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Unanswered Questions

184 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Rule 195 of Ayelet Hashachar by the Malbim

If one looks at the Malbim's Ayelet Hashachar, he gives 613 rules for interpreting the Torah. But if you look at it carefully, you'll notice that rule 195 is missing. What happened to this rule?
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Sefer of Jewish Philosophy

Is there any sefer which goes through the various philosophical issues according, and explains the opinion of the Jewish philosophers? (Example what is space; according to the Rambam, Rasag... What is ...
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Is there an online list of English sefarim?

Funky question. Hopefully this will help clarify. Example: I am (was) currently looking for a set of the Mishnah Berurah that has been translated into English. I just found this today: http://...
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Is it disrespectful to listen to secular music in the same room where there is a Tanakh book?

My question might sound stupid or weird, but my house is small and I keep my Tanakh book in my bedroom, and one day there was people in the other room so I stayed in my bedroom and turned on the ...
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Laws of Shemirat Einayim

I'm looking for a comprehensive summary of the halachas of shemiras einayim (guarding the eyes). I am not looking for those things which are midat chasidut (extra piety) but rather only those things ...
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0 answers

Does a detached binding of a sefer get stacked in the same position?

See Stacking Seforim -- the linked answer. It says that a chumash goes on top of a Nach. (See the other answer for a dissenting view.) According to that view... what about a loose binding? Say, the ...
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Can a Shul collect payment from one who does not follow specific rules?

In Sources to encourage returning s'farim to their places it has a picture of a sign saying that usage of seforim is on condition that one obligates himself to pay $18 to the synagogue fund if ...
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Are non-Lubavitch Tanya editions listed?

Every edition I've seen of Tanya includes a list, in chronological order, of every edition of Tanya ever printed, including bibliographic information. I assume some central Lubavitch office maintains ...
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Alternative storage for sifrei kodesh

What do the sources say about storing sefarim, such as Chumash, Tanach, and a few Halacha books, in non-ideal locations such as in an open box beneath his or her bed or in a box in a room connected to ...
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Does Chabad have a specific response to Breslov about studying Philosophy books?

Chayei Moharan 407-408 brings that Rebbe Nacham forbade studying philosophy works, such as Moreh Nevuchim, Chovot Levavot Gate of Unity, Sefer HaIkkarim, and even sections of Mishneh Torah such as ...
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Searching for the commentary of Rabbi Menahem ben Simeon of Posqui​è​res to Jeremiah and Ezekiel

Over Pesach I was taking a deeper dive into the Haggadah and saw an unusual reference in the Koren Tanach from Rabbi Adin Even Yisroel Steinsaltz to the commentary from Rabbi Menachem ben Shimon (...
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0 answers

What Is the "Standard" Shulchan Aruch Page Based On? How Many Dapim Are There?

There are many editions of the Shulchan Aruch and they do not all follow the same pagination. However, many editions I have seen call themselves "tzurat hadaf" and appear to have a similar ...
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0 answers

Rabbi Yaakov of Krozh's book

Rabbi Yitzchak Hertzog zt"l in his short essay (in Hebrew) "למידותיו של חזקיהו מלך יהודה" (On the Traits of Chizkiyahu King of Yehudah), published in the Sinai Jubilee Volume, pp. 27-28 ...
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0 answers

Are there any sefarim about Melech David

Today we named our son David at the Brit Mila and I realized I wanted to learn more about King David. Outside of Tehilim and Shmuel I&II (which are understandably the core sources), does anyone ...
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0 answers

Editions of Orot - Har Bracha or Yediot Seforim

I am deciding between two editions of Orot by Rav Kook. One edition is from Har Bracha and contains the commentary of Rav Ze'ev Solonovitch. The other is from Yediot Seforim and contains the ...

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