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Are dageishim kalim absolute?

When a word starts with one of בגדכפת and the previous word ends in a vowel, usually the בגדכפת letter does not get a dageish unless it falls into one of the exception categories. What happens if you ...
Heshy's user avatar
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How come Sepharadim say "Boreh peri haGEFen" but "Shelo Asani AVed"

I think Hacham Ovadia has a footnote in Hazon Ovadia on Pesach (and probably elsewhere) in which he discusses why we don't use the pausal form of gafen instead of gefen. He writes (if i remember ...
Baal Shemot Tovot's user avatar
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Why does the Rambam change language?

In Hilchos Megillah V'Chanukah, the Rambam writes in 2:15 טו. כיצד חובת סעודה זו שיאכל בשר ויתקן סעודה נאה כפי אשר תמצא ידו, ושותה יין עד שישתכר וירדם בשכרות Why does the Rambam switch from ...
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