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23 votes
2 answers

Origin of the term Yoshke?

I have often heard Jews refer to Jesus as "Yoshke". Is the origin of that appellation based on halachic issues regarding mentioning names of foreign deities, or some other Jewish law or custom? When ...
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21 votes
2 answers

What was wrong with the word Talmud?

The Wikipedia article on The Talmud says: and Pope Pius IV commanded, in 1565, that the Talmud be deprived of its very name. The convention of referring to the work as "Shas" (shishah sidre Mishnah)...
Menachem's user avatar
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18 votes
7 answers

Is the title: "New" Testament offensive to Jews? Alternative neutral name?

Having lived in Israel during several periods of my life, I know that the words "Old" in the "Old Testament" and "New" in the "New Testament" are offensive to many Jews. From what I understand, it's ...
Butterfly and Bones's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Is there a problem with saying "for Pete's sake"?

Is there a halachic issue with invoking the name "Peter," or, as is more commonly used, "oh, for Pete's sake!," which I assume is a reference to Saint Peter. Wikipedia agrees with this conjecture, ...
MTL's user avatar
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13 votes
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Mentioning Yeshu's name?

Is there a source for not verbally (or in writing, for that matter) mentioning the name of Yeshu (the father of Christianity)? If there is such a source, what exactly is forbidden to say? Is it only ...
AEML's user avatar
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A Jew named Christian

I'm a gentile and my name is Christian. Would I face more aversion if I wanted to covert to Judaism than someone whose name is, say, Abraham? Would I be encouraged to legally change my name? Also, ...
Michael May's user avatar
11 votes
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Is there a halachic problem with saying "Christ" as a name?

Since (according to the Gra (YD 147:3), cited in this answer), there is no issue in saying the name "Jesus," would there be an issue in saying the name "Christ"? This name might be ...
Chiddushei Torah's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Referring to Gentile Priest as "Father"

Is it permissible to either refer to or address a gentile priest as "Father XXXXXXXXX"? What alternatives might there be?
Yehudah Yitzhar's user avatar
6 votes
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Is it allowed to say the country name "El Salvador"?

שולחן ערוך יורה דעה סימן קמ''ז says that it is forbidden to even mention the name of an עבודת כוכבים. Assuming that "Jesus" counts as this, is one allowed to say the name of the country "El Salvador"? ...
Joshua Pearl's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Christmas and Ex-mas

Why do some Jews refer to Christmas as Ex-mas? Is there anything wrong in Jews saying Christmas?
Chiddushei Torah's user avatar
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saying the word "Jesus" [duplicate]

The standard practice seems to be avoiding saying the word "Jesus" due to the halacha of שם רשעים ירקב, but some people seem to be willing to say it. Is there a heter for this? (Also, would this heter ...
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2 votes
2 answers

Where does it come from to call the founder of Christianity yashka padrik [duplicate]

There are many people who say we shouldn’t pronounce his actual name; but where does it come from to specifically call him “yashkah padrik”?
yaakov's user avatar
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The acronym יש״ו ימח שמו וזכרו

Is there any connection between the acronym יש״ו ימח שמו וזכרו and ישו the person? Is this just a coincidence, or does the acronym actually originate with the historical ישו?
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