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Can a husband or father object to a woman becoming a Nazir

According to Halacha, a husband or a father have a right to object to their wife or daughter (if their daughter is still under their father’s authority) taking a vow. My question is, does this apply ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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What happens when you jokingly said 'I'm a nazir'?

If somebody gave you a bottle of wine, and you say I don't drink. They ask why, and you answer, jokingly 'I'm a nazir'. Did you take on a vow even though you only intended to joke?
Kenny Xiong's user avatar
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Why the Minimum Nazirship Length?

In Nazir 2:10, the Mishna states: :אֵין תִּגְלַחַת פָּחוֹת מִשְּׁלשִׁים יוֹם There can be no shaving for a period of less than thirty days. Meaning, if you were in the middle of one nazirship when ...
Checkmate's user avatar
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How did Chana vow that her son should be a Nazir?

How did Chana vow that her son (Shmuel hanavi) should be a Nazir, when the (Gemara Sotah 23a) says a woman can't impose Nezirut on her son?
yosef lavi's user avatar
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What's the story with nezirut Shimshon in hatarat nedarim?

In the standard text of hatarat nedarim, Artscroll has וכל מיני נזירות שקבלתי עלי חוץ מנזירות שמשון Koren has ואפילו נזירות שמשון There are three types of nezirut (maseches Nazir 1,2): nezirut ...
Heshy's user avatar
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