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2 answers

If you take a COVID "smell test" every day, do you say a blessing on the scent?

Background Some experts recommend that everyone test their own sense of smell once daily. This can help to screen for the novel coronavirus disease. This is because COVID often (but not always) ...
Dani's user avatar
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Can one smell orla tree blossoms?

Follow-up to Can I make a bracha on smelling roses that may be orla? As per SA YD 294:1, orla only applies to trees which were planted for eating. Can one smell the blossoms of a tree planted for ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Whats the bracha for a line of cocaine?

When one feels the need to stimulate oneself by snorting a line of cocaine, would one say the bracha of besamim (spices)? Thank you in advance, this is not halacha l'maaseh.
Richard Lewis's user avatar
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Does one make a blessing on the scent of tea bags?

When I open a new box of tea bags, especially one that was sealed before I opened, I enjoy smelling the strong smell of the tea and/or various herbs that are in there. Does this require a birkas ...
MTL's user avatar
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Working and living with Chickens

If my shoes have come in contact with chicken feces through everyday work and there is a lingering smell even after washing them off, although faint it's still apparent to me, can I say brachos?
Yisroel's user avatar
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Blessing on Star Anise

Star anise is technically the fruit of the evergreen tree Illicium verum. However, this fruit is not used as an edible fruit, only as a spice. What blessing do the authorities determine is the right ...
Adám's user avatar
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How often must a worker in a spice store say "Borei Minei B'Samim"?

How often must a worker in a spice store say "Borei Minei B'Samim"?Pretty simple question. I assume that once per day? Or is he exempt because he is expose to it constantly and this is part of his ...
DanF's user avatar
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Should I make the bracha on spices when entering an Indian grocery store?

Indian grocery stores have several aisles containing many fragrant spices that are packaged in plastic bags. Should I say Borei Minei B'Samim? If so, should I say it upon entering the store or only ...
DanF's user avatar
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Do I make a bracha on smelling marijuana?

When we smell a nice plant, we make a blessing on it -- either בורא מיני בשמים, or בורא עשבי בשמים, depending on what kind of plant it is. (Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 216) Ignoring, for the moment, ...
MTL's user avatar
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Should I make a bracha on spice infused nasal spray?

My otolaryngologist (a.k.a. - ENT) uses a mint infused nasal spray to lubricate my nose. I once asked him to show me the spray bottle and the ingredients includes peppermint. Similarly, one of my ...
DanF's user avatar
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Bracha on smelling thyme?

I'd like to know what bracha to say on smelling thyme. Does it have סימני אילן as described in the helachos of borei pri haeitz? Biur Halacha on 216:3, "עצי בשמים", concludes that it needs to have ...
GFauxPas's user avatar
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borei menei b’samim, flowers and fresh mowed grass

Someone told me that if one stops to smell the flowers he should remember to make the borei menei b’samim. Where is the source for this in halacha? Does one make borei menei b’samim if he enjoys the ...
Chiddushei Torah's user avatar
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Should one say the blessing "borei minei besamim" on essential oils made exclusively from plant extracts?

Essential oils are useful for smooth skin and massage as well as aromatherapy. For those unfamiliar with what it is, please refer to this Article about essential oils. It is made primarily from plants,...
DanF's user avatar
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Does one make bracha "borei minei besamim" on incense or spice smoke?

I know that when you smell "raw" spices, you say "borei minei besamim". Can you make this bracha on the smokey smell when these spices are being burned? Some examples: If you burn an incense stick ...
DanF's user avatar
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Near a bad smell, one might want to do Sh'ma, the Amidah, blessings, study, or think Torah. Is halacha equally strict about all five acts?

"Just as one separates oneself from excreta, urine, a foul odor, a corpse and the sight of nakedness for Kri'at Shema, so too, he should separate himself for Shemoneh Esreh". —Rambam. Hilchos ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
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Difference between leaving place of eating and place of smelling besamim

We learn in Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 178 the laws if one leaves the place where they were eating if a new bracha has to be made or not when they come back (or if they change to a different place.) ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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If someone has BO and can't smell themselves, may they say blessings?

"Just as one separates oneself from excreta, urine, a foul odor, a corpse and the sight of nakedness for Kri'at Shema, so too, he should separate himself for Shemoneh Esreh". (Rambam. Hilchos Tefillah ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
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Bracha on Synthetic Smells

What is or is there a Bracha on Synthetically developed smells in the halachic literature and what is the source as I would Imagine artificial scents are a recent phenomenon?
simchastorah's user avatar
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New blessing on spices (besamim)

After reciting a blessing on spices (besamim), how much time must elapse before a new blessing is required? Or is this not time-dependent, but rather something that depends on one's attention (i.e. ...
Dave's user avatar
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