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Praying on a reflective floor

It's forbidden to pray in front of a mirror, as it can appear like you're praying to your own reflection. What about standing on a mirrored floor (or some other reflective surface), where it can look ...
shmosel's user avatar
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Thanking Christian for his prayers

Taking into account that Christianity is Avoda Zara I would like to ask the following question. I met a missionary last night who started off the conversation saying that he prays for Israel and then ...
Moz's user avatar
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Mirror in Shul?

Is a mirror allowed in shul if it is hanging on a wall that no one faces when they daven? It feels wrong to me, but I cannot find a source stating that it is explicitly forbidden since no one is ...
Koidesh 's user avatar
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Bowing when davening outside

If one is davening outside, and one says aleinu* and wishes to bow, should one change how he bows? I have seen (h/t Harel13) it written that, when one says Birchat Hachama, one should bow to the ...
rosends's user avatar
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Are Jews allowed to pray on their knees?

If someone finds it a good way to have a concentration in pray while on his knees, can it be done? (Not talking about Amida/Sidur prayers, but talking with the creator.)
eeerrrttt's user avatar
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Would anybody be able to point me in the direction of legitimate Jewish meditation practices?

I have been looking for a meditative exercise which would complement my worship practices. either something to use before Worship to be put into the appropriate mindset or something which can be ...
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Is something considered idolatry even if it doesn't acknowledge a deity outside of Hashem?

G-d grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. The above listed prayer is known as the Serenity Prayer. It's ...
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If a Jew visits a fire temple and offers a prayer to "Ahura Mazda", commandments are being violated?

If a Jew visits a fire temple and offers a prayer to "Ahura Mazda" as a good-will gesture, which commandments are being violated? What are the views of the Jewish Sages on this type of interfaith ...
brachakantorovich's user avatar
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Praying to the Avot? [duplicate]

In the Oral tradition, it appears to be people who pray to their forefathers and foremothers, like Yousef begging Rochela Imeinu at her grave to save him from the Midianyim, and Calev went to the ...
itai ifraim's user avatar
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"Hamalach hagoel" and idolatrous intent

In Genesis 48:15-16, Jacob blesses Joseph by (seemingly) requesting of G-d that His angel bless Joseph's children: וַיְבָ֥רֶךְ אֶת־יוֹסֵ֖ף וַיֹּאמַ֑ר הָֽאֱלֹקים אֲשֶׁר֩ הִתְהַלְּכ֨וּ אֲבֹתַ֤י ...
Loewian's user avatar
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Asking a Human to Interecede with God

Rambam writes (Hil. T'shuva 3:15) that it is forbidden to utilize any entity as an intermediary between oneself and God (more accurately that one who does so is a heretic who loses his share in the ...
mevaqesh's user avatar
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Does Maimonides Allow Prayer to Angels?

In his Mishna Commentary to Sanhedrin 10:1 Maimonides lists as his 5th principle the prohibition to pray to an angel even as an intermediary. He counts this in his enumeration of his 13 principles in ...
mevaqesh's user avatar
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Praying with pictures or money on the table

It has been established that one may not pray facing a picture. May one pray by a table where pictures or money bills lie? How about engraved images like coins? If prohibited, how can the practice of ...
Adám's user avatar
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Davening in front of a picture of 'Avodah Zarah

This afternoon I found myself Davening in a classroom. It must have been a comparative cultures type of class, judging by the items that were hanging on the walls - posters and artwork and such. As I ...
Seth J's user avatar
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Is the expression "we do not rely on 'bar elahin'" a reference to Christianity?

The prayer Brich Shmeh from the Zohar Vayakhel 206a, which is recited during the Torah service, contains the statement ולא על בר אלהין סמיכנא. All the translations I've seen render "bar elahin" as "...
Premundane's user avatar
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Where is a mediator between God and man forbidden

I don't believe that there should be mediators (like Christians believe Jesus is a mediator between God and man whom they pray to and/or pray through) between us and God, but is there anywhere in the ...
Malka S's user avatar
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Can one pray in front of a mirror?

Can it be considered avodah zarah if one prays while looking at themselves in the mirror? I mean, if you're looking at yourself, is it wrong for someone to think that you're praying to that person? I'...
wizlog's user avatar
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Are there any ill-effects for mis-directed prayers?

Inspired by the end of this answer: Just remember that all non-Jews don't follow the Sheva Mitzvot and could [even] be in Avodah Zarah and then would...a blessing [of theirs] matter? It might even ...
Seth J's user avatar
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Asking non-Jews to pray for someone

Is it appropriate to ask non-Jews to pray on behalf of someone in dire straits (sick, wrongfully imprisoned, trapped, etc.)? Edit: If it's appropriate, would it be inappropriate if the person being ...
Seth J's user avatar
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