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Kohanic in vitro Pregnancy

I have the following theoretical questions, from many I’ve met and even a real case of someone very special I met in a hostel in Israel. My assumptions are between parentheses after the list item. ...
Jake Armstrong's user avatar
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What is the status of a fetus before it emerges?

Sanhedrin 72B says a fetus becomes a person when its head emerges. But I have heard that abortion is justified based on the permission to kill a rodef (deadly pursuer). But it seems to me that, ...
Yehuda W's user avatar
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Premature birth contradicting science

I am a teacher at a private all-girls Jewish high school. There are two science teachers in the school, and both of us are Christian. I was talking with my fellow science teacher recently, and she ...
Meg Coates's user avatar
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6 answers

Does the colouring of animals depend on what the mother sees before conception?

What is the meaning of the strategies (hishtadlus) that Yaakov made with the conception of the animals starting at 30 (37)? Is it or was it a natural thing that the colouring of animals depends on ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Why does the Talmud assume a woman cannot get pregnant on the first act of intercourse?

There is a rule in the Gemara (Yevamot 34a) that אין אשה מתעברת בביאה ראשונה. The question is why the Talmud assumes that a virgin cannot conceive on her first act of sexual intercourse if the hymen ...
Reb Chaim HaQoton's user avatar
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What is the "Kos Shel Ikrin," a potion that renders one infertile?

The Talmud discusses the "Kos Shel Ikrin" (Cup of the Barren, or Cup of Roots), a potion that rendered a woman or man infertile. The recipe for this potion is on record in tractate Shabbos and there ...
Barry's user avatar
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