין את המזבח פעם אחת ואומרין אנא ה' הושיעה נא אנא ה' הושיעה נא רבי יהודה אומר אני והוא ...
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Diagram showing the place where the wine offerings of the whole year collected and its relationship to the altar in the Temple

Gemoro Sukkah 49a refers to the “shittin”. In the Temple, there was a a narrow shaft that was formed on the west side of the gap between the ramp and the altar. Rashi on 'בין כבש למזבח' says: אויר יש ...
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Side Ramps on the Mizbeach [closed]

Someone asked me to build him a model of the mizbeach for his class. I understand the dimensions of the mizbach from the Mesaches Middos in the beginning of the third perek. It does not discuss the ...
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Why is the Mizbe'ach in Al Hamichya?

Why is the Mizbe'ach specifically mentioned in Me'en Shalosh blessing yet not particularly mentioned in benching which instead discusses the entirety of the Beis HaMikdash?
NJM's user avatar
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How does one get an animal off of the Altar surreptitiously?

The Mishna, in Zevachim 9:3, lists blemished animals among those that are inherently invalid for the Altar, such that if they are brought up onto it, they are brought down again. Then, R' Chanina, ...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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Why did the Mizbeach grow 40 times? [duplicate]

The main, Bronze Altar in the Mishkan was 5 Amos wide. It was also portable. In the Temple(s), it grew to 32 Amot wide - 6.4 time in width and 41 times in footage1. EDIT: according to JoelK's answer,...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Why there was no railing on the 5m high Mizbeach?

While looking at drawings of the Temple's Altar, I was impressed by its dimensions: up to 5m (16ft) high and 15m (100ft) wide. Here's a pretty truthful depiction (courtesy of WIKI) that gives an idea ...
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Why were there so many Karbanos Eitzim in Av, and so few during the rest of the year?

Taanis 4:4 introduces the concept of Karbanos Eitzim. The Gemara (28a) explains what was so special about these days: ת"ר למה הוצרכו לומר זמן עצי כהנים והעם אמרו כשעלו בני הגולה לא מצאו עצים בלשכה ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Did the Maccabees properly restore the temple?

In the fourth chapter of 1 Maccabees it outlines the steps the Maccabees took to restore the Beit HaMikdash including disassembling the defiled altar (verses 43-46) repairing the utensils, placing the ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar