According to Halacha, a husband or a father have a right to object to their wife or daughter (if their daughter is still under their father’s authority) taking a vow. My question is, does this apply to them becoming a Nazirite as well?
1 Answer
The Ramba'm codifies this in nezirus (2:17):
נשים עובדים יש להם נזירות והאב או הבעל מפר נזירות האשה אם רצה כשאר הנדרים
A woman and a slave can be nazirites, and a father or husband can nullify a woman's Naziriteship if he wants to, like other vows.
The Kesef Mishnah there brings the mishna in Nazir (62b) as the Rambam's source. The mishna says:
חומר העבדים מבנשים שהוא מפר נדרי אשתו ואינו מפר נדרי עבדו
The previous Mishna taught that the naziriteship of women includes a stringency that does not apply to slaves. This mishna adds: There is a greater stringency in the case of slaves then in the case of women, as a man can nullify the vows of his wife but he cannot nullify the vows of his slave. (Sefaria translation)
Credit to shmosel for the source
2Indeed, you can add that Kesef Mishnah there points to the Mishnah on Nazir 62b as the Rambam's source. Commented Jan 21 at 23:04