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Rav ha Meiri's interpretation of the term "notzrim" in Talmud Bavli-Avodah Zarah 6a and 7b

According to the legal determination established in Talmud Bavli -Avodah Zarah 6a and 7b, the halachic status of christians (“notzrim”) appears to be that of idolaters: Avodah Zara 6a Avodah Zarah 7b ...
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Why were the Ma'amad afraid of the Notzrim?

There is an interesting brief discussion at Taanis 27b which says that the Ma'amad would fast four days a week -- but never on Sunday. According to Rabbi Yochanan it is because they were afraid of ...
Bruce James's user avatar
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Gemara relating to Yeshua Hanotzri

Does anyone have a list of all the places where Yeshua Hanotzri is mentioned in the Gemara (and was redacted because of the Christian censor)? I found theses two places: Sanhedrin 43a Sanhedrin 107b
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