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Unanswered Questions

144 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Which Mitzvot have their observance described in Tanach?

Despite the more or less direct reference to the 613 Mitzvos in the Torah, only a few of them are mentioned in the text explicitly to be observed in fact. For example, Torah mentions Abraham ...
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Having two conflicting kavannot at once

Regarding putting on Tefillin on Chol Hamo'ed, after mentioning the opinions which say to put them on and those who say not to, and those who say to say the blessing in a whisper, the Mishna Berurah ...
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0 answers

Missing father's obligations on sons (Kiddushin 29)

According to the Mishna in Kiddushin 29, backed by the Braitah (in place), father's Mitzvos (definition not clear) upon his son(s) are only the follows: Circumcise Redeem the firstborn Teach ...
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0 answers

What is the nature of the obligation to answer to Kedusha?

Inspired by Reaching kedusha during silent shemone esre among many others, and the comment, "'fulfill the obligation of someone who missed the Kedusha during the Amidah' What obligation is this ...
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1 answer

Obligation of Tzitzit with multiple 4 cornered garments

According to Halacha, if one is wearing multiple four cornered garments, is it that each one of them individually is obligated in Tzitzit with a beracha, or is it only one which needs Tzitzit which ...
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1 answer

Does one still get Schar for trying to do a Mitzvah even if they didn’t end up doing it properly?

Presumably a person would still get some Schar for putting in the effort for doing a Mitzvah even if they didn’t end up doing it properly, right? Lfum Tzaarah Agra?
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1 answer

Commandments to eat

I wonder if this question has ever been addressed by the commentators: The Torah has 37 commandments “not to eat” specific things, but only 3 commandments “to eat” specific things: We are enjoined to ...
-1 votes
2 answers

This is regarding a Talmudic debate

Was there a debate in the Talmud regarding weather Klal Yisroel was still mechuyav Mitzvoth in Galus after the Churbun?
-2 votes
3 answers

Mitzvah and connection. How does that work?

When one does good deeds, is he then connected to goodness? Do the actions draw blessing into one’s life? How does the connection between Mitzvot and goodness work?

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